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Recap of the This Is How We Podcast Event - Storytellers Edition

This Is How We Podcast Event – Storytellers Edition

We Edit Podcasts’ Founder and CEO Carli van Heerden and I recently had the amazing opportunity to attend the second This Is How We Podcast event for 2024. Which was again held in the “Mother City” of Cape Town, South Africa.

This Is How We Podcast is an event by The Podcast Catalyst. And the visionary behind both of these entities is Sean Loots. Sean is still forging ahead, doing incredible things for the podcasting space. Both through the Podcast Catalyst, as well as through his own show, Something Shifted.

I recently interviewed Sean for We Edit Podcasts’ In The Spotlight series. And it was great to hear his insights on the podcasting landscape in South Africa. You can find that post here.

And if you are a podcaster or are in the podcasting space and you want your turn In The Spotlight, reach out to me at!

this is how we podcast event Carli van Heerden, Jennay Horn

This podcast event was the second in the series of the This Is How We Podcast events, but the heart remains the same, to elevate the status of podcast creators in South Africa. 

But more than that, it’s to create a collaborative space where all kinds of podcasters can glean the wealth of knowledge from those who have been making podcasts successfully for some time already.

The most recent This is How We Podcast event was dubbed “The Storytellers Edition”. Because at the heart of a good podcast is a great story. But you have to know how to tell it! And the guests selected to share at the event are true powerhouses when it comes to knowing how to craft a narrative, whether that’s through audio only or through visuals.

We’ll break that down in a bit. But first…

Sean Loots in Conversation with Podcaster Nicole Engelbrecht

First up, Sean interviewed Nicole Engelbrecht. Now, if you’re a fan of true crime podcasts, then Nicole needs little to no introduction, as she is the creator and host of the True Crime South Africa Podcast. It’s an incredibly popular show, both in South Africa as well as further afield.

True Crime South Africa Nicole Engelbrecht

And part of the reason why Nicole is so good at what she does is because she’s a master storyteller. Her stories always include lots of human details – this is often the key to drawing the listeners in and getting them to care about the story being told. But she’s also just so good at getting the heart of each story to shine through.

During their interview with Sean, Nicole shared some of the things she’s proudest of on her podcasting journey. Topping that list is the community that she’s built around her show. Her Facebook group currently has over 20,000 members, which is incredibly impressive. But more than that, the group carries Nicole’s heart for telling the victim’s stories and carries her ethos – and this is what makes her community extra special.

Nicole also answered all kinds of questions from the audience. One key piece of advice she gave was how to find your voice as a podcaster. Her best tip is to not try to sound like what you think people want to hear. You have to be yourself. Because you can’t pull off being fake for too long!

Nicole was also asked what’s kept her going for so long – particularly as it was quite a lonely journey for her for most of it. And her answer rings true for all kinds of podcasters – it’s the listener feedback that keeps her producing episode after episode. 

As well as the feedback she receives from the families whose stories she’s telling.

Or when there’s a lead on a cold case! 

My biggest takeaway from their interview was how focused Nicole is on telling the victims’ stories. It’s not about sensationalism for Nicole – which is so easy to veer off into, particularly in this genre. And “storytelling” can be ‘misused’ here to just create hype. But to truly tell the victim’s story requires skill, restraint, and care. And Nicole has this in spades!

Nicole has also just released her second book! SIZZLERS: The hate crime that tore Sea Point apart recently hit the shelves. It shares the horrific story of what is considered to be one of the worst mass murders in SA. It’s another incredibly important story that Nicole felt the need to tell.

Nicole, we wish you all the best as you continue to make waves in the podcasting space and beyond!

Part 2: Visual Storytelling Presentation By Mirandi Nel and Curt Ruiters

The second part of the event’s festivities was a presentation by Mirandi Nel, who runs Stellar Stories, and Curt Ruiters, founder of Quickclick Productions.

Both Mirandi and Curt are incredible visual storytellers in their own right.

And together, they gave a fantastic presentation where they shared the vital elements podcasters need to create a video creator’s toolkit. 

This was a really great asset to this storytellers’ edition of the This Is How We Podcast event, particularly with the rise of the video podcast, as well as the need for podcasters to be able to effectively promote their shows via all the different social media channels. Video is simply just the best way to gain traction on these platforms, but knowing how do to so well is the key!

Mirandi and Curt shared openly and expertly about how to take great images and videos with the simplest of tools. They covered the best phone settings, light set-ups, and so much more, really breaking down any perceived barriers that you need to be a film master to make great videos!

They also opened the floor and fielded all kinds of questions with ease and expertise. They really wanted to impart their knowledge and ensure we all left with way more insight than we came in with!

Once again, the latest This Is How We Podcast event is really just a great snapshot of all that is happening in the podcasting space in South Africa. And it’s just so exciting to see all that is taking place in the country when it comes to podcasting and podcast creation!

But don’t just take my word for it! Here are some snippets and takeaways from attendees as well as from many of the guests of honor!

First up…

Nicole Engelbrecht

“My first few years as a podcaster were pretty lonely so I love these events where aspiring and active podcasters as well as podcurious people all get together in one room. I learn as much from others as they may from me, even when I’m the one speaking at the event and it’s just really nice to network within the community. 

Sean Loots is amazing at putting these events together and his passion for podcasting really comes through. [The most recent] podcast event in particular was valuable for me because of the presentation by Mirandi and Curt. As much as I am super comfortable behind the mic I struggle hugely with video so their toolkit and easy ways to use your phone to create content was really insightful.”

If you love true-crime podcasts, check out True Crime South Africa!

And don’t forget to get your hands on a copy of Nicole’s latest book, SIZZLERS: The hate crime that tore Sea Point apart.

And speaking of Mirandi…

Mirandi Nel

“It was once again a lovely experience to attend the “This is How We Podcast” event. The energy in the room was incredible – podcasters were all eager to share their knowledge and experiences, creating a supportive community. It was also insightful to listen to Nicole Engelbrecht and Sean Loots’ discussion, leaving me feeling inspired.”

Mirandi and Curt’s “video creator’s toolkit” was a really practical lesson for podcasters looking to get into video and visual storytelling. Curt summarizes his vision of their presentation and gives some extra encouragement here…

Curt Ruiters

“In summary, if your goal is to begin creating content and sharing your unique story with the world, the best tool to start with is in your pocket [your smartphone]. There are plenty of tools available to make your content stand out, it just takes a bit of learning. Don’t get left behind and keep learning, it’s fun!”

Michail Petersen

Here’s some feedback from event attendee, Michail Petersen. Michail is a soon-to-be-official podcaster. (You can follow the Their Perspective Podcast Instagram account here as well as his YouTube Channel here in preparation for the launch of the show!) Michail shares what he found most valuable about attending this event:

“Community Support: This is How We Podcast fosters a supportive environment within the podcasting community, where attendees feel valued and encouraged to grow. Through events like these powered by organizers like Sean, podcasters gain practical tools and knowledge to enhance their shows and improve editing and recording techniques. 

(This is where Carli and We Edit Podcasts really helped me way before this event by sending me templates for helping me get guests onto my podcast.) (You’re welcome, Michail!)

Do you want those templates, too? Reach out to us and we’ll send them along!

Collaborative Spirit: The event showcases a collaborative spirit among podcasters, with a shared mission to elevate the industry. Attendees freely shared insights and expertise, contributing to the overall growth and success of podcasting in South Africa.”

And finally, some great feedback from attendee and podcaster, Jared Whitfield, one half of Dumpster Salad…(which is a super fun podcast name, am I right?!)

Jared Whitfield

“As always, the This is How We Podcast event was a super inviting experience that provided a great moment for us podcasters to chat, share ideas, and provide support for each other. Nothing refreshes my excitement for podcasting like these events. The live episode with Nicole was very reassuring and insightful about the care that we need to be putting into our shows, while the presentation about video content creation was a very good basic course on content creation that really leveraged phone technology. It was a great way to introduce creators to how to use video, despite the hesitancy from podcasters who are guarded against the idea of using video.

I have come to look forward to these events for both the potential insights, as well as seeing the podcasters I now get to call friends.

Overall these events never fail to excite me and provide opportunities for us all to grow together. 10/10 event.

XOXO, Dumpster Salad”

One Final Note!

Finally! Another big shoutout to Sean Loots from The Podcast Catalyst for all the work that goes into making a podcast event like this possible. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to make it all seem so effortless! So we salute you for all you’re doing for the podcasting space!

And, as always, we’re looking forward to your next event!

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