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Ep 27 Dolly

027: From Systemization to Automation: Making Podcast Magic Happen with Dolly DeLong

Are you struggling to implement reliable systems to support you in the podcasting process? Then look no further than today’s conversation with Dolly DeLong on how to leverage systemization and automatic processes to create a sustainable schedule! Based in Nashville, Dolly isn’t just your ordinary family photographer. She’s a systems and workflow educator who’s mastered the art of podcasting magic. Her Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast and YouTube channel are excellent resources for anyone wanting to learn more about systems and workflow. 

In this episode, we explore Dolly’s journey into podcasting and how she seamlessly integrates systems and workflows to support her process. From her efficient batch recording system to leveraging CRM tools like Dubsado, Dolly exemplifies how taking a considered approach to organization leads to podcasting success. You’ll also learn about her unique monetization tactics and the power of private podcasts in growing your business. Tune in for actionable strategies and inspiring anecdotes from Dolly’s podcasting playbook!

Takeaways From This Episode:

We all know that something BIG happened in 2020 that forced many companies to pivot and diversify their streams of income. It was no different for Dolly. When the pandemic hit, she leveraged her skills to expand into the second half of her business where she serves as a systems and workflow educator, which included starting the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast to bring more brand awareness to the education side of her business!

As a systems workflow educator, Dolly firmly believes in leading by example. Batch recordings are an excellent way to create a sustainable system for your podcast. For Dolly, she uses three days at the beginning of each month to record between nine and 12 episodes, which sustains her for the next two to three months. This system has been hugely effective in organizing her time and helping her compartmentalize and create a sustainable schedule.

If you have a CRM system for your business, why not leverage it for your podcast? Dolly hated the idea of getting bogged down in emails with her guests, so she used Dubsado, the CRM tool she uses for her photography business, to streamline communication and organization. It took some extra work on the front end, but it was totally worth it in the long run!

How can you tell if your podcast is doing well? Dolly tells us her strategy of giving herself a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) day once a month so that she can check on how things are going. Find out how she engages with these metrics and how you can implement the same principles on your podcast.

There are lots of ways to approach monetization in podcasting. Even though Dolly has been podcasting for several years, she has only recently started monetizing using sponsors. One of the key monetization strategies she’s landed on is partnering with other small businesses whose products you use. That way, your passion for their product is sincere and it’s more likely to appeal to your audience. Plus, you can mutually uplift one another as small businesses!

If you aren’t familiar with private podcasts, they are essentially made for a limited, private audience, with episodes that aren’t available to the general public. Dolly tells us why she is such a fan of private podcasts, the key lessons she has learned from doing them, and how they can help you lean into your referral network, create conversions, and grow your business.


“If you want to have a podcast – maybe give yourself six months. It took me three years because I had a lot of imposter syndrome.” — Dolly DeLong [0:07:15]

“Anybody who’s willing to learn and educate and be very humble [and say] ‘Hey, I don’t know it all; but I’m willing to teach it, I want to teach it, and I have a passion to teach it,’ [you are] definitely ready.” — Dolly DeLong [0:09:42]

“I knew that I did not want [podcasting] to take control of my whole work week. I wanted it to be a small sliver of my work week or at least batched out once a month to make it work for me so that I can work on other money-making tasks.” — Dolly DeLong [0:12:02]

“My strategy is inserting a lot of ads that are centered around systems and workflows and then drive traffic to those affiliate links.” — Dolly DeLong [0:27:12]

Resources from Today’s Episode:

Dolly DeLong Photography

Dolly DeLong on YouTube

Dolly DeLong on Instagram

Dolly DeLong on Facebook

Dolly DeLong on Pinterest

Systems and Workflow Magic

Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast

My First Million



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