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15 Podcasts For The Self Improving Student

Everyone is a student. Whether by the formal definition of attending university/ school, or by learning everyday outside of the classroom. In reality, we all learn until we die (though not necessarily the traditional school content) but rather by ways of self improvement, real life lessons and skills, and adapting to our surroundings. There are many resources available to aid both learning in and out of the classroom, but let’s focus on our favourite; podcasts. Below are 15 podcasts for the self improving student! Enjoy!

1. The College Info Geek Podcast: Study Tips & Advice for Students

Thomas Frank and Martin Boehme from College Info Geek dive into the strategies and tactics that the best students use to be awesome at college. Inside this podcast, learn how to study better, hack your habits to learn more in less time and be more productive, build a personal brand that will make you insanely attractive to the companies you actually want to work for, and get tips to pay off your student debt fast and start making money. This podcast will help you become an awesome student, no matter if you know your university like the back or your hand, or if you can’t even find your classes.

Check out the show here: College Info Geeks Podcast

2. Habits 2 Goals Podcast

If you have ever struggled to achieve your goals, know that you are not alone! The reason behind your struggles just might be because all of the prior goal achievement methods you turned to have missed the ONE key element— habit! The Habit Factor® is a bestselling book and app that exposed a timeless truth and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster! There’s a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhD’s and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®. Tune in to this podcast ot learn The Habit Factor’s method for goal achievement and how to use Habit Alignment Technology™ to achieve your most important goals faster than you ever thought possible!

Check out the show here: Habits 2 Goals Podcast

3. Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Grammer Girl was the winner of the Best Education Podcast in the 2017 Podcast Awards. The podcast provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Grammar Girl makes complex grammar questions simple with memory tricks to help you recall and apply those troublesome grammar rules. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer.

Check out the show here: Grammar Girl

4. ABA Law Student Podcast

The ABA Law Student Podcast is presented by the American Bar Association’s Law Student Division. The podcast covers issues that affect law students, law schools, and recent grads. From finals and graduation to the bar exam and finding a job, this show is your trusted resource for the next big step.

Check out the show here: ABA Law Student Podcast

5. Good Job, Brain!

The Good Job, Brain Podcast is part pub quiz show, part offbeat news. They are nuts about trivia and believe there are people out there who share their unusual obsession. Do you relish beating your friends at Trivial Pursuit? Do you blab out the answers at the gym when Jeopardy! is on? Then this podcast, fellow trivia nut, is the ultimate mental nutrition for your very big brain.

Check out the show here: Good Job, Brain!

6. TED Talks Daily

Want TED Talks on the go? Every weekday, the TED Talks Daily feed brings you their latest talks in audio format. Hear thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world’s leading thinkers and doers. This collection of talks, given at TED and TEDx conferences around the globe, is also available in video format.

Check out the show here: TED Talks Daily

7. The Tony Robbins Podcast

“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?” Tony Robbins, the #1 Life and Business Strategist, has helped over 50 million people from 100 countries create real and lasting change in their lives. In this podcast, he shares proven strategies and tactics so you, too, can achieve massive results in your business, relationships, health and finances. In addition to excerpts from his signature events and other exclusive, never-before-released audio content, Tony and his team also conduct deeply insightful interviews with the most prominent masterminds and experts on the global stage.

Check out the show here: The Tony Robbins Podcast

8. Brain Software with Mike Mandel

Hypnosis, NLP, self-improvement and fun. The Brain Software Podcast is life changing information packed into a 5-star podcast that will have you laughing while you learn. Mike Mandel is a 6-time award winning hypnotist, immensely popular keynote speaker, stage performer, psychotherapist and NLP trainer. He has been doing hypnosis since he was 12 years old. Mike has an amazing ability to demystify hypnosis, teach core concepts, and tell highly entertaining and engaging stories from his decades of professional experience. Nothing is held back.

Check out the show here: Brain Software with Mike Mandel

9. The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

The Partially Examined Life is a philosophy podcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. Each episode, they pick a short text and chat about it with some balance between insight and flippancy. You don’t have to know any philosophy, or even to have read the text they’re talking about to (mostly) follow and (hopefully) enjoy the discussion.

Check out the show here: The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

10. Science for the People

Science for the People is a weekly syndicated radio show and podcast. They are a long-format interview show that explores the connections between science, popular culture, history, and public policy, to help listeners understand the evidence and arguments behind what’s in the news and on the shelves. Every week, our hosts sit down with science researchers, writers, authors, journalists, and experts to discuss science from the past, the science that affects our lives today, and how science might change our future.

Check out the show here: Science for the People

11. The $100 MBA Show

Awarded Best of iTunes, The $100 MBA Show is a new kind of podcast where you simply get better at business with their practical business lessons for the real world. These no fluff episodes are packed with only the pure business building training you want. Omar Zenhom shares some of the best lessons, concepts, examples and insights from inside The $100 MBA training and community. Omar also calls upon some of the industry’s top experts as guest teachers on the show. Again, no backstories or promotions, just solid business lessons from the best in the game.

Check out the show here: The $100 MBA Show

12. Hack the Entrepreneur

Hack the Entrepreneur is a podcast for entrepreneurs looking to develop their success mindset. People who are looking for their next business idea, getting started online, and how to start a business. They understand that starting a business and doing work that matters is not always easy, but it is worth it. From solo entrepreneurs to startup founders, digital nomads to Amazon FBA, they discuss what it takes to be successful with building a SaaS company, affiliate marketing, passive income ideas, coaching and consulting, content marketing, and starting a small business. You will hear from experts such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, James Altucher, Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Brian Tracy, and Jordan Harbinger.

Check out the show here: Hack the Entrepreneur

13. Conscious Business with The Corporate Yogi

Conscious Business with The Corporate Yogi helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses by investing in their mindset and personal development. Each week this podcast delivers practical business advice fused with ancient spiritual wisdom. You’ll learn from Julie’s wisdom and be inspired by her authenticity. Conscious Business is cheeky, educational and full of entertaining stories. It’s time to bring spirituality out of the closet and into the boardroom.

Check out the show here: Conscious Business with The Corporate Yogi

14. Unleash Yourself

Paralyzed by fear? Held back by doubt and lack of self-confidence? Wish you could finally feel UNLEASHED? In each episode of the Unleash Yourself podcast, Michael Carbone chats with incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs, Olympic athletes, and online celebrities, to find out how they took action in the face of fear and overcame massive roadblocks in their lives in order to keep chasing their dream. Get inspired today and realize that if they can do it, so can you.

Check out the show here: Unleash Yourself

15. Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates

Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates bring Oxford-style debate to America – one motion, one moderator, two panelists for the motion and two against. From clean energy and the financial crisis to the Middle East and the death of mainstream media, Intelligence Squared U.S. brings together the world’s leading authorities on the day’s most important issues.

Check out the show here: Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates

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