Today on the Founder’s Corner, I want to share a concept that has really stuck with me recently. We know at the beginning of a year, everyone is talking about the goals you want to set for yourself. But what I often find is lacking is that step between writing down these amazing goals, and these amazing goals actually being accomplished. So I wanted to share a phrase that has revolutionized this for me. 2024 is going to be the year we “be about it” because we’re going to learn how to become our goals in 2024!
But first…
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!
Now, let’s dive into today’s post!
Be About It! How To Become Your Goals in 2024
I keep coming back to this one simple phrase I heard the other day:
“Be about it.”
It is truly so uncomplicated, and tells you exactly what to do. In fact, we all know how Nike puts it… just do it!
Now, you might be feeling down on yourself for having completely missed the New Year’s resolution boat with some of your goals. Today I’m here to tell you not to be so hard on yourself.
Let’s forget about setting more New Year’s resolutions, because clearly, that ship has sailed. And instead, let’s focus on getting in on the long-haul journey.
Whether you are looking to launch a podcast this year, or grow your audience, or approach partnerships for monetization – everything takes time!
So just get comfortable with the fact that these things don’t happen overnight so that we can focus on how to get there.
Now, here’s the key:
Instead of just setting your goals, how can you actually BECOME them? This is what I mean when I talk about the phrase “be about it.”
Don’t just talk about what you’re going to do. Be about it.
Don’t just sit around criticizing others for the way they’re reaching their goals. Be about it.
Don’t get distracted by your fears and insecurities. Yup, you guessed it…be about it!
So today, let’s dive into three keys to becoming your goals.
3 Steps to Becoming Your Goals in 2024

1. Be about the ACTION
Of course, this has to be number one. If we’re following the “be about it” roadmap, then our first step is going to be to take action.
When you dive into James Clear’s concept of identity-based habits, it states that goals centered around identity are a lot more likely to stick than those based on outcomes. So again, focus on becoming the goal rather than the outcome!
Now, what are you doing each day to ensure that you are moving forward? If your goal is to monetize your podcast have you:
- Gathered all your metrics and data?
- Found potential partners that align with your podcast?
- Outlined your payment structures?
- Beefed up your podcast resume?
And the list goes on.
There is always some action you can take each day to become your goal of monetizing your podcast.
2. Live your INTENTION
In order to live your intention, let’s first understand what it means.
“An intention is an idea that you plan (or intend) to carry out. If you mean something, it’s an intention. Your goal, purpose, or aim is your intention. It’s something you mean to do, whether you pull it off or not.”
So if your goal is your intention, then LIVING your intention is most certainly the path towards becoming your goal.
Now, if your goal is to have an active and engaged podcast audience, then LIVE like someone who already has an active and engaged audience.
Whether that’s by sharing personal insights with your audience, answering live questions in the community, or sending thank you messages to your listeners – simply be about it!
Read more about how to turn your audience into a community here.
3. Avoid unhelpful DISTRACTIONS
Finally, become aware of all those pesky and unhelpful distractions! These become time-sucks that keep us pre-occupied and off-track from actually becoming our goals.
If you’re so busy becoming distracted, you can’t busy yourself with becoming your goals.
Now, these distractions can be anything from your own doubts, to unhelpful commentary from bystanders, and even from failures and mishaps along the way.
Just because your download numbers aren’t as high as Joe Rogan’s, don’t discount yourself from getting the paid partnership that you want.
You might only be a few episodes into your podcast, but that doesn’t mean you can’t actively build the engaged community you dreamed of!
Again, these are just distractions.
Shake them off, don’t get sucked in, and get back to focusing on taking forward action!
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter.
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