Are you ready for an overload of podcast recommendations? We’ve curated a list of the best podcasts for every topic imaginable, and we’re constantly adding new ones to the mix. Whether you’re interested in true crime, entrepreneurship, fantasy, or film, we have a podcast recommendation for you!
In this blog post, we’ll share our ultimate lists of themed podcast recommendations. And we’ve organized them under the following topics, so it’s super easy to find just the show you’re looking for!
Teaching and Academics
Lifestyle and Entrepreneurship
For the Foodies
True-Crime and Scary Listens
Film and TV
Fantasy and Sci-Fi
For the Next Generation
Bests of the Years
Teaching and Academics
Top Podcasts for Teachers

In our humble opinion, teachers are real-world superheroes! Besides tackling the weighty task of teaching all ages all that they need to know from an academic standpoint, they also have to know how to handle and navigate the emotions, moods, and learning styles of each individual placed in their care.
Besides taking care of classroom responsibilities, teachers have to wear many hats besides that of “educator”. From sports coach to art teacher, nurse, to referee, teachers definitely have their work cut out for them! And so we want to help ease their load by sharing some great podcasts especially created to help teachers out.
See the list here…
The Best Podcasts for College Students

College, whether you’re a freshman or senior, is stressful enough, without all these additional worries! So to help you navigate all that you need to handle as you make your way through your studies, we’re sharing some top podcasts just for college students.
See the list here…
Lifestyle and Entrepreneurship
This may be a Valentine’s inspired post, but learning to love yourself is important at any time of the year!
Top Podcasts All About (Self) Love

Our post today highlights some of the top self-love podcasts to help you learn to love yourself (because you’re pretty amazing!) and in turn, love others better. It is our belief that before we can truly show love to those around us, we need to be able to first love ourselves – sometimes easier said than done – but to help you along the way, these podcasts may be just what the (love) doctor ordered…
See the list here…
Top Feel-Good Podcasts

Whether it’s the decline of the economy, a worldwide pandemic, or the news of yet another politician serving anyone else but the people, there is A LOT to get us down. And don’t get me wrong. These are all very real, very serious issues we are all facing. But sometimes, we just need something to lift that heavy feeling and remind us that there is some good left in the world.
And when we need a little bit of upliftment, we turn to podcasts. We have a stash of our favorite feel-good shows stored on our podcast apps of choice to boost our spirits, brighten our days, and just give us a little bit of joy amongst all the bad that exists in the world.
See the list here…
The Best Podcasts to Help You Sleep

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how important sleep is. Not only does sufficient sleep improve our productivity and overall concentration, but studies have also shown that quality sleep can lower the risk of heart disease as well as strengthen our immune system.
But simply knowing how great a good night’s rest is for our minds and bodies does not guarantee that we get that sleep. In fact, on average, 30-35% of adults experience brief symptoms of insomnia throughout the course of their lives. So we’re sharing our current favorite podcasts guaranteed to whisk you away to Lala-Land and have you catching up on some quality zzz’s.
See the list here…
Top Podcasts for the Aspiring Minimalist

The minimalist trend has been on the rise for the last few years, with more and more joining the movement the longer we stay in lockdown. If you’re one of those who recognize the need for simplicity in your life and have aspirations to reach “minimalist status”, this post is for you. We’ve picked our favorite minimalist-focused podcasts to help you live your best, clutter-free life.
See the list here…
Top Podcasts to Improve Your General Knowledge

I don’t know about you, but I love trivia game shows! The BBC’s Pointless, Cash Cab (let’s be honest, who doesn’t dream of getting picked up by Ben Bailey and having those iconic Cash Cab lights go off?) and Jeopardy are just some of the trivia game-show greats. So we’ve put together a list of podcasts that will help amp up your trivia game and boost your general knowledge, ensuring that you’ll be well on your way to trivia glory.
See the list here…
The Best Podcasts to Inspire Your Productivity in 2022

To help us all avoid becoming Quitter’s Day statistics, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best podcasts to help boost your productivity and keep your goals on track for 2022!
Find the list here…
Top Podcasts for the Entrepreneur

There are some amazing entrepreneurial-inspired podcasts that cover every area of the business world to help you achieve success with your entrepreneurial endeavors. The hosts of these business-focused podcasts can become your personal mentors for every and any area where guidance is needed in your journey for success with your small business.
There’s a great mix of entrepreneur inspiration, financial advice, business growth insight, and marketing tips, as well as shows that offer you the support and encouragement you need to navigate the incredibly exciting, but often, equally terrifying journey of starting and running your own business.
See the list here…
For the Foodies
The Top 6 Podcasts for the Amateur Bread Maker

Bread making in all its delightful shapes and forms has experienced a huge spike in interest over the last couple of months. It’s an incredibly rewarding endeavor, but it can also be a little intimidating. Luckily for us, there are some tantalizing podcasts dedicated to all things baking that are here to lend us a helping hand.
From helping us understand the science of bread making to recipes of delicious treats, and even a show solely dedicated to the ever-popular sourdough loaf, these podcasts are simply the best things since, well, sliced bread!
See the list here…
Top Coffee Podcasts for Coffee Lovers

Are you mad about coffee? Do you consider yourself a caffeine connoisseur? Does the smell of that dark, delicious liquid brewing fill you with excitement? Well, then, my fellow coffee lover, then today’s post is for you! It’s filled to the brim with some totally delicious and addictive coffee-focused podcasts!
See the list here…
Podcasts for Moms this Mother’s Day

I’m sure we can all agree that being a mom is no easy task! You are a teacher, confidant, chauffeur, and nurse, often all in one day, all while you’re still navigating the ups and downs of life. To sum that all up, you’re a mom! But even moms need a little TLC. They need a little help along the way and the reassurance that they are A) Not crazy and B) Not alone in their journey!
There is a mix of practical, inspirational, and straight-up relatable shows to help you navigate motherhood, learn to take time out for yourself, and equip you for all this adventure called “Life” entails.
See the list here…
The Top 8 Podcasts for Top Dads

Being a dad is a tall order. The job description of a father is vast and varied, from the responsibility of being the family’s protector and provider, the need to be strong yet sensitive, the pressure to succeed in their place of work as well as wanting to be at home for all the special family moments, not to mention the burden of having to be the inspiration for all those Dad jokes!
So whether you need some encouragement, some dad-to-dad inspiration, or you just want to rest easy in the fact that other dads feel the struggle too, this list features some truly amazing podcasts featuring some pretty incredible dads.
See the list here…
Top Podcasts for the Holiday Season

Check out our list of some of our favorite podcasts perfect for the holidays. So if you’re looking for something else to listen to besides Michael Bublé, (he is great, don’t get us wrong!) these podcasts are just what you’re looking for!
See the list here…
The Best Podcasts for Your Holiday Playlist 2021

In our books, there’s no way to better celebrate than by listening to some excellent podcasts. So right about now, we start picking out our top contenders for the Ultimate Holiday Podcast List! But great podcasts are even better shared, so we’re sharing our picks with you!
Find the list here…
True-Crime and Scary Listens
The Ultimate List of Binge-worthy True-Crime Podcasts

It’s no secret that the true-crime podcasts have seen a surge in popularity in recent years. From Serial to My Favorite Murder, we’re hooked on the twists and turns and unbelievably real plots these podcasts dish up. So whether you’re looking for your next true crime binge-listen, or you’re just diving in to the genre and you don’t know where to start, look no further than this post.
Find the list here…
Top Spooky Podcasts to Give You a Thrill

If you’re looking for horrifyingly scary podcast recommendations, I’m certainly not your gal! (Perhaps a perusal on Podchaser will help you get your horror hit?) But, especially for all you thrill junkies out there, I’ve put on my big girl pants and have gathered together some top podcasts to give you a good ol’ thrill. I’ve even ventured into “spooky” territory for the sake of this list. (But at a safe distance…and only in the daytime…)
So, without further ado, let’s check out some of my top spooky listens for when you need a good thrill.
Find the list here…
Film and Television
The Best Podcasts for Film Fanatics

There are loads of film-focused podcasts hosted by film fanatics just like us to help see us through the rough patches. From rewatching and analyzing the classics to in-depth discussions on the best (and worst!) cinematic offerings, these podcasts give us the whole nine yards!
There are guest features from some of the biggest stars, there’s great “on-pod” chemistry, and buckets of hilarious banter to help keep the magic of the movies alive and kicking.
See the list here…
Top Companion Podcasts To Accompany Your Binge-Watching

Companion podcasts have proven themselves to be massive hits in the industry! And it’s not hard to see why! Companion podcasts for some of the top television series provide a space for in-depth discussions and deep dives into episode content, as well as a space to share behind-the-scenes details, divulge inside secrets, or just explore plot holes or other plot points – giving us the opportunity to feel even more connected to our favorite series.
And as confirmation that companion podcasts are a worthy sub-genre, production companies themselves are getting involved and launching official companion podcasts for some of their biggest hits. So now, for many of our favorite shows, we also get to hear directly from the actors and crew about all that went into making the show a success.
See the list here…
The Top “Rewatch” Podcasts

If you’re a television buff and haven’t discovered “Rewatch” podcasts yet, this list is going to blow your mind! Seriously! Imagine getting to rewatch your favorite show, AND get to discuss each episode in minute detail with others who love it just as much as you?
Rewatch podcasts have become a hot commodity in recent times, with more and more shows jumping on the bandwagon. These podcasts have been so well received in fact, that even those who starred in some of our much-loved shows are getting in on the action and starting their own rewatch podcast!
Find the list here…
Fantasy and Sci-Fi
Top Tolkien Podcasts in Celebration of Hobbit Day

You know, it’s a dangerous business, dear podcaster and podcast enthusiast, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to. But today, we know EXACTLY where are feet (or more accurately, our ears) are taking us! Straight to Middle-earth!
So whether you’re a Ringer or a true Tolkienist, boil up a cup of tea and get your breakfast and second breakfast (and elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper ‒ no judgment here!) ready, and tuck into these truly spectacular Tolkien-inspired podcasts.
Find the list here…
Eleven of the Best Stranger Things Podcasts

Did you know there are Stranger Things themed podcasts? And we just so happen to have collected Eleven (of course!) of our favorites!
Trust us, these are some of the best! And friends don’t lie! (See what we did there?) But don’t just take our word for it! We’ve also included what other fans of these podcasts are saying, so you’ll have some help picking the ones for you! (AKA, all of them!)*
So buckle up and enjoy!
Find the list here…
The Greatest Star Wars Podcasts in the Galaxy

Not so long ago, in a galaxy very much like our own, the much-anticipated Star Wars Celebration was set to take place in Anaheim, California from the 27th to the 30th of August, 2020. But due to safety concerns amid the global pandemic, the event, like so many others of its kind, was canceled, set to return in the year 2022, and Chewbaccan-like wails were heard around the world!
But never fear! (Because fear, according to Yoda, is the path to the dark side! Yikes!) We’re sharing our favorite Star Wars Podcasts in the Galaxy so that the Celebration can continue in the safety and comfort of your own home! So buckle up and get your lightsabre ready, Padawan, because these Star Wars Podcasts are out of this world!
Find the list here…
Our Top 9 (and ¾!) Harry Potter-Themed Podcasts

There’s no denying that Harry Potter is a phenomenon the world over! When the first book hit the shelves way back in 1997 (yes, it was that long ago!) it, along with the books and movies which followed, took the world by storm. If you, like so many, simply can’t get enough of the Harry Potter magic, then this post is for you! Whether you’re a Ravenclaw or Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, a die-hard fan or absolute newbie, you’ll love these Harry Potter-themed podcasts!
Find the list here…
For the Next Generation
21 of the Best Podcasts for Kids in 2021

Did you know there are so many amazing podcasts for kids? This is great news if you’re looking for some creative ways to cut down on all that screen time!
Podcasts are great as they provide entertainment that is both engaging AND educational.
Today, we’re sharing 21 of the best kids’ podcasts. These are guaranteed to keep even the most reluctant child entertained while boosting their imaginations, and their knowledge, and will take them on so many exciting adventures.
Find the list here…
Top Podcasts for Kids by Kids

Did you know that there are some truly awesome kids podcasts, made by kids, for kids? We LOVE that kids (some even as young as six years old – impressive right!) are getting involved in the podcast industry, whether hosting, writing, and in some cases, even editing their own shows, and that they are already taking the podcasting world by storm. They’re proof that the podcasting sphere is truly for everyone – whether young or old – and that there is a space for everyone to share their story and talents with the world.
Find the list here…
Bests of the Years
21 of the Best Podcasts of 2021…So Far!

It’s time to take stock of some of the amazing podcasts we’ve been listening to in 2021. And then, of course, we had to share our top picks with you!
So with no further preamble necessary, here are 21 of the best podcasts we’ve enjoyed in 2021…so far!
Find the list here…
A Collection of the Best Podcasts of 2022 (So Far!)

2022 has been another incredible year as far as amazing new podcasts are concerned! And we’re sure there are way more to come!
But you don’t just have to take our word from it! We also share what other fans are saying about the podcasts in question!
But for now, check out our picks for the best podcasts which have graced our ears in 2022.
Find the list here…