February flew by in a flash! But we can’t say “Goodbye!” to the month of love without showing ourselves a little love…
Because February just so happens to be our birthday month! We Edit Podcasts turns seven this year! Seven! Talk about time flying by!
And what a grand seven years it’s been! Of course, there’s been many ups and downs, but we’re happy to say that the ups far outweigh the downs, and we’ve loved being able to serve our clients for the last seven years.
We’ve also loved being part of such an incredible industry! The podcasting space is a really special place, and we’re so excited to see how much it’s grown and developed in such a relatively short span of time. And we can’t wait to see all the growth that will continue to happen as more and more people fall in love with the podcast medium.
And while we haven’t had time for a big birthday bash – we’ve been a little busy with some super cool projects we have brewing in the pipeline – we couldn’t let the opportunity for a little celebration to pass us by.
So, in honor of our 7th birthday, we’re taking a trip down memory lane to look back at some of our favorite posts over the years.
1. Top 16 Guides to Help You Start Your Podcast

Industry experience has shown that there are countless benefits to starting a podcast, and that it can lead to growing your business through loyal fans and increased interaction with your target audience.
Building a successful podcast takes a lot of hard-work and commitment through the process. However, as Pat Flynn says “Setting up a podcast is not push-button easy, but it’s not rocket science either!”
If time and effort are put in to your show, your audience will grow, your business will grow and your revenue too. So, let’s look at the top 16 guides to help you start your own podcast.
2. 21 Things To Do Before You Hit Record

Some podcasters need little-to-no prep time before diving into the recording of an episode, while others need a routine to get their mind clear of cobwebs and ready to record. Fatigue, a lack of comfort, distractions, and a disruption of routine can all lead to a poor podcasting performance. Now the following list may not be exactly what you need to get in your podcast groove, but you might get a few ideas of new things to try if you just don’t feel comfortable yet! These 21 tips can not only help you in your podcasting but can also aid in improving overall mental and physical health. Check it out, and see which ones help you!
3. 17 Storytelling Podcasts To Binge-Listen

Everyone loves a good story; whether it be by movie, book, or, maybe not as popular but just as entertaining, by podcast. In the age of binge watching series on Netflix, comes the medium of podcasting where stories can be told to listeners while driving, running, working out, or relaxing at home. Today we bring you some of our favorite story telling podcasts for your binge-watching enjoyment!
4. 11 Steps For Attracting New Podcast Listeners

Every podcast has the goal of growing both in quality and in quantity. Your listener base is what determines your show’s success. So naturally, a big listener base means a more successful show. However, not every podcast is destined for immediate success, in which case groundwork is required! There are a few very effective methods available for you to use that will assist in growing your podcast’s listener base!
5. Why You Should Care About Your Podcast Launch

So why should you care about your podcast launch? To make sure you get the most out of all the hard work you put in and give your listeners the incredible content they were looking to find! Keep in mind, even if you have the most successful podcast launch, it might take some time to gain the traction you were looking for. So use your podcast launch as a springboard to set the precedent for what listeners can expect going forward, consistently showing up for them in every way you first set out to!
Now that we’ve established that your podcast launch is important, let’s dig in a little deeper!
6. 8 Top Interview Softwares for Recording Your Podcast Remotely

If you haven’t recorded a remote interview before then the first time might be challenging. But no matter the challenges it shouldn’t stop you from recording high-quality content!
Now the biggest question you’ll have is what are the top recording software and what makes them unique to suit your podcasting needs?
To help answer this question, we’ve put together a list of the top 8 software for recording your podcast remotely.
7. How to Get More People to Actually Listen to Your Podcast

One of the biggest goals most podcasters have is to actually get more people to listen to their show. But how do you do this in a sea of podcasts, especially when you’re just starting out or your podcast just hasn’t taken off like you had expected it to?
Often times it’s a combination of a few different strategies rather than one single thing that’s holding your podcast back from reaching its potential. It can be anything from low discoverability to a lack of personalization. Whatever it might be, it is time for you to review your podcast and see what changes you can make to expand your audience reach.
There are a few things you can do to help persuade more people to take the time and listen. So let’s take a look at a few key things to consider.
8. 10 Editing Tips to Increase Your Podcast Sound Quality

Any podcaster will tell you that what you’re really after, before you’ve built a strong podcast community around your show, and have gathered loyal listeners who eagerly await each new episode to drop, is a podcast that sounds amazing. High-quality audio is essential to a successful podcast, but great-sounding audio doesn’t just happen. There is a lot that happens behind the scenes in order to produce a stand-out show. We’re talking about the editing process.
Expert editing can be the difference between a great show and an absolutely amazing show, but it can be a time-consuming endeavor, and you may not feel like you have the skill set you need to really do the job well. Enter, this post, which aims to equip you with some handy editing tips and tricks to help you improve the sound quality of your podcast. And because we only want to give you the absolute BEST editing advice, we’ve had our team of expert podcast sound engineers share their ultimate 10 editing tips to help amp up your podcast sound quality. Get your notebook, your iPad, your bullet journal, or whatever you use for serious note-taking ready – you’re going to want to write these tips down!
9. How to Find New Topics For Your Podcast Episodes

We’ve all heard of writer’s block, and we’re all familiar with runners hitting that dreaded sticking point known as “The Wall”, but what happens when podcasters hit their own invisible barrier and can’t seem to find the needed inspiration to plan more content? And in all honesty, we’re not necessarily headphone laden Da Vinci’s in search of our own personal Mona Lisas! Don’t get me wrong, smiling muses are great and all, but our needs are much more simple – we just need reliable sources of inspo for our podcast episodes.
If you’re with me, and have found yourself in a creative drought at some point in your journey, let today’s article serve as a cool cup of water in the barren desert of ideas as we discuss 3 simple ways to find new topics for your podcast episodes.
10. 13 Free Tools for Starting a Podcast on a Budget

So, you want to start a podcast? GREAT! But you’re on a budget? No problem! Creating a high-quality podcast on a budget is a totally-achievable goal!
We’ve got you covered with amazing tools to help you make your podcasting dream a reality for the high cost of free! Yip! We’re sharing 13 top free tools to help you succeed each step of the way on your podcasting journey!
There’s no time (or money!) to waste! Let’s get right to it!
11. 21 of the Best Podcast Directories of 2021

Ever wondered how podcasts get from the podcast host to your ears? Through some cool technology and the use of podcast directories!
But there are a lot of options available! How do you know which directory you should be using for your podcast? And how many should you be using? To help give you a little more clarity on the subject, we’re sharing this list featuring 21 of the top podcast directories in 2021.
Now onto the list!
12. 10 Bad Habits to Break to Take Your Show to the Next Level

Today, we’re talking about bad habits…and I don’t mean that catchy tune by the musical maestro who is Ed Sheeran.
The problem with bad habits is often, we don’t actually know we have them…until they’re pointed out to us. Either by a close friend, a motivational speaker, or sometimes, unfortunately in the case of podcast hosting, by our critics…
The great news is that bad habits can be dropped like, well, a bad habit! And this post is here to help you do just that. We’re sharing the 10 most common bad habits we see podcast hosts struggle with.
Use these to evaluate yourself and your podcast, and you can then make the necessary adjustments to redirect your podcast on the path marked, “Success”!
13. 18 of the Best Podcast Newsletters for 2022

Podcast newsletters are an incredible resource for anyone in the podcasting industry. What could be better than thought-provoking articles, breaking news, and insight on industry developments sent straight to your inbox?
So, if you’re seeking great podcast recommendations or simply want to stay up to date with what’s going on in the podcast world, keep reading! We’ve got all this and then some!
In this post, we’ll share some of the greatest podcasting newsletters you should subscribe to in order to receive the newest episodes and stay up to date on all things podcasting.
In Closing
What a ride it’s been! We’re so thankful to all our clients over the years, and to all the friendships we’ve formed along the way! And we can’t wait to see what the next trip around the sun has in store!
So, Happy Birthday, We Edit Podcasts! And here’s to many more!