Are you considering launching a podcast on YouTube?
Fun fact: Did you know that according to this survey, YouTube is the preferred platform when it comes to podcast listening?
That’s quite the statistic!
So, based on that, it’s fair to say that sharing your podcast via YouTube is a pretty good idea!
But just how do you go about starting a successful podcast on YouTube?
You keep reading, that’s how! We’ll walk you through everything you need to know about starting your podcast on YouTube.
1. Reasons for starting a podcast on YouTube

So, in case you need a little more convincing that YouTube as a home for your podcast is a good idea, here are some reasons why YouTube is a great place to start a podcast.
- First, YouTube has a huge audience of potential listeners. With over two billion users monthly users, there’s a great chance that your podcast will find an audience on YouTube.
- Secondly, YouTube is a very visual platform. This means that you can add images and videos to your podcast, which can help make your content more engaging.
- And thirdly, YouTube is actually a really powerful search engine. If you position your podcast correctly, you have a great chance of popping up when users are searching for content related to your niche.
So if you’re thinking about starting a podcast, particularly if your topic or niche lends itself well to video, YouTube is definitely worth considering.
2. What equipment do you need to start a podcast on YouTube

If you’re starting a podcast on YouTube in addition to your audio podcast, you will already have some of the equipment you’ll need for a video podcast.
But if this is your first dive into the world of podcasting, take a look at this post where we discuss the basics of podcasting equipment.
Now onto the video podcast-specific equipment…
A Camera
It should come as no surprise that your first addition to your usual podcast recording set-up is a camera. This is YouTube we’re talking about after all! The choice of camera really depends on your available resources. The cameras on the latest smartphones can really give exceptional quality. But depending on what type of video podcast you’re wanting to launch, investing in a DSLR camera may be the way to go.
A Tripod or Camera Stand
A tripod or camera stand is a very necessary piece of equipment to help you produce professional-looking videos. Not only does a tripod make it easy to record smooth footage, but it also allows you to get the best shot by giving you control of the set-up.
The key to great videos is control. You want to be in control of as many elements as possible. Perhaps most importantly, you want to be able to control the lighting. This will help all your video podcast episodes look the same. But it also means that you can record whenever, as you’re not dependent on the natural light. Lighting equipment will also add a professional appearance and feel to your videos.
Ring lights are popular with vloggers and influencers, but with a little investigating, you’ll find what is best suited to your set-up and budget.
Video Editing Software
We’ll cover this in more detail further down the post. So for now, we’ll just state that you will need specific software for video editing.
3. Plan your content

Okay, so I’m already of the opinion that an easy-breezy, “off-the-cuff” sounding podcast is usually the result of at least some sort of prep. Even if you have tons of niche knowledge and are really comfortable behind a mic, if you want to make sure that your podcast episodes are jam-packed with value, there has to be some sort of script or outline involved.
Otherwise, it’s far too easy to get off-track or go off on a tangent. On some occasions, these can be fun for your audience. They can help give a natural, conversational feel to your podcast, and this can strengthen the connection between you and your audience.
But too many tangents or too many “inside jokes” can read as self-indulgent. (A bit harsh perhaps, but I stand by it!) And can actually alienate your audience, who will eventually tune out if the content no longer serves them.
And so, some sort of prep and scripting is necessary, IMHO.
But when it comes to starting a successful podcast on YouTube, I’ll double down on this advice. With a standard podcast, that’s for your ears only, while some sort of plan for each episode is necessary, it is fairly easy to trim, cut, and paste the audio to get the final product you’re after.
If you went off on a tangent in the middle of a sentence, for instance, you can carefully snip that out, and your audience should be none the wiser.
But with video, it’s a bit more complicated.
Any cuts you make to the middle of your clips will usually result in a type of ‘jump’ that’s often visually noticeable.
And distracting, if this happens often enough. And if you’re unable to hide these well with some form of transition or another, then the end product will just look weird.
So, bottom line? To share your podcasts on YouTube successfully will require that you spend sufficient time planning and carefully prepping your content.
Related read: Here are 7 Simple Tips for Scripting Your Flawless Podcast
4. Record your first episode

Prepping for a first podcast episode requires you to set up your equipment correctly, so it’s performing at it’s best. It also requires that you set up your equipment in a quiet, sound conducive location. And as we’ve shared before, this quiet location can be anywhere from a spot in your office that’s carpeted and curtained, to your closet. We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again, “Location, location, location!”
And when it comes to recording your first episode for YouTube, this is still the motto!
While you’re still after somewhere that gives you the best audio possible, because there’s now a visually element involved, your location for your video podcast also has to look great! We’re talking set-up, aesthetic, lighting, it’s all got to be great if you want your podcast on YouTube to hold it’s own among the rest.
So, before you actually record your first episode, run a few screen tests. Find the spot that pops, and then it’s “light, camera, action!” for that first episode.
5. Edit your episode

Next step, editing! Video editing requires a little more technical skill than audio editing. Especially if you’re after a top-notch final product.
It also requires specialized software.
For the more basic video edits, you could look at programs like iMovie (for iOS), OpenShot, or ShotCut.
[For more insight into video editing software for beginners, check out this YouTube video: Top 5 Best FREE VIDEO EDITING Software (2022)]
If you’re looking for more advanced programs, you could consider Adobe Premiere Pro, or for Apple users, there’s Final Cut Pro.
The great news is that even if you’re not all that comfortable yet with video editing, there are some great tutorials that you can find on YouTube. (Where else?)
And just a note before that final save. While YouTube supports many file types, the platform recommends exporting your final episodes as an MP4 video format.
6. Promoting Your Podcast on YouTube

You’ve done it! You’ve started a podcast on YouTube, and have a few episodes recorded, edited, and you’ve uploaded your first few episodes!
Whoohoo! You officially have a podcast on YouTube!
But we want your new podcast to not only be “on YouTube”. We want it to be successful. And that means consistently growing your audience and getting your content in front of more ears and eyes with each epsiode you upload.
But in order to do that, you’re going to have to put on your marketing hat and come up with effective ways to promote your podcast.
Luckily for you, most of the strategies for promoting your usual, audio-based podcast with also work really well for your podcast on YouTube. You can find an overview of all the ways you can go about effectively promoting and marketing a podcast here:
But because your podcast is on YouTube, there is a relatively new YouTube feature that podcasters can use as a way to promote their podcast on the platform.
YouTube Shorts allows you to share bite-sized videos. This could be a fun and really effective way to drive viewers to your full-length episodes. To find out just how to use Shorts, check out this video.
In Conclusion
Starting a podcast on YouTube is definitely a good idea! If you’re looking to expand your current audience, you’re looking to share your content with a visual element, or you’re looking to launch your very first podcast, YouTube is really a great option!
Check out this post for all the basics of launching a podcast, and then onboard all the tips from this post, and you will be able to launch a successful podcast on YouTube!
Got any questions about starting a podcast on YouTube? Reach out to us in the comments!
Related read: How To Use YouTube to Grow Your Podcast Audience