With an increase in podcast popularity and more than a thousand podcasts to choose from, it is understandable that more and more apps are being released to make enjoying these podcasts more accessible. Listening to podcasts has become a part of the daily routines of so many people and finding ways to enjoy it in your own way is just as important.
So, whether you are already using an app or haven’t quite found one that has all of the features you are looking for, we’ve put together a list for you to check out some of the most popular podcast apps that are out there today.
Apple Podcasts

We all know this one! Especially when it comes with your iPhone. It’s a great podcast listening app as well as the best compatibility with iOS.
It works on all products using iOS (Macbook, iPad, Apple Watch) and is very easy to navigate and use.
Listen here: Apple Podcasts

Spotify might be more well-known for their music streaming but since podcasting has become more popular they have created a section for podcast streaming as well. With Spotify, you can listen to the podcasts you love and enjoy music from all over the world. So whether you’re behind the wheel, working out, partying or relaxing, the podcast is always at your fingertips. Choose what you want to listen to, or let Spotify surprise you!
Listen here: Spotify

If you’ve listened to podcasts then you most likely know about Stitcher. It’s one of the most popular podcast-listening apps, offering you the ability to search for episodes, creating playlists and enjoying all kinds of podcast topics. Use Stitcher as your news app and podcast hub to receive updates in real-time based your favorites and recommendations based on your listening
Listen here: Stitcher

SoundCloud is the world’s largest music and audio streaming platform with 200 million tracks and counting. SoundCloud is a well-known music streaming app, but has opened themselves up to streaming podcasts as well. You can download SoundCloud on a variety of devices as it is available on Web, iOS, Android, Sonos, Chromecast, and Xbox One.
Listen here: SoundCloud
Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts is a new podcast player for Android users, where they can discover and listen to the world’s podcasts. You can subscribe to any podcast for free and download episodes for offline playback. All your listening is automatically synced across devices so that you can pause on one device and resume on another with the Google Assistant.
Listen here: Google Podcasts

If you are equally a social media fan and a podcast fan then this is most definitely the podcast listening app for you. Breaker is the #1 social podcast app with over 500,000 podcasts available. With Breaker, you can follow your friends to see what they’re listening to and discover new podcasts from the Breaker community. This also allows you to like and comment on episodes and a chance to chat with your friends about your favorites.
Listen here: Breaker
Castaway 2

Castaway is a minimalist podcast app for playing and managing audio podcasts. Features include browsing podcasts by what’s popular, by podcast networks, or searching for podcasts by name or author. You can also subscribe to your favorite podcasts or listen to individual episodes from the directory without the need to subscribe to the entire podcast. You can also receive notifications of new episodes and adjust the playback rate.
Listen here: Castaway 2
Castro 3

Castro 3 is a full-featured podcast player that makes it easy to track and manage many podcasts at the same time. Castro 3 allows you to queue up hours of podcasts at a time and enjoy a seamless listening experience with CarPlay compatibility, chapter support, trim silence and more. Castro 3 gives you the option to archive old episodes you want to listen to another time and it also has iMessage and is compatible with the Apple Watch.
Listen here: Castro 3

Downcast is a powerful, complete, and easy to use podcast player that will help you manage and listen to podcasts the way you want to. The app is also compatible with an iPad, Apple Watch and CarPlay Support. Downcast is great for organizing your podcasts, you will even be able to sync your progress with iCloud so you can pick up exactly where you left off.
Listen here: Downcast

iCatcher is a podcast listening app that allows you to enjoy your favorite podcasts either by streaming it live or downloading it and enjoying it at a later stage. It allows you to customize your playlists, adjust playback, find new podcasts, and easily share what you’re listening to with friends and family over social media.
Listen here: iCatcher

Overcast is a modern, fully featured audio podcast player with many useful features in a simple, intuitive interface. It is a powerful yet simple podcast player, with Smart Speed, Voice Boost, and Smart Playlists to help you listen to more podcasts in more places, try new shows, and completely control your experience. Overcast is ad-supported, with the option of purchasing Overcast Premium to remove ads.
Listen here: Overcast

PodCruncher is a full-featured podcast app. Download and stream episodes, manage subscriptions, create playlists, discover new podcasts. You can expect features such as playback control, playback speed control, gestures, landscape view, sleep timer, and a multi-speed slider. You can easily manage your playlists and share episodes by email, Twitter, Facebook
Listen here: PodCruncher

RSSRadio is an advanced Podcast playback app, available on the App Store since 2010. RSSRadio pioneered many features that are commonplace today and continues to evolve. It offers you the chance to search for your shows by keywords and categories. You can view the top podcasts or enjoy the podcasts that they suggest for you based on your previous decisions. RSSRadio is also synced up with your iCloud, so you never lose your saved podcasts.
Listen here: RSSRadio

With BeyondPod, users can have all of the power and control to decide what they want to listen to. Play thousands of free audio and video podcasts from all over the world! With nearly 3 million downloads, BeyondPod’s streamlined interface and powerful controls give you easy access to millions of audio and video episodes from small publishers like local radio stations to “big name” publishers like CNN, ESPN, BBC, CBC.
Listen here: BeyondPod

Doggcatcher allows you to manage your podcasts and news feed with the first Android Podcatcher. They make you as user their top priority. Their app makes finding your favorite podcasts easier and thus giving you more time to enjoy and find other podcasts you might like. You will be able to enjoy offline playback, variable speed playback, and categories for feeds.
Listen here: DoggCatcher
Player FM

Player FM is the podcast player that refuses to compromise. Download podcasts with Player FM and listen offline with no display ads. Player FM syncs up with your iCloud account to help you keep track of your podcast history while organizing your podcasts in any way you’d like. Player FM integrates with many devices and platforms including Android Auto, Chromecast, WearOS, TeslaUnread, TalkBack, Samsung Gear S notifications, LG Quick Circle™, Music Boss, Podchaser, Drivemode, RockScout, Wearcasts, and more.
Listen here: Player FM

Podbean Podcast App is top trending podcast apps of global best 2017 in Google Play Store. Podbean Podcast App is an easy to use podcast player for podcast fans, offering a super clean layout and easy to navigate interface. With millions of popular podcasts to choose from, you can stream or download your favorite podcasts anywhere, anytime for free. Podbean enhance your podcast listening experience with intelligent speed, volume boost, customizable playlist, and all the best podcast feature
Listen here: Podbean
Podcast Addict

Podcast Addict allows you to manage Podcast, Radio, Audiobook, Live stream, YouTube, Twitch, SoundCloud channels, and RSS News feeds from a single app. They have aligned themselves with Chromecast and Sonos, which has allowed them to provide extra features that other apps might not have. You can filter playlists by type, such as the episodes you are currently listening to.
Listen here: Podcast Addict
Podcast Republic

Podcast Republic allows you to manage your Podcasts, Radios, Audiobooks, YouTube channels, SoundCloud channels, and RSS news and blog feeds within a single app. You can enjoy live streaming your favorite podcasts or saving the episodes you like on an SD card to enjoy at a later stage. This app is ads supported, with the option of removing ads through an in-app purchase.
Listen here: Podcast Republic

Podkicker is a free app and one of the most popular podcast managers for Android. Their Channel tab lists the podcasts you currently subscribe to, the Episode tab lists the 200 latest episodes from all your subscriptions, and the Downloads tab lists the episodes you have downloaded to your device. It also features a minimalistic design, has Chromecast support, Flattr integration, automatic download, car mode, sleep timer and more.
Listen here: Podkicker

Castbox is an award-winning podcast player and podcast app to find, save, download, and listen to your favorite podcast, FM, radio, and audiobooks. With Castbox you get access to over 95 million audio content including podcasts, audiobooks, FM, radio and more in 27 different countries on your Android device. Castbox allows you to search your favorite podcast by name, keywords, and in-audio text.
Listen here: Castbox

Laughable is a paradise for podcast lovers & comedy fans, and it’s completely free. Laughable focuses on bringing a little comedy into the lives of all of its users. They offer you podcasts of all genres as well as connecting you to thousands of comedians, journalists, athletes, musicians, politicians, and authors. With Laughable you can look up podcast series, episodes, & artists with ease white also listening at your preferred pace, from 1x up to 2.5x.
Listen here: Laughable
Pocket Casts

Pocket Casts is the world’s most powerful podcast platform, an app by listeners, for listeners. Their podcast player provides next-level listening with search and discovery tools. Find your next obsession with their hand-curated podcast recommendations for easy discovery, and seamlessly enjoy your favorite shows without the hassle of subscribing.
Listen here: Pocket Casts

Whether you’re a first-time podcast listener or you’re a long-time podcast addict, RadioPublic’s free, easy to use podcast player for Android makes listening to podcasts simple, enjoyable, & fun. Their Podcast Librarians regularly highlight award-winning podcasts, picking shows at the top of podcast charts like Apple Podcasts from NPR, WNYC, & PRX like This American Life, Criminal, & Serial while digging deep to surface small indie podcasts.
Listen here: RadioPublic
Spreaker Podcast Radio

Podcast listening is personalized with Spreaker Podcast Radio. Enjoy thousands of recorded podcasts, streams, and live broadcasts are at your fingertips. Spreaker provides curated lists spanning a wide range of new and original podcasts. With a Favorites section and automatically generated playlists such as Listen Later, Likes, Downloads, and History, Spreaker helps tailor your listening experience to your own habits and tastes.
Listen here: Spreaker Podcast Radio
TuneIn Radio

Listen to your favorite radio stations for free with TuneIn Radio. With over 100,000 radio stations, TuneIn has the largest selection of sports, news, music and talk radio from around the world. With the free TuneIn Radio app, you will be able to enjoy features such as streaming real radio stations from around the world live, enjoying live coverage of sporting events, concerts and more.
Listen here: TuneIn Radio

AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that gives you instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts, from independent podcasters to large publishing houses such as the BBC, NPR, and CNN. Download, stream or queue episodes and enjoy them with adjustable playback speeds, chapter support, and a sleep timer.
Listen here: AntennaPod
Featured Image: NordWood