Monetization | We Edit Podcasts A Podcast Production Agency Wed, 11 Oct 2023 08:54:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Monetization | We Edit Podcasts 32 32 How To Find the Right Sponsors for Your Podcast Wed, 12 Jul 2023 12:00:00 +0000 If you’re looking to take your podcast to the next level and monetize your passion, finding the right podcast sponsors is a crucial next step. Monetizing your podcast through sponsorship is the most common first step into podcast monetization. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of finding the right sponsors for […]

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If you’re looking to take your podcast to the next level and monetize your passion, finding the right podcast sponsors is a crucial next step. Monetizing your podcast through sponsorship is the most common first step into podcast monetization. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of finding the right sponsors for your podcast, sponsors that align with your podcast’s content and values.

Because that’s really the key for success when you’re looking to monetize your podcast through sponsorship. From understanding your target audience to discovering where you can look to build up your potential sponsor list, we’ll provide you with valuable insights and actionable tips to help you secure the perfect sponsors for your show. Let’s dive in and unlock the potential of sponsorship opportunities to fuel your podcasting success!

Podcast Sponsors as a Podcast Monetization Strategy

podcast monetization

But before we get into the “how” of finding the right sponsors for your podcast, let’s talk about podcast sponsors as a podcast monetization strategy. This is a really popular podcast monetization strategy for a number of reasons.

Firstly, it allows you to make money from your podcast without having to create any of your own products or create additional content. In addition, it can be a great way to build relationships with brands and companies who might be interested in working with you in other ways down the line.

But the reason why we think it’s a really great way to monetize a podcast is because it can work for shows of almost any size, provided they have a loyal audience. (And this is one of the reasons why we’re such big advocates of building a strong podcast community around your show.)

Looking to build your own podcasting community? Then check out the Podcasters Platform! The Platform is a great place to meet fellow podcasters, enhance your podcasting skill set through the courses provided on the Platform, and just a great space to gain the support and encouragement of others on the same journey as you. For all this and so much more, we highly recommend signing up to the Podcasters Platform today! 

If you can show potential sponsors that you:
  • Have a loyal audience, and that they…
  • Trust what you say…

You can prove to these potential sponsors that your podcast is a great candidate for sponsorship. Because this shows potential sponsors that there is a high probability that any ads or promos placed in those sponsored episodes will convert.

*NOTE: We recently shared a post about how to negotiate a deal with your podcast sponsor. It’s a helpful read…after this one!

But before you can have any of those conversations, you have to first find those potential sponsors for your podcast. So, back to the topic at hand, how to find the right sponsors for your podcast. We have eight key strategies to share with you today that will help you zero in on who could be the right sponsors for your show.

Let’s get into it!

Strategies for Finding the Right Sponsors for Your Podcast

how to find the right sponsors for your podcast

1. Understand your audience

First up, you have to have a really clear understanding of your audience. What do they like? What are they passionate about? What do they do for fun? No question is irrelevant here. You want to really know who your audience is. You should have created a really clear audience profile when you first started your podcast, as this is what helps you consistently create the kind of content they’re after. (If you haven’t done this yet, we highly recommend doing it now!)

But as you look to monetize your podcast through sponsorship, and finding the right sponsors, it’s time to refine this audience profile even more.

Because if you know what your audience is in to, the problems they have, and the products and services that would appeal to them, you’re already on the right path for finding the right sponsors for your podcast.

2. Look at your niche

The next strategy for finding the right sponsors for your podcast is to look at your podcast niche. Define this clearly. Then, start looking for those brands and businesses which fall within the same niche as your podcast.

Why is this so helpful?

Because if you can find brands that are within the same niche as your show, they will serve the same target audience. Meaning your listeners will already be who these brands and businesses are targeting as their customers and consumers. And this means it will be that much easier to secure a YES when you approach these brands as sponsors.

Show that your audience is their audience, too, and you’re likely looking at one of your next podcast sponsors!

3. Look at aligned niches

For Strategy 3, you’re opening up your search by looking at niches that are aligned to your podcast niche.

This strategy follows the same reasoning as the above. But in this case, your target audience provides the opportunity for the brands to reach a wider audience and find new customers. Something that any brand or business is always looking to do! 

So if you can show that by sponsoring your podcast, these brands or businesses would have a fantastic opportunity to attract new consumers and expand their reach, that’s a win for you when it comes time to approaching and securing potential podcast sponsors!

4. Look at other podcasts

Our next strategy for finding those top-notch sponsors for your podcast is to scope out other podcasts.

Other podcast hosts could potentially be great sponsor options for your show!

The key for this strategy working effectively is to focus on podcasts that serve the same target audience as yours. Think about it. Since your podcast audience is also their podcast audience, sponsoring your podcast is a great way for them to grow their audience.

This could also lead to some great connections being made and friendships being forged between your fellow podcast hosts. And that’s always a win!

finding podcast sponsors

5. Leverage your personal circle

Next up, another really good place to look for podcast sponsors are within your personal circle.

Your network is a great resource to go through when you’re looking for potential sponsors. These people already know you, like you, and trust you. So it makes sense that they would be willing to sponsor your podcast. Think of friends, family members, business contacts, or even former colleagues who could potentially be interested in sponsoring your show.

As a more strategic approach, you could focus your attention on those friends, colleagues, or acquaintances who work in industries relevant to your podcast. If they’re not the right fit as sponsors, they might be able to introduce you to suitable sponsors or provide valuable advice on how to approach sponsorship opportunities.

Another avenue of potential podcast sponsors to explore within your circle are your local businesses. Local businesses are often overlooked but can be a great source of sponsorship. Local businesses, such as restaurants and small stores, know they have to compete with larger brands. But usually don’t have the budget for marketing. You can offer them an affordable way to get their name out there while helping you grow your podcast and monetize your show at the same time. There could be tons of potential here!

6. Utilize podcast networks

If you’re looking for a more structured approach to finding sponsors, podcast networks can be a great option. These podcast networks help to create exclusive sponsorship opportunities with popular brands and companies that are looking to advertise on podcasts.

These networks and agencies act as intermediaries, connecting podcasters with potential sponsors. They have established relationships with advertisers and can help match you with sponsors that align with your podcast’s niche and goals.

If you want to read further on the stats surrounding podcast advertising, check out this report from Sounds Profitable: The Medium Moves The Message.

7. Attend industry events

Another strategy to find potential podcast sponsors is to attend podcast events. Podcast-focused events, conferences, and meetups provide excellent opportunities to network with potential sponsors.

Not only can you learn more about the industry and hear from other podcasters, but you can also meet potential sponsors face-to-face. This can be really beneficial because it helps you build strong relationships with these sponsors. Engage in meaningful conversations with industry professionals, be prepared with your “elevator” pitch, and you could be leaving with some fantastic podcast sponsors. Or, at the very least, the potential for future collaboration opportunities.

Related read: Exciting Podcast Events Happening in 2023 Part 2

8. Ask your audience! 

Finally, ask your audience! Who better to inform the decision-making process when it comes to successful podcast sponsorship than the people you’re actually creating your content for!

So reach out to your audience and find out what brands they love. You can do this through surveys, polls, social media, or through your podcast newsletter.

Your audience picks would make great candidates for your potential podcast sponsors, as you will then be able to show these brands that your audience is already interested in what they offer. This would then, obviously, be a great opportunity for these brands to convert your loyal podcast listeners into their loyal customers and supports. That’s what we call a win for all!


As you prepare to find the right sponsors for your podcast, remember that this is a process. And it’s a process that requires determination, strategic planning, and perseverance. There are going to be some “no’s” along the way. That’s life. But there are definitely ways to stack the odds in favor of more “yes’s”.

By leveraging the strategies we’ve discussed in this blog post, you can enhance your chances of attracting potential sponsors that will be more likely to give you a postive response. Because you’ve been strategic about who you’ve approached.

Remember to always keep your audience at the forefront as you build up your list of the potential sponsors. This really is the key to finding the right sponsors for your show. Have the relevant data ready, showcase your winning personality and your passion for your podcast, and you’ll be one step closer to landing the right sponsors for your podcast!

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How to Negotiate a Deal with a Podcast Sponsor Wed, 07 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 As a podcaster, one of the best ways to monetize your podcast is by getting a sponsor. However, getting a sponsorship deal can be challenging, especially if you are just starting out. The good news is that podcast sponsorships are attractive to sponsors. (Just check out the latest podcast ad spend stats here!) And with […]

The post How to Negotiate a Deal with a Podcast Sponsor first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>

As a podcaster, one of the best ways to monetize your podcast is by getting a sponsor. However, getting a sponsorship deal can be challenging, especially if you are just starting out. The good news is that podcast sponsorships are attractive to sponsors. (Just check out the latest podcast ad spend stats here!) And with the right approach, you can get good deals that benefit both you and the person, business, or brand looking to sponsor your podcast. In this post, we will discuss the basics of podcast monetization through podcast sponsorship. And we’ll also share our industry tips on how to approach negotiation with a podcast sponsor to ensure that you secure a successful partnership that aligns with your content.

Negotiating Your Way to a Successful Partnership with a Podcast Sponsor

how to negotiate with a podcast sponsor

1. Be prepared

To negotiate a successful podcast sponsorship deal, you must have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. This is really the first step for any strategy that hopes to meet with success. But it is particularly important when we’re talking about securing a podcast sponsor. So as you look for opportunities to monetize your podcast through sponsorship, begin by defining clear goals and what you hope to gain from the sponsorship. This could be financial gain, exposure, or increased engagement from your listeners. Having clear goals allows you to know what you should be asking for from a sponsor and helps you stay focused during the eventual negotiations.

2. Know your audience

Sponsors want to know that they are reaching their intended audience and that their brand is being exposed to the right people. You’re also more likely to land said sponsors if you’re shortlisting potential sponsors who already align with your audience. So before negotiating with a sponsor, take time to understand your audience demographics. This is obviously something that you should do as you’re starting out on your podcasting journey. But it’s important to brush up on this as you start to enter into monetizing your podcast through sponsorship.

This includes making sure you understand basic demographics such as their age, gender, interests, and spending habits. But go deeper. Think about products they like, the type of shows they’re into, and the brands they likely support. This information will help give your sponsor an understanding of who they are reaching and the value of their investment in your podcast.

3. Have a budget in mind

Sponsorship deals are not one size fits all, and it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your value and what you’re looking for as well as what you are willing to accept. By defining how much you would like to receive from potential sponsors, it gives you a foundation upon which you can start the negotiation process. It’s very difficult to proactively negotiate with sponsors if you have no idea if what they’re offering you is competitive.

If this is the first time you’re venturing into this kind of territory, it can be difficult to know what a competitive podcast sponsorship rate is. But thankfully, this is a pretty hot topic in the podcasting space, so there are some really useful resources out there! Posts like this one are a great place to start as you establish the budget for your podcast sponsorship strategy.

4. Don’t be afraid to negotiate

Before you can successfully negotiate and land a podcast sponsor, you need to get comfortable with negotiating. We can give you all types of tips for negotiating with a potential podcast sponsor. But if you’re fearful of the process itself, you more than likely will find it difficult to put any of our tips into action, because that fear will hold you back.

Now, it’s totally understandable that you’re nervous to negotiate. And that’s okay. That’s the whole point of this post. To equip you with the tools you need to enter into negotiations with confidence. We want to help you overcome this apprehension. But you first need to settle any fear you have attached to the process. Remember that negotiation is a natural part of many business processes. It’s not inherently good or bad. Negotiation is also not conflict. (This is often a reason many of us are afraid to negotiate.) Negotiation is simply working together with another party to land on an outcome that is beneficial to all.

And with that being said, let’s get to what you’re all here for. Our practical tips for successfully negotiating with your podcast sponsor.

Tips For Negotiating With Your Podcast Sponsor

As we mentioned above, many of us quiver at the mere thought of having to enter into negotiations with potential sponsors for our podcasts. Some may have even completely dismissed sponsorship as a viable podcast monetization method for their show because of their apprehension to negotiating.

But as we’ve also covered, we need to shift our thinking around what negotiations really are. We need to not be afraid of them if we want to enter into them and achieve a successful outcome.

However, that being said, there are definitely some tips, or rules of engagement, if you will, for negotiating that you can apply to build your confidence in the process, as well as to help you successfully land a podcast sponsor…or two.

We’re laying out those rules of engagement for you below. So you feel more confident entering into negotiations with any potential sponsors.

1. Always Be Genuine

The first tip for successfully negotiating with potential sponsors is to always be genuine.

Remember, people are usually very good at sensing whether someone is being genuine or not. Although it may not become apparent immediately, we are usually able to gauge whether or not individuals are being authentic and honest with us after only a couple of interactions. In some cases, we know right off the bat.

But why is this important when it comes to negotiating?

Because you want to show right off the bat that you are who you say you are, your show is what it says it is, and you can offer your sponsor what you say you can offer.

Starting the negotiation process with honesty and authenticity will help get the ball rolling in the right direction. It ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards a common goal from the beginning.

2. Do Your Research

Another vital tip for successfully negotiating with a podcast sponsor is to do your research. Why? Because knowledge is power, and this power will give you so much confidence as you enter into negotiations!

There are actually two types of research we suggest doing. We’ll cover the first type here, and the second in the next tip. First, you want to research and get a good understanding of the language used when we talk about podcast sponsorship and podcast ads. This is super helpful as it means both you and your potential sponsor can “talk business” without there being any misunderstanding. But this type of knowledge is important for you as a podcaster as it will help you secure the best deals for your podcast.

3. Research and Short-List of Potential Sponsors

You then should thoroughly research potential sponsors.


Because in order for you to tip the scales in your favor, you want to approach brands that align with your target audience. This will be a key point in moving your negotiations along. If you can show that sponsoring your podcast in some way will get the brand or business a direct line of communication to their target audience, half the negotiation battle is already won.

Brands already aligned to your niche and to your audience will be that much easier to land, as your audience would already be interested in the brand and its products. This helps make your podcast appealing to those potential sponsors, and more likely to offer you sponsorship.

tips for podcast monetization through sponsorship

4. Be Prepared with Your Stats

Next up, you want to be prepared with your stats. Here, we’re talking about your podcast stats. This is more positive evidence to help land your podcast sponsors. You want to be able to present possible sponsors with stats pertaining to your download numbers over different time increments, your average number of subscribers or followers, and even your top-ranking episodes.

Here you could also include your social media following, and the kind of engagement you enjoy on your chosen platforms. Again, all this data helps paint a picture of your audience and your podcast for your potential sponsors. And can help you show them that your podcast would be a fantastic sponsorship opportunity. 

5. Reach Out to Other Podcasts.

Another great tip for boosting your negotiation confidence is to talk to your fellow podcasters. Particularly ones with similar audience sizes as yours, or who fall in the same or similar niches and have already successfully landed some sponsorship deals. It can be really helpful for all concerned to hear first-hand encounters with podcast sponsors.

That’s truly one of the best things about being a part of the podcasting industry. So many podcasters are more than willing to share their experiences with you. And you can do the same for them. And in doing that, not only do you gain valuable intel for the negotiation process, but you also strengthen the bonds between you and your fellow podcasters, and so build your podcast community.

Looking for an awesome podcast community to join? Check out the Podcasters Platform.

6. Know Your True Value

Tip Number 6, Know Your True Value is a tip that helps build your self-confidence, and so build your general confidence in the negotiation process.

Understanding who you are, the value your podcast offers, as well as the value you can give to a sponsor, will help you immensely as you negotiate deals with sponsors.

Use the knowledge you have of your audience, as well as those stats to your advantage and use them to build a picture of the value you bring to the table.

And speaking of value, our next tip for successful podcast negotiating is…

7. Consistently Provide Value to Your Audience

Value-packed episodes can be a great way to swing negotiations in your favor. If you consistently provide high-quality podcast episodes, you make it that much harder for sponsors to turn you down! Because who wouldn’t want to align themselves with something that is adding so much value to their particular target audience?

Always serve up podcast episodes that are high-quality and jam-packed with value, and you’ll make it that much harder for sponsors to turn you down.

8. Be Prepared to Negotiate

Next up, be prepared to negotiate. We have covered a version of this tip above, but it’s important enough that it needs to be included in our list of tips for podcast sponsor negotiations. You need to be ready to negotiate, and you also need to be ready to settle.

Sending out cold emails and approaching sponsors can be scary. So we find that just the mental switch of, “I need to be ready to negotiate.” when you send out those initial emails and start getting some responses can really help put you in the right mindset to enter into those conversations with confidence.

And then you also need to be prepared to settle. That is part of successful negotiating, too. There will be times when you won’t get everything you’re looking for from a particular sponsor. Yes, there are times when you can push the negotiations further. But there may be other times when you need to consider your options and be ready to settle for what the sponsor if offering. (Obviously within reason! Which is why it’s so important to know yours and your show’s true value.)

Negotiation is often about finding the middle ground, and if both sides are happy with that middle ground, then your negotiations have been a success.

9. Over-Communicate

And finally, tip number 9, over-communicate. One of the things we’re referring to here is over-communicating your expectations. Right from the beginning, make it really clear what you offer a potential sponsor, as well as what you’ll be offering them should they choose to sponsor your podcast.

It’s always, always better to over-communicate – the worst thing that can happen to negotiations is for one side, or both, to make assumptions about what they think the other side is offering

Dropping hints or inferring your thoughts and expectations when it comes to negotiations is not going to get anyone anywhere. So you need to be very clear, and you need to over-communicate.


The key to securing a successful podcast sponsorship deal is to approach negotiations with preparation and understanding. Remember, negotiating is not something to be feared. If you pick the right people to approach from the beginning, negotiating is simply the art of finding what is most beneficial to all involved.

Know your goals and be ready to showcase the value that your brand brings to the table. Show that you understand your audience and show how you and your podcast will offer value to your sponsors, and you will have set yourself up for success when it comes to landing a sponsor for your podcast. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to successful sponsorship deals that help you monetize your content and take your podcast to the next level.

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How Do Podcasts Generate Money? Mon, 22 May 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Podcasts have become a popular medium for creatives and storytellers of all types to share their message with the world. And as the industry has grown marketers, entrepreneurs, businesses, and brands have jumped on the bandwagon. And this is mainly because podcasting provides an easy channel through which anyone can share valuable knowledge, and build […]

The post How Do Podcasts Generate Money? first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
Podcasts have become a popular medium for creatives and storytellers of all types to share their message with the world. And as the industry has grown marketers, entrepreneurs, businesses, and brands have jumped on the bandwagon. And this is mainly because podcasting provides an easy channel through which anyone can share valuable knowledge, and build an audience. (When I say ‘easy’, I’m referring to the relatively low barrier to entry. I am in no way implying that creating a successful podcast is easy. Because it’s not. But that’s a discussion for another time and place!) And once your podcast is up and running, a very common “next question” concerns podcast monetization and is usually along the lines of, “How do I monetize my podcast?” In short, you want to know if podcasts actually can generate money. And then, you want to know how podcasts generate money.

In this blog post, we will break down the different ways podcasters can monetize a podcast. With consistency, diligent effort, and some intentional strategizing, you will find that, indeed, your podcast, can, actually, generate money!

Let’s check out all the ways your podcast project can turn into a steady stream of income.

How Podcasts Generate Money

how podcasts generate money

1. Advertising

One of the most common ways podcasters make money is through advertising. Advertisers look for popular podcasts that cater to their target audience. Podcasters place ads in their shows, either at the beginning, middle, or end of each episode. The ads can either be ‘baked-in’ or they can be dynamically inserted. Using this method of monetization, podcasters usually get paid for each ad they run, and the revenue varies depending on the agreement they have with the advertiser.

This is often a simple first strategy when podcasters are looking to use their podcast to generate money. And this is mainly because podcast advertising revenue has grown exponentially over the years, and there are now countless brands looking to advertise via podcasts. Making this a very viable option for podcasters looking to monetize a podcast.

2. Sponsorship

Sponsorship is another way for podcasters to monetize their shows. Sponsors typically give a flat fee to the podcaster to produce a set number of episodes or seasons. The sponsor’s name is then mentioned as the sponsor at the beginning and often at another point during the episode, as well as in the show notes. The sponsor usually aligns with the content and niche of the podcaster’s show. An alignment between the sponsor and the podcast niche and audience usually yields the most successful results for all parties.

podcast monetization

3. Patreon

Another way podcasts generate money for podcasters is through the offering of premium content behind a paywall. Patreon is the most common platform used by podcasters for this type of podcast monetization method. Patreon is a membership platform that enables podcast fans to support their favorite shows on a monthly basis. Patreon supporters usually get additional perks, such as exclusive content, early access to episodes, and merchandise. Patreon memberships can be set at different levels, with each level having a different price. Depending on the number of supporters, podcasters can generate a significant amount of income from Patreon.

4. Affiliated Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another effective way to generate income from podcasts. Affiliated marketing involves promoting a product or service and getting a commission for any sales made through the affiliate link. This has become an effective way for podcasters to monetize their podcast due to the trust that is developed between podcast hosts and their audience.

Podcasters can promote products that are relevant to their audience, such as books, software, or services. They can incorporate the affiliate links into the show notes or mention their unique code during the episode. When someone buys a product or service through the podcaster’s unique affiliate link or using their specific code, the podcaster earns a commission.

Again, if the podcasters have carefully selected niche and audience-related brands or businesses to approach for these affiliate marketing opportunities, it usually yields great results for all involved.

Related read: 20 of the Best Affiliate Programs Paying the Highest Commission

5. Merchandise

Podcasters can also make money by selling podcast-related merchandise. Podcasters can let their creative juices run wild and create and sell products that are branded with their show’s name or logo, such as t-shirts, hats, stickers, and phone cases. Merchandise can be sold on the podcaster’s website or third-party platforms such as Redbubble, Podswag, or Etsy.

If you’ve done the work to build a buzzing community around your podcast, and if you have a fairly large group of loyal listeners, this could be a great podcast monetization option for you. Listeners who love you and love your show would love to show their support by buying merchandise. Which in turn, obviously, generates revenue for you, the podcaster.

Love the idea of creating merch for your podcast but stuck on ideas? We’ve totally got you covered! We’ve come up with 30 of the Best Totally Fun Podcast Merch Ideas that you can use to monetize your podcast!

6. Live Events

And finally, podcasters can generate money through their podcast by hosting paid live podcast events. Live events are an excellent way to connect with listeners and make money. Again, if you’ve been consistent in your approach to delivering high-quality content, and you’ve built the trust of your listeners and overall podcast community, hosting a live event in relation to your podcast should be a great success in terms of monetization.

Podcast fans are incredibly loyal, and seriously love the opportunity to meet their favorite hosts. This podcast monetization method is super versatile and it can be scaled according to your audience size. But it is also flexible, with many options that fall under the banner of “Live Podcast Events”, it doesn’t only refer to full-blown conferences or Q&A sessions.

You can check out some other options for live podcast events here.


In conclusion, there are many ways podcasters can monetize their podcasts. Advertising, sponsorship, affiliate marketing, hosting live events, and creating merchandise are just some of the ways you can generate revenue from your podcast. However, it’s important to remember that monetizing your podcast takes time and effort. You first need to build an audience, create valuable content, and establish credibility.

And remember, when choosing a monetization strategy, choose one that aligns with your brand and your values. Don’t compromise the integrity of your show for the sake of making a quick buck. Instead, focus on creating great content, engaging with your audience, and building a sustainable business model for your podcast. From this foundation, any methods of podcast monetization you choose to use should meet with success.

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How To Monetize Your Podcast: Here’s Everything We Know Tue, 26 Jul 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Looking for insight into how to monetize your podcast? You’ve come to the right place! There are many ways to monetize your podcast. You can sell advertising, offer sponsorships, create premium content, or use affiliate marketing. In this blog post, we will discuss all of the methods and more we’ve shared over the years. So […]

The post How To Monetize Your Podcast: Here’s Everything We Know first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
Looking for insight into how to monetize your podcast? You’ve come to the right place! There are many ways to monetize your podcast. You can sell advertising, offer sponsorships, create premium content, or use affiliate marketing. In this blog post, we will discuss all of the methods and more we’ve shared over the years.

So whether you are just starting out with your podcast or you are looking for new ways to increase revenue, this blog post is for you!


Before we talk about anything connected to podcast monetization, we have to share one, important disclaimer.

Successful, sustainable podcast monetization depends upon two key factors.

  1. You have to have high-quality episodes. I’m talking sound and content. This is a non-negotiable. I cannot stress this enough.
  2. You have to have consistency in your publishing schedule.

Okay, so with that all out the way, let’s dive into all our top tips for podcast monetization! Take a read-through the intros and then pick the posts that best align with your needs. And then keep reading. Successful podcast monetization is just a few steps away!

Let’s dive in!

Up first, one of our first posts ever about podcast monetization! Ideas and options have seriously grown since then, but this post still shares some unique monetization ideas!

How To Monetize Your Podcast

In the past, a show would have needed at least five to ten thousand downloads per episode to even be considered advertising. And when that advertising money came in, you’d be lucky if you walked away with a decent profit when everything’s said and done. As podcasting advances, more and more ways of monetizing your podcast are becoming apparent. 

Read more here

Host-Read Ads and Affiliate Marketing: Strategies to Monetize Your Podcast

It is safe to say that the ever-expanding world of podcasts has not gone unnoticed by marketers as a way to promote their products, services, and their overall brand. In fact, in 2018, businesses in the U.S. alone spent over $470 million on podcast advertising! This was a 53% increase on the previous year.

Podcasts are therefore a sought-after industry for advertising. So much so that many of the top podcasts have filled up their advertising spots well in advance, some even for the next year! 

Others receive fairly lucrative sponsorship deals for advertising a product, service, or brand simply because of the number of subscribers they have. But what about the podcaster not in the top 1%? How can they monetize their podcasts using advertising? Well, you’ve come to the right place for the answers! 

In this post we will dive into two ways ads in your podcast can be used for monetization. Namely through paid advertisements and through affiliate marketing. Our article pays particular attention to these methods in terms of host-read ads. 

Read more here

How to Monetize Your Podcast by Selling Your Own Products

For many podcasters out there, podcasting is an activity that is done on the side and not an income-providing endeavor. Very few people are paid to podcast. However, there are also many ways you can earn an income from your podcast. From asking your listeners for donations to getting sponsors or utilizing affiliate marketing, there are many viable options when it comes to podcast monetization.

In this post, we’re going to look at another equally viable option of monetizing your podcast – selling your own products. Now, you may be thinking, “Hold the phone, I don’t have any products to sell!” But I’m here to inform you that indeed you do! And we’re not talking about merch (although that could be something to consider down the line!). For the purpose of this post, we’re paying particular attention to products that require minimal or one-time input and effort on your part with regards to time and money. But these can generate and yield continual income, essentially giving you more bucks for your bang. 

And while I’m not quite certain the above (newly invented) idiom works as well as its more famous counterpart, I do know that the following suggestions can definitely work as ways to monetize your podcast. Let’s dive right into our three main categories of the ways you can create income from your podcast by creating and selling your products.

Read more here

Top 10 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast

Right off the bat, I’ll tell you that if you’re looking to start a podcast as a way to make some quick cash, boost your bank account, or as a means to become “financially independent”, there is a really good chance you’ll be disappointed. Starting a podcast and nurturing it’s growth is way more a passion project than it is a “get rich quick” scheme. 

That being said, there are certainly ways that you can successfully monetize your podcast! In the past, we’ve covered a number of different ways podcast hosts can bring in revenue. But I thought it would be handy to have a top 10 list of some of the most workable, and overall, successful ways you can monetize your podcast. I have tried to rank these in order of popularity as well as the success rate that these methods have according to my continual reading and researching on the subject…

BUT before we get to the list, a word for caution. The success of any of the following methods will be directly related to the work and effort you put into making your podcast the best that it can be. This means regularly putting out high-quality episodes that are full of valuable content, marketing your podcast across all the social media platforms in order to grow your audience. As well as doing all you need to in order to create a strong podcast community around your show. Do this, and you’ll have a great basis of support as you start implementing any or all of these podcast monetization options. 

Read more here

3 Easy Steps to Accepting Donations for Your Podcast

If you’ve been thinking about monetizing your podcast then you’ve probably already come to the realization that donations are a pretty good option. Helping you earn money for your efforts whilst avoiding having to give a portion of your podcast to advertisers. You’ve probably also read all the “how-to’s” for adding a donate button to your podcast page, enabling your listeners to donate money to you simply and easily. 

There are a lot more benefits to asking for donations from loyal fans than there are to any other kind of monetization method. As most donations are made by your podcast listeners who support your goals, their donations are a result of wanting your work to continue and wanting to see you succeed. In return, their donations help to further improve your podcast in order to provide your audience with the best quality possible. 

When viewed like this, donations are more than just hand-outs. They are an investment into a worthwhile commodity. With this in mind, here are three basic steps to help get you set up to receive donations from your listeners.

Read more here

15 Effective Ways To Make Money from Your Podcast

According to this post by Podbean, as well as many others on the topic, “Can I make any money from my podcast?” is one of the top 10 most frequently asked podcast-related questions.

And understandably so! You just need to see the big figure deals podcast hosts like Joe Rogan, who earned a reported $100 million from his Spotify deal, or the $60+ million deal Alex Cooper from Call Her Daddy secured with Spotify to make people think that starting their podcast might just be their ticket to the big time.

But before you throw all your eggs in your podcasting basket…a little reality check.

While it is certainly possible to make money from your podcast, and while there are many who have turned “podcast host” into their full-time profession, starting a podcast is by no means a “get rich quick” scheme.

But don’t abandon ship too quickly! This post is not entitled “You’ll Never Make Any Money from Podcasting so Quit Now!” On the contrary, this post is all about making money from your podcast! But we did want to make sure we were all on the same page before we dive in. There definitely are many ways you can make some money from your podcast. But it will take hard work, dedication, a good deal of networking, and, of course, timing. So if you’re willing to accept those conditions, let’s jump into the 15 different monetization strategies that could prove very lucrative for you and your podcast.

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Monetizing Your Podcast Through Donations

There is a good reason why asking for donations is a popular option when it comes to monetizing your podcast. First up, there are a lot more benefits to asking for donations from loyal fans than there are to any other kind of monetization method. As most donations are made by your podcast listeners who support your goals, their donations are a result of wanting your work to continue. 

They want to see you succeed as much as you do. In return, their donations help to further improve your podcast. You then have more opportunity to provide your audience with the best quality possible. There is also the added bonus of not having to share your earnings with advertisers or the like.

When viewed like this, donations are more than just hand-outs. They are an investment into a worthwhile commodity. With this in mind, today we’re sharing all the steps to help set you up to receive donations from your listeners.

Read more here

17 Easy Ways To Monetize Your Podcast Through Premium Content

Looking to monetize your podcast through premium content? This post is for you!

Offering paying participants access to your podcast’s premium content is an incredibly smart monetization technique. It allows you to share extra material relating to your podcast with your die-hard fans, for a fee. Platforms like PatreonBuy Me a Coffee and Ko-fi have made it easy for all types of creators to monetize their talents through support from their loyal fans. 

There’s only one problem: You have no idea what you could offer your listeners as premium content!

And how do you keep producing valuable, bonus content for your paying followers? What else can you try to ensure that those spending money on your premium content are getting even more than what they paid for?

If you find yourself in this predicament, there is no need to panic. We have all the answers you need right here. 

Let’s take a closer look at 17 superb content ideas for your premium subscribers. 

Read more here

It’s Here! 13 Proven Strategies for Monetizing Your Podcast

Ah! Monetizing your podcast. It’s one of the biggest dilemmas new podcasters face as they ask themselves the question: “Can I make money off my podcast?” Well, it gives me great pleasure to tell you: Yes! You can!

The next question is: How? How do you turn your piece of audio brilliance from an enjoyable hobby into a source of income? 

Fortunately for all of us in the podcasting community, there are many ways of monetizing a podcast. I hope you have your pen and notepad ready! Because coming right at you are 13 proven monetization techniques that will help make your podcast a money-making machine.

Read more here


Podcasting can be a great way to make money. But! It takes time, dedication, and effort to build up a following and generate income. And again, (and no, I am willing to wager this will not be the last time I say this!) you have to put in the work to make a high-quality show.

This really is the only way you set yourself up for success when it comes to successfully monetizing your podcast.

BUT! Once you’ve done this, and you’ve built a community around your show, use any or all of these monetization ideas to help you monetize your show!

Any questions about podcast monetization? Ask away in the comments!

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17 Easy Ways To Monetize Your Podcast Through Premium Content Thu, 12 May 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Looking to monetize your podcast through premium content? This post is for you! Offering paying participants access to your podcast’s premium content is an incredibly smart monetization technique. It allows you to share extra material relating to your podcast with your die-hard fans, for a fee. Platforms like Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee and Ko-fi […]

The post 17 Easy Ways To Monetize Your Podcast Through Premium Content first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
Looking to monetize your podcast through premium content? This post is for you!

Offering paying participants access to your podcast’s premium content is an incredibly smart monetization technique. It allows you to share extra material relating to your podcast with your die-hard fans, for a fee. Platforms like Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee and Ko-fi have made it easy for all types of creators to monetize their talents through support from their loyal fans. 

There’s only one problem: You have no idea what you could offer your listeners as premium content!

And how do you keep producing valuable, bonus content for your paying followers? What else can you try to ensure that those spending money on your premium content are getting even more than what they paid for?

If you find yourself in this predicament, there is no need to panic. We have all the answers you need right here. 

Let’s take a closer look at 17 superb content ideas for your premium subscribers. 

Related read: It’s Here! 13 Proven Strategies for Monetizing Your Podcast.

1. Early Access

First on our list is the early bird catching the worm. Fans of your show will be counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds until the release of your next episode. So, reward your paying listeners with early access to the latest episode of your podcast.

The frequency of your podcast’s publishing schedule will determine how far in advance you offer early access. You could share your podcast with your premium subscribers an hour, one day, or even one week before it is available to everyone else. Paying fans will be grateful for the shorter wait time. Other listeners will be enticed into subscribing in order to be part of the early-bird club. 

2. Extended Episodes

Sometimes, you may have so much to say on a particular topic but, diving truly deep into it goes beyond your usual episode running time. You may have to leave out some valuable information in the final edit because of time. 

A great premium content offering would be to make the extended version of that episode available to your supporters. This works incredibly well with interviews that take longer than expected because of new, interesting information that is raised during the conversation. 

Alternatively, you could cut your normal episode to include the time that is only available to paying listeners. So, if your episodes are 45 minutes long, make 30 minutes available to everyone and the remaining 15 minutes only for your subscribers. You could also go the other way and add 15 minutes to your premium episodes, giving your premium subscribers a full hour of amazing content. 

3. Unfiltered Episodes

It takes 3 to tango, and our number 3 gives your paying listeners the chance to hear all the heavy breathing and loud footsteps. Offer your premium subscribers the chance to listen to your entire podcast—unedited! 

It may be a scary prospect, going against all you know as a podcast creator aiming to deliver quality, polished content. But fans of your show will appreciate the feeling of being part of your inner circle. 

Unfiltered content may include some controversial issues or may even be explicit in some ways. Make sure that your unfiltered podcast is still beneficial for your audience and get the permission of all stakeholders involved (co-hosts, guests, etc.) to use content that may be more private.  

4. Bloopers

Similar to your unfiltered content, bloopers offer you a way to monetize your podcast whilst breaking the fourth wall: Connecting with your audience on a more personal level. It gives your listeners a deeper understanding of the personalities behind your podcast.

Bloopers, out-takes, and “off the mic” chatter can be fun and entertaining and they add a human element to your podcast. Fans will feel like they are active observers—like flies on the wall of your podcast’s studio. They will be grateful for the inclusion and happy to pay the required fee. 

5. Forgotten Episodes

Our fifth point urges you to remember all that has come before it. During your podcasting journey, there are undoubtedly episodes or large portions of episodes that didn’t make it onto your channel. 

Unreleased episodes could be from your early days when you were experimenting. However cringe-worthy you may deem it to be, true fans of your show would love to get a better feel of those early days. And you can still edit these forgotten episodes to get them to a quality standard that you’re happy with. The main point here is to give your premium subscribers something that they cannot find anywhere else. 

6. Back Catalog

Now you may have episodes that you didn’t release entirely but there is another podcast monetization method that draws from your podcast’s past. A back catalog is earlier episodes of your podcast that have already been released.

Die-hard fans may want to relive the moments that made them fall in love with your podcast. Newer audience members may want to take a closer look at your podcast in its earlier days. Making your back catalog available to paying subscribers will give everyone involved a nostalgic trip down memory lane.   

7. Live Stream

Moving on swiftly, like a salmon swimming upstream, we bring you number 7, the wonderful live stream.  

Live streaming the recording of your podcast will allow listeners to connect with you in real-time. You will no doubt be energized by the live interaction and your listeners will feel ecstatic to be part of your “live studio audience”! 

Access to the live stream of my favorite podcast is content that I look forward to and always a premium bonus that I am more than willing to pay for. 

Related read: How to Host a Successful Virtual Podcast Event.

8. Videos

If this post was a spider then this would be the last leg. Luckily for you, we’re more like a caterpillar. And number eight is merely the halfway point of finding ways for you to create premium content for your subscribers.  

Podcasting has managed to thrive in a visual-based society. However, video still remains a much sought-after means of consuming content. In 2021, the average American would watch 100 minutes of online video a day ¹. 

With that in mind, give the people what they want and offer video content relating to your podcast. You could record your entire podcast; record snippets of your show; take them on a virtual tour of your podcast’s studios; share thoughts and tips on related topics; or literally anything else that you can imagine. 

Videos are just another way to be intimate with your audience and give them something of your podcast that can’t be found anywhere else. 

9.  Merchandizing

The second half of our list kicks off with you providing something tangible for your listeners to take home. Creating merchandise for your podcast is a marquee strategy for podcast monetization and also a brilliant way to provide premium content for your subscribers. 

Your podcast is already amazing in its audio format, but there’s nothing that fans can physically hold and say: “This is my favorite podcast!” Creating merchandise will bridge that gap and allow your fans to flaunt your show in their physical environment. 

You can create absolutely anything you want as a form of merchandise. Just make sure that it is something your audience can relate to and don’t forget to brand it for that extra special touch. 

10. Private Community Access

Create a private community for your listeners that only those who are paying can access. This could be something simple like a private group on Facebook that will only send and accept invites from paying subscribers. 

This could be a channel for discussions relating to your podcast or even a place where you share fan content and give insider information. This will help extend the experience of your podcast for those dedicated fans.

11. Cast Access

This number 11 is for the fans! Similar to creating a private online community for your premium subscribers, you could also give them the chance to engage with the creators of your podcast. 

They could speak to the writers, hosts, editing team, and even other guests if they are willing. This could be done via private emails or as a consulting session or even in an exclusive group webinar. I can’t think of a single fan who would turn down the opportunity of having one-on-one conversations with the creators of their favorite podcast. 

12. Subscribers Only 

One clever approach to providing premium content is by having certain episodes available only to your subscribers. 

You could experience a great response to this podcast monetization strategy by simply wielding the power of FOMO! This strategy works particularly well when you are planning a big episode with special guests or exclusive content. Your paying listeners will relish having private access whilst other audience members will be clamoring to be a part of your VIP list. 

13. Ad Free

Having ads on your show is an excellent podcast monetization method. However, making an ad-free version of your podcast may be extremely beneficial to your paying listeners. 

Just make sure that it is indeed what they want. Some fans may find value in your ads and look to your podcast for information on where to look and what to buy. 

So, if you do go the ad-free route, make sure that it is exactly what your listeners want. If having no ads is of interest to your audience, then they’ll be happy to pay the premium and grateful for the option. 

14. Downloadables

Another way of offering premium content is by having music, artwork, and other media or resources relating to your podcast available for download. 

This could be a great option for you as fans could either subscribe for unrestricted access or pay for an individual item. Find out which works best for your listeners and run with that. 

15. Readings of Extended Material

We’re in the home stretch of our list of premium content offerings and now we invite you to make use of what your fans have come to love: Your voice. 

You’ve already hooked the masses with your unique cadence so you might as well give the people more of what they want! 

Give your paying subscribers audio versions of your newsletters, blogs, and other written content. With them being audio lovers, they’ll jump at the opportunity of getting the chance to hear even more of your seductive voice. 

16. Resource Curation

A wonderful way to give back to those who are financially supporting you is by giving them information on something they find valuable, outside of your podcast. 

It does not have to be completely separate from your podcast. You can give advice on where to look for podcasting equipment or a list of authors who explore the topics of your latest episode. Just find something that your audience is interested in and make their lives easier by telling them where to get it or by showing them how to do it. 

17. Spinoff Podcast

premium content

Finally, we bring you a juggernaut in the world of premium content for your subscribers: Having a spinoff podcast. 

Now, having a spinoff definitely requires more time, effort, and even money on your part. But it is extremely valuable to your listeners and can be more financially rewarding for you. 

The best way to go about it is by gathering clips from unaired versions of your show and releasing them as the spinoff. It could be extended interviews or topics that just didn’t gel well enough with your podcast’s themes. In any event, editing previous content will save you time and money whilst bringing incredible value to your loyal listeners. 

Premium Content

Offering premium content is a brilliant strategy for podcast monetization. It is all about giving your audience something of extra value whilst making a little extra money. Just remember: The value for your subscribers is what comes first. Charging your listeners for something they are not interested in may be more harmful than beneficial for your podcast. 

Do extensive research on what your audience is looking for, then comb through our list to see what premium content you can provide to meet their needs. 

Now that you are no longer worried about what content to produce for your premium subscribers, it’s time to go out there and let your creative juices flow!


  1. Zenith The ROI Agency: Online Vidoe Viewing to reach 100 Minutes a Day in 2021: https://www.zenit
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It’s Here! 13 Proven Strategies for Monetizing Your Podcast Tue, 10 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Ah! Monetizing your podcast. It’s one of the biggest dilemmas new podcasters face as they ask themselves the question: “Can I make money off my podcast?” Well, it gives me great pleasure to tell you: Yes! You can! The next question is: How? How do you turn your piece of audio brilliance from an enjoyable […]

The post It’s Here! 13 Proven Strategies for Monetizing Your Podcast first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
Ah! Monetizing your podcast. It’s one of the biggest dilemmas new podcasters face as they ask themselves the question: “Can I make money off my podcast?” Well, it gives me great pleasure to tell you: Yes! You can!

The next question is: How? How do you turn your piece of audio brilliance from an enjoyable hobby into a source of income? 

Fortunately for all of us in the podcasting community, there are many ways of monetizing a podcast. I hope you have your pen and notepad ready because coming right at you are 13 proven monetization techniques that will help make your podcast a money-making machine.

Related Read: 15 Effective Ways to Make Money From Your Podcast.

1. Premium Content

Let’s immediately dive in with our first podcast monetization technique: Selling your premium content. 

Premium content is podcast content that you sell through a recurring subscription (usually monthly). It is not available on your normal podcast feed. Your listeners will subscribe to your premium service and receive exclusive content that is only available to paying customers. 

Your premium content could be granting access to a second special episode that you publish only for paying customers. Almost like a ‘part two’ of the first episode that is available for free. 

Other premium content options include: Having special training videos; giving an in-depth analysis of each episode; offering access to unique merchandise; showing your audience what it’s like behind the scenes; and even having video versions of your podcast available for your premium subscribers. 

Just make sure that your premium content is valuable to your paying customers. As such, being paid through selling your premium content works best for podcasts with a high audience engagement. 

So if your listeners are active in the way they follow your podcast, get them to subscribe and invite them to explore more of your intriguing world. 

2. Sponsorship

monetizing your podcast

Much like professional athletes who make millions from endorsements, a good way of getting paid from your podcast is through sponsorship. (Although, I can’t guarantee that the margins will be the same as LeBron James or Serena Williams).

Sponsorship is a contractual agreement between you and another business/brand. You could work out a sponsorship deal where they pay you to market their products and services on your podcast.

Companies that are likely to offer you sponsorship will pay close attention to your listener numbers and audience engagement. So make sure that your content is amazing to reel in that following. And be very active on all your social media platforms to increase your audience engagement.

Getting a sponsor for your show is a great way to have guaranteed money that you can bank on. You will have to promote the brand/business a specified number of times per episode/season. In exchange, you get that good ol’ moola in your bank account.  

3. Ads

Similar to sponsorship, you can approach businesses and ask if you can promote them on your podcast by running their ads. The key difference is that these are usually once-off occurrences or campaigns for a limited time period. 

Running ads is great because you can capitalize on brands that are launching a new product or service. You can offer your podcast up as a vessel for their marketing campaign and pigtail off the hype they’ve already built up for themselves. 

If you manage to land a big name whom you promote on your podcast, try and turn that into a sponsorship deal. The longer the relationship between you and the businesses you advertise the better your chances are of generating a consistent income. 

4. Syndicate Your Podcast on Youtube

Moving onto number four and we’re here to give you more. To increase the chances of growing your audience and earning more money, make your podcast available on YouTube. 

Millions of people use YouTube on a daily basis and if your podcast show’s up in their search then you have a good chance of increasing your following. Once you have 1000 or more subscribers on your podcast’s YouTube channel and 4000 watch hours within the calendar year then you can make use of the YouTube Partner Program

Once you are part of the program, you can earn money through ads that are placed in your podcast and also by earning a small portion of the YouTube Premium subscribers’ fee. 

With millions of potential fans waiting to discover your podcast, what do you have to lose?

5. Donations

Mambo Number Five and we move on with a charity drive. You should always be open to receiving and accepting any donations made to your podcast. 

Donations are no-strings-attached payments made to your podcast. The usual motive is through appreciation of your podcast and in the interest of further developing your podcast. 

You may feel a bit weird to outright ask for donations on your podcast. There’s no need to feel uncomfortable about it, but I totally understand if you are. So if you are uncomfortable being direct about asking for donations, try out some less direct methods. 

Try posting occasional ‘call to donate’ posts on your social media pages. Make the links to your donations portal clearly visible and place them strategically on your website and social media pages. You can even add a donation option to your newsletter. Fans of your podcast will then be able to see how they can help you without them feeling pressured into it or you feeling like you’ve forced their hand.

Other indirect methods of asking for donations that are worth exploring are services like Buy Me a Coffee. They offer a platform for fans to donate to or purchase an artist’s work (buying them a cup of coffee), without either party having to subscribe. A subscription service is available as well if that’s what you’d prefer.  Their ‘Donations’ caption says it best: “Give your audience an easy way to say thanks.”

Making donations to your podcast should be as simple as possible. Sites like PayPal and Ko-fi make it easy for your fans to show you their love. 

Equally important to remember: Giving a shout-out on your podcast and thanking those that made donations will add a special touch that your generous fans will appreciate. 

6. Paid Live Podcast Events

“Six of the best” is usually something you want to avoid but our number six is a number to hold onto. Setting up a live stream of your podcast or hosting a live podcasting event can take a lot of time and demands intricate planning. But, when you get it right, it can be a big moneymaker for you and your podcast. 

Sell tickets to your live stream podcasting event and truly boost your earning potential. Just be careful to price your tickets correctly to avoid alienating any of your listeners. Choose the right options that work for your audience

Live streaming gives listeners the opportunity to engage with your podcast or event in real-time. So they can live chat with you on your social media pages or even call into your show. But the best part is having those who are at the event itself who can make spur-of-the-moment donations to your podcast.

Live events mean that your audience is ‘here and now”. Usually, your listener could be stuck in traffic while listening to your podcast, making a mental note to make a donation. By the time they arrive at the chaos in the office, however, donating to your podcast has moved very far down their list. But at Live events, your audience can donate right there and then the moment your brilliant live event inspires them to do so.

Related read: Top Tips for Successful Live Podcasting and Hosting a Live Podcast Event.  

7. Merchandising

As we move to number seven on our list, you’ll realize that you are indeed a merchant. By turning your podcast into a profitable business you have put on your brand new merchant’s hat. And what better way to give back to your audience than by offering them something tangible that they can take home! (For a fee, of course). 

Merchandising involves selling products directly to your audience. It could be branded goods with your podcast’s logo or words and sayings that carry the message of your podcast. Your merchandise could be almost anything: Mugs, hats, pens, coasters, t-shirts, the list goes on and on. The limitations to what you sell are only set by your imagination. 

That being said, make sure that your merchandise is aligned with your podcast’s overall image and target audience. 

Firstly, branded coasters may be great for homeowners or those that are in the service industry, but not so desirable to a younger population who only use their small apartments for sleep and storage. Do a little research on your target audience, then marry their expectations with your brand image. That’s a winning recipe for best-selling merchandise.  

Secondly, your chosen merchandise should also work as added marketing opportunities for your podcast. If your merchandise is aligned to your audience, they’ll want to show it off, and in the process, promote your show to new listeners

8. Affiliate Marketing

If you are not willing to create merchandise of your own but still think that this strategy could work for your podcast, then you could approach other businesses and offer to sell their products on your podcast for a commission fee. This would be an affiliate agreement. 

Affiliate marketing is huge in podcasting. Because of the rapid growth of podcasting as an industry, companies are racing to get involved and use podcasts as part of their marketing strategy. 

Brand/business will usually give you a special code that you will then share with your listeners. When your followers make a purchase using that code, brands will be able to trace it back to you and pay you your commission for that sale. 

For affiliate marketing, it’s best to seek businesses and brands that are aligned with your podcast’s image and are favored by your audience.

9. Back Catalog

Selling the back catalog of your podcast’s episodes may be a bit cheeky, but it is still a valid income generator for your podcast. 

Selling your back catalog entails making previous episodes of your podcast available to your audience, for a fee. You can set up a paywall on your podcast’s website that restricts access to your older content, making it only available to paying users. 

This strategy works because recent fans of your show may have missed your previous episodes and love your podcast so much that they want to listen to ALL of it. There’s also the chance that loyal followers may want to go back to their favorite episode of your podcast. There is no shame in asking them to pay a little extra in order for you to grant them that access. 

10. Promote Your Other Interests

Here’s a reason to do a ten-finger fist-pump: One amazing thing about having your own podcast is that YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PODCAST! This means that you can do and say anything you want on your podcast. (As long as it’s in line with the interests of your audience!). So, as the boss, take the opportunity to promote yourself and your other ventures. 

Try promoting and selling tickets and/or products for other activities of yours that fall outside of podcasting. You’re probably doing other things within your fields of interest so, it being your podcast, they’ll most likely align with your podcast in some way. 

Public speaking events are great for selling tickets and generating an income. You could hold workshops on the topics discussed in your podcast or give a talk on an issue that is close to you and your listener’s hearts. Advertise these events on your podcast and sell the tickets on your podcast’s website and social media pages. 

11. Coaching/Consultancy 

The 11 players of a football team need a coach, and so do many others in the corporate world who are unlearned in a particular niche. You should plug the gap and offer up your services as a coach or a consultant.

If there is a keen interest in your podcast’s themes and indeed a healthy following of your podcast then chances are that you’ve done the research to be knowledgeable in those fields.

Approach businesses and individuals to impart your knowledge to their staff and associates. You could host coaching sessions in which companies pay you a fee to educate their employees. 

12. Online Courses

A dozen doesn’t always have to be dirty. Our number twelve is short, sweet, and squeaky clean. Generate more income from your podcast by offering an online course and integrating it with your podcast’s online persona. 

This works best if your podcast offers educational value or if you are qualified to educate in a certain field. Your followers can then pay to have access to your online learning materials and you earn whilst helping others learn. 

13. Join a Podcasting Advertising Network

Our final little gem of advice to give for how you can monetize your podcast is by joining a podcasting network. 

A podcasting network is a space (usually online) that connects companies and brands looking to advertise their products and services with respective podcasts. So you can find advertisers for your podcast (and they can find you) all in one convenient place. 

Once the connection has been made, the podcasting advertising network takes a relatively small commission fee from the money paid to you by the advertiser. 

Podcasting networks also help advertise your podcast, making it possible for you to gain more followers and indeed increase your podcast’s revenue.

Here is Everything You Need to Know About Joining a Podcasting Network.

Things to Remember

As you’ve seen there are many ways for you to monetize your podcast. The most important thing to remember is to choose a strategy that works best for you, your podcast, and your audience. Not every method that we have mentioned will suit your specific podcast. Find out which ones work best for you and offer you maximum earning potential. 

Finally, you do not have to choose just one means of monetizing your podcast. In fact, it’s advisable to try more than one to better the chances of growing your podcast’s revenue. Again, just make sure that is all aligned with your podcast and your podcast’s stakeholders. 

So, what are you waiting for? You now know exactly how to monetize your podcast. Now go out there and make some bank! 

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15 Effective Ways To Make Money from Your Podcast Tue, 09 Nov 2021 13:00:00 +0000 According to this post by Podbean, as well as many others on the topic, “Can I make any money from my podcast?” is one of the top 10 most frequently asked podcast-related questions. And understandably so! You just need to see the big figure deals podcast hosts like Joe Rogan, who earned a reported $100 […]

The post 15 Effective Ways To Make Money from Your Podcast first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
According to this post by Podbean, as well as many others on the topic, “Can I make any money from my podcast?” is one of the top 10 most frequently asked podcast-related questions.

And understandably so! You just need to see the big figure deals podcast hosts like Joe Rogan, who earned a reported $100 million from his Spotify deal, or the $60+ million deal Alex Cooper from Call Her Daddy secured with Spotify to make people think that starting their podcast might just be their ticket to the big time.

But before you throw all your eggs in your podcasting basket…a little reality check.

While it is certainly possible to make money from your podcast, and while there are many who have turned “podcast host” into their full-time profession, starting a podcast is by no means a “get rich quick” scheme.

But don’t abandon ship too quickly! This post is not entitled “You’ll Never Make Any Money from Podcasting so Quit Now!” On the contrary, this post is all about making money from your podcast! But we did want to make sure we were all on the same page before we dive in. There definitely are many ways you can make some money from your podcast. But it will take hard work, dedication, a good deal of networking, and, of course, timing. So if you’re willing to accept those conditions, let’s jump into the 15 different monetization strategies that could prove very lucrative for you and your podcast.

1. Advertisements 

This is probably the strategy used by most podcast hosts when they’re first looking to monetize their podcast. And if you’re an avid podcast consumer, you’ve no doubt experienced this strategy in action first-hand on any and all podcasts you listen to.

Unless you only listen via premium subscriptions and never hear any ads! If that’s the case kudos to you! You’ve reached an impressive level of Adulting!

You’re also then aware of another of our monetization techniques, we’ll jump back to this later in the post. But I digress…

Brand and product advertisements on podcasts have turned into a very viable way for podcast hosts to monetize their podcasts. And this is because successful marketers understand the power of podcasts when it comes to advertising. According to IAB’s U.S. Podcast Advertising Revenue Study, podcast advertising revenues climbed to $842 million in 2020, up from $708 million in the year prior. The study goes on to say that that figure is set to exceed $1B in 2021 and $2B by 2023.

Do your homework and match your podcast audience to that of certain brands, and you’ll be able to secure some great advertising deals and could bring in a good deal of cash from this strategy.

2. Sponsorships 

In a similar vein to advertisement spots, brand sponsorships are another fairly simple way podcast hosts can monetize their podcast. In this monetization method, brands cover the costs of producing a specified number of podcast episodes in exchange for you promoting the brand in those episodes.

Again, by knowing your target audience, you’ll be able to approach brands that cater to a similar crowd, thus improving your chance of signing sponsorship deals. While this method doesn’t necessarily lead to cash in your pocket, having someone else cover your production costs definitely helps! You can then use what you save to buy better equipment, secure your own ad spots on other well-known podcasts, or have it handy to cover those miscellaneous costs that always add up!

3. Affiliate Marketing

Many podcast hosts have found great financial success with affiliate marketing programs. In affiliate marketing deals, the podcast host agrees to promote a product or service on their show and receive a commission for every purchase based made based on their recommendation. The host is given a unique code to share with their listeners. And when their listeners use the code when making their purchase, the host receives a percent of the sale.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize your podcast, particularly if you’ve built up a large, supportive, and engaged audience. If you do some market research and find brands with products you know your listeners will love, affiliate marketing could be an easy way to bring in a steady stream of revenue.

4. Sell Your Own Merch

Processed with VSCO with e3 preset

Instead of promoting someone else’s products on your podcast, how about promoting your own! That’s right! You could look at monetizing your podcast by creating and selling your own merch!

Think stickers, caps, coffee mugs, or even refrigerator magnets with your tagline or signature catchphrases on them! If you’ve got a great, supportive audience, this strategy could be a winner.

But your merch also does not have to be directly related to your podcast. You may have creative talents that lie outside of your podcast, but you can use your podcast to direct your audience to everything else you have going on. If you make custom arts and crafts, draw digital portraits, or already have an online business of some kind, then be your own biggest supporter and use your show to promote your merch.

Related read: How To Monetize Your Podcast By Selling Your Own Products

5. Write an eBook

Depending on your podcast niche topic, you could consider turning your podcast content into an ebook! Ebooks are a great way to bring in an extra stream of passive income as once the hard work of actually writing the book is done, and the initial costs to get the book set up are covered, you can receive a large portion of the sales. (Obviously depending on how you publish, whether through a publisher or if you self-publish, etc. and the costs involved in that.)

If you’re in the habit of transcribing your episodes, you’ll already have plenty of text-based content that could be the beginnings of your bestseller. With some editing, content rearranging, and fleshing out some of your ideas, you could find the royalties of your ebook a very rewarding endeavor.

Related read: 8 Reasons To Turn Your Podcast Into A Book

6. Donations

You could also monetize your podcast through donations. Podcast hosts put tons of hard work into creating their shows. From crafting high-quality content, recording, interviewing, editing, marketing, networking, as well as putting in the time to build their community, there is a whole lot of time and effort that goes into just one podcast episode. And you do all this for your audience! But a little financial support to help you keep doing this would be greatly appreciated, am I right?!

And that’s why a monetization method that many podcast hosts try is simply asking for donations in support of the podcast.

Put a call to action in your episodes asking your podcast community if they’d like to help support you in your endeavors to keep making the podcast the best that it can be. Let your audience know how and where they can give donations, and you may just find that simply asking proves to be a lucrative lesson.

7. Crowdfunding

Another monetization method similar to asking for donations is crowdfunding. Platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe have really taken off in recent years, and podcast hosts have made up a number of the beneficiaries.

Crowdfunding as a monetization strategy is particularly effective when you’re using it as a way to achieve a specific goal. Perhaps you’re looking to up your recording equipment ante, get the ball rolling on that exciting live event you’ve got planned (more on that later!), or you need a little monetary leverage to help you land that amazing guest! Enter crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding platforms were created to help people find backers or supporters for their big ideas. You can use it to get the funding you need to do that next right thing for your show, and by extension, for your audience.

Again, if you’ve done the work to create a healthy community around your podcast, then you’ll likely have a very positive response to your crowdfunding campaign. Be creative in how you ask for financial support from your audience, and they may just surprise you with a little monetary boost!

8. Create Premium Content

As your podcast develops a loyal following and the demand for your awesome content grows, you could consider starting a Patreon account that would offer premium packages to monthly subscribers or to once-off donors as a way to monetize.

This is a strategy employed by many podcast hosts, and so is a familiar option for podcast listeners. The additional content you offer could be anything from additional episodes, early episodes, behind-the-scenes from your interviews or other types of bonus content that your audience can get their ears on if they become members.

If you’ve put in the work and built up your show’s reputation as one that is known for its highly valuable, top-quality content, your audience will likely be willing to pay for more.

9. Advertising Space on your Website

We’ve spoken about advertising spots on your podcast itself, but you can also monetize your podcast by offering advertising space on your website.

Running a website alongside your podcast is one of the best ways to boost your podcast’s SEO (search engine optimization) as well as boost its discoverability. (Hint: If you don’t have a website for your podcast yet, now’s the time to start one!) You can also use your website as one of the hubs around which you build your podcast community.

Once your website is up, running, and thriving, selling ad spots on your page is an easy way to help monetize your podcast.

10. YouTube

If you have already built up a substantial following for your podcast, the leap to a YouTube channel could prove profitable. Additional advertisement opportunities would be available to you when you offer your content through a different medium, and you may find that you have even bigger opportunities when you add the video element.

Besides earning directly from YouTube when you start hitting big viewing numbers, you also gain access to new affiliate marketing opportunities and sponsorship deals when you share your content via YouTube.

11. Product Placements

Starting a video podcast via YouTube also presents another opportunity to monetize your podcast…product placements.

This monetization method is similar to other sponsorship deals, but the difference is that in this method, you’re paid to have a product featured prominently as a visual in your video. You may be required to share a little bit about the product, and you also may be given a unique code that your viewers can use when they purchase the product.

12. Create Courses

Building up your authority within your niche will mean that the content you share will be valued and highly sought after. You can turn this into another way to monetize your podcast by creating niche-related online courses.

Online courses have surged in popularity in recent years, and you can capitalize on this trend by creating your own. However, while this strategy could pay out big time in the long run, it will take a lot of work from your side in the beginning. You will need to make sure that your course is put together professionally, that the content, whether text-based or video, is of an incredibly high standard, and that your course is available on top platforms. But once the initial output is done, your courses could become an excellent source of passive income.

13. Offer Services Related to Your Niche

Depending on your niche, you could also consider monetizing by offering your niche-related services at a charge. This could be anything from one-on-one coaching sessions to specialized documents you’ve created to support your podcast content.

Think cheat sheets, workflow charts, infographics, or even PDF workbooks that share your knowledge and podcast content in text form. All of these could be of great value to your audience who would be willing to pay for these additional services as a way to support you, but also to gain access to all the valuable content you consistently share. Spend a little time brainstorming how you could turn your niche expertise into sellable products and turn these into successful monetization for your podcast.

14. Live events

Hosting a fun, live podcasting event can also be a great way to monetize your podcast. And when it comes to live events, there are so many amazing possibilities at your disposal! You could host a live recording of your show which listeners could buy tickets to attend. You could host an interactive panel Q&A event, or even a simple Meet And Greet where you sell tickets at a small fee and get to engage with your loyal listeners.

Successful live events will require some careful strategizing and planning. You’ll need to be sure that the funds you receive will cover all the costs involved. But if you plan effectively, advertise well, and sell out the event, you should be able to turn a fairly decent profit.

Related read: 10 Ideas For Live, Virtual Podcast Events

15. Paid Speaking Engagements

And lastly, paid speaking engagements are another way you can capitalize on as a way to monetize your podcast. As you establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and even as a recognized name in the podcasting space, paid speaking engagements can become a very real possibility.

Conferences, both in your niche or even podcast-focused conferences, business lunches, or other types of events may come looking for your expertise. And as you build your brand, you can go on the hunt for these types of invitations. And once the ball starts rolling, these types of gigs could be a regular occurrence.

Related read: 8 Strategies to Build Authority in Your Podcast Niche

In Conclusion

The best advice we can give you when it comes to monetizing your podcast is the making money should probably not be your sole motivation for starting a podcast.

If your main motivation for starting a podcast is to make a quick million while rubbing shoulders with fellow celebrities, you’re probably going to be disappointed. Creating a successful podcast is hard work. And so you need to really love it if you want to succeed at it. There is some serious hustle and commitment needed if you want to build a buzzing following and gain momentum for your show. You’ve got to master the medium, make connections, build up your audience, and then, opportunities to profitably monetize your podcast become viable options.

But with all that being said, what should be clear from this post is that there are definitely many viable ways you can generate some money from your podcast. Put in the hard work, find the monetization strategies that work best for you and your audience, and there is no reason why you can’t turn a pretty penny from your podcast.


  1. iab: U.S. Podcast Ad Revenues Grew 19% YoY in 2020; set to exceed $1B this year and $2B by 2023:
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Monetizing Your Podcast Through Donations Thu, 03 Jun 2021 12:00:00 +0000 There is a good reason why asking for donations is a popular option when it comes to monetizing your podcast. First up, there are a lot more benefits to asking for donations from loyal fans than there are to any other kind of monetization method. As most donations are made by your podcast listeners who […]

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There is a good reason why asking for donations is a popular option when it comes to monetizing your podcast. First up, there are a lot more benefits to asking for donations from loyal fans than there are to any other kind of monetization method. As most donations are made by your podcast listeners who support your goals, their donations are a result of wanting your work to continue.

They want to see you succeed as much as you do. In return, their donations help to further improve your podcast. You then have more opportunity to provide your audience with the best quality possible. There is also the added bonus of not having to share your earnings with advertisers or the like.

When viewed like this, donations are more than just hand-outs. They are an investment into a worthwhile commodity. With this in mind, today we’re sharing all the steps to help set you up to receive donations from your listeners.

But first, some disclosures…

Number 1

Yes, it’s true that many podcast hosts out there meet with great success from asking for donations for their show. But just because it works for some, it doesn’t mean it will work for all. And what this boils down to is your audience. You need to know your audience and understand whether or not they are likely to a) respond positively to your request for donations, and b) act upon that request in a positive fashion. 

For instance, if your podcast is aimed at helping teens conquer their High School Math homework, you may not meet with much success asking them for donations. But you may find an incentive program where they get access to more content could be a winner. Their parents would likely then be willing to pay for “members only” type content if it helps their teens succeed.

On the other hand, if you have a podcast aimed at making car rides bearable for little ones (and their parents!), simple requests for donations or sponsorships during your episodes may be all it takes, as the parents are all too grateful for the help you offer them.

Number 2

Another point to consider is the quality of your podcast. Before you can hope to meet with any sort of positive listener response in terms of donation requests, you need to make sure that your podcast is up to snuff. This means making sure that your audio is clear and crisp and that you’re always hitting it out of the park in the content department. The bottom line is that if you’re asking your listeners to invest in your podcast, do everything in your power to make your podcast something worth investing in.

Number 3

The third crucial point for consideration when it comes to monetizing your podcasts through donations is the size of your loyal audience. Now, you certainly don’t need to have a massive audience in order to monetize your podcast through donations. But you do need a group of loyal fans. The type who listen to every episode, engage with your other content, either on social media platforms, your blog, or even through your email newsletter. Without a healthy community around your show – remember, it’s okay if it’s small! – your appeal for donations will likely fall on deaf ears. 

Related read: How to Build a Strong Podcast Community

Now that those sticking points are out of the way, let’s dive into all you need to know when you are looking to monetize your podcast through listener donations.

1. You Need to Pick A Platform 

If you’re going to be asking for donations, then it figures that you need some way to acquire said donations. There are two popular platforms podcasters use. They are well-known and trusted, and both serve a specific purpose when it comes to donations.


PayPal is a worldwide online payment system that supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods. PayPal’s reputation in handling these types of transactions precedes it, as PayPal has been a go-to in this area for years. 

If you’re looking at simply asking your listeners for donations, PayPal has you covered. And setting up your PayPal account is a very easy process. Once you’ve completed the setup instructions, you will receive a unique link that your audience will use. 

You should then add this link to your website, making it easier for your listeners to find and follow. You can also add a donate button to your podcast page to make donating even easier. 

NOTE: Paypal itself is free, and you’ll never be charged for a subscription. However, they do take a percentage of any donation you receive.  

Looking to set up a PayPal account? Click here and follow the prompts. 


Patreon is another really popular choice when it comes to asking for donations. Patreon is set up in the same vein as a crowdfunding-type platform, making it perfect for listeners who want to make recurring donations.

But the real drawcard of Patreon is that it allows you as the podcast host to provide your audience with exclusive offers as incentives. You can set up tiered, monthly subscriptions, and you’re able to customize the offers for the different levels of donations. And the more a listener donates, the more exclusive content or rewards they will have access to. (We’ll cover this in greater detail in just a little bit…)

Patreon expertly handles the technical side. And they make it easy for anyone to set up and start earning from their podcast. Starting is free, but like PayPal, they do take a percentage of the donations you receive. 

Click here to create your Patreon account.

Jotform Donation Apps

Jotform Donation Apps is a feature-packed tool that allows creators to build custom apps for their communities without coding at any step. You’re able to set up a donation box as well as add other handy elements to your app such as documents, forms, applications, registrations, and bookings. 

You won’t have to pay extra transaction fees for collecting donations through your app, so it’s a great choice for audiences of any size. Jotform also offers many tools you can use to track and analyze your donations. Auto-generated dashboards, reports, and graphs are some of its best features for this.

2. You Need to Create Incentive Options and Levels

Step 2 is important if you’ve chosen to focus on the Patreon route for your donations. As we mentioned above, the beauty of Patreon is the tiered donation levels. But in order for these to be effective, you’re going to have to come up with the appropriate incentive options for the different levels.

You know your audience best, so you should have some idea of what makes them tick. And consequently, what will appeal to them as incentives. The good news is that a little incentive goes a long way! Your basic levels of donations and incentives could simply be a shoutout in your next episode outro. The higher tiers could offer bonus episodes, downloadables, or access to exclusive Q&A sessions with you. 

If you can create exciting incentives and find the right bracket for the donation levels, this monetization method will do the trick when it comes to finding financial support for your show.

Related read: 6 Effective Ways To Repurpose Your Podcast Content

3. You Need to Motivate to Donate 

This catchy little heading is just a fun way to say that in order for you to get listener donations, you’re going to have to ask your listeners for donations. Now for some, this is no problem. They’re proud of the service they offer and have no qualms about asking for support in their endeavor. But for others, asking for donations makes them feel extremely vulnerable and anxious. And they often view any perceived lack of support as personal rejection.

But wherever you fall on the scale, the fact remains that if you want your listeners to donate, you’re going to have to ask, or motivate, them to do so.

Just Ask…

…and you shall receive. Okay, so it’s not always quite that simple. But if you’ve built that trust between you and your loyal listeners, you can simply just ask at some point in your episodes if anyone would like to support the work you’re doing. This method, therefore, clearly works best if you already have those established relationships with your listeners. And if you have done this, you will likely have a great response from these requests as your listeners love what you do and would want to help you to keep on doing it.

4. Donation Location: Acting on the Call

The final step in the donation process is the “donation location.” This simply refers to how your listeners get to the point of donating money. You’ve given the call-to-action, you now need to provide an easy way to act upon the call. 

Here are some common locations where you can provide the opportunity to follow your call-to-action:

Your Website and Podcast Page

We’ve already stated above that you should add your unique PayPal/Patreon link to your website. This just makes it easy for your listeners to find and follow. Put it in a prime location on your page, and you’re all set!


If you’ve already put in the effort to build up your email list, then this is the perfect opportunity for you to put it to good use. Since you are already providing your listeners with extra value and free content through their newsletter subscription, then there is always room for the occasional ask. Add the link to your newsletter, with your appeal. Make it heartfelt, quirky, or motivational ‒  remember, your loyal audience has formed a bond with you and your content, so make sure your appeal is something true to you and you should see good results.

Social Media Platforms

The vast myriad of social media channels provide you with alternative opportunities to share your donation link. You can put this in your pinned tweet on Twitter, your bio on the Gram, or on your Facebook posts. Social media also provides you will fun, engaging ways to ask for these donations. You can make personal videos, fun infographics, or just a heartfelt appeal.

Donation Buttons

Both PayPal and Patreon enable you to embed a “donate button” in all of your websites and emails. This method is appealing not only visually since an official “donate” button creates a professional look, but also for how simple and easy it makes it for listeners to make their donation.

In Conclusion 

Donations can be a really effective way to monetize your podcast. They require little to no financial output from your end, and they have the potential for some serious monetary input. But besides those gains, donations are very special to a podcast host as they are a sign that their audience is really invested in them and the content they are putting out. 

However, donations will most likely be made by loyal, dedicated fans who love your content and love what you do. The key, therefore, is to continuously do your best to serve your audience effectively. Keep putting out valuable content that your listeners desire and keep providing opportunities to help you grow the connection between you and your audience.

Your focus should be on building and strengthening these relationships. And you can achieve this by continuing to create high-quality content and growing your loyal fan base through engaging with your listeners. Do this, and converting your loyal podcast listeners into loyal donors will be a highly profitable venture. 

Related read: Email Marketing Basics for Podcasters

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Top 10 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast Tue, 17 Nov 2020 13:00:00 +0000 Right off the bat, I’ll tell you that if you’re looking to start a podcast as a way to make some quick cash, boost your bank account, or as a means to become “financially independent”, there is a really good chance you’ll be disappointed. Starting a podcast and nurturing it’s growth is way more a […]

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Right off the bat, I’ll tell you that if you’re looking to start a podcast as a way to make some quick cash, boost your bank account, or as a means to become “financially independent”, there is a really good chance you’ll be disappointed. Starting a podcast and nurturing it’s growth is way more a passion project than it is a “get rich quick” scheme. 

That being said, there are certainly ways that you can successfully monetize your podcast! In the past, we’ve covered a number of different ways podcast hosts can bring in revenue (and we’ll link them throughout this post!) but I thought it would be handy to have a top 10 list of some of the most workable, and overall, successful ways you can monetize your podcast. I have tried to rank these in order of popularity as well as the success rate that these methods have according to my continual reading and researching on the subject…

BUT before we get to the list, a word for caution. The success of any of the following methods will be directly related to the work and effort you put into making your podcast the best that it can be. This means regularly putting out high-quality episodes that are full of valuable content, marketing your podcast across all the social media platforms in order to grow your audience, as well as doing all you need to in order to create a strong podcast community around your show. Do this, and you’ll have a great basis of support as you start implementing any or all of these podcast monetization options. 

Related read: How to Build a Strong Podcast Community 

1. Sell Ad Space on Your Show

As you start to grow your podcast community and as your download numbers continue to rise, one of the first options you can try when it comes to podcast monetization is to sell ad space on your show. For this method, you as the podcast host receive a specific amount of money from a business in exchange for inserting a sponsored ad for that business in your podcast. You’ve no doubt heard advertisements on practically every podcast episode you listen, no matter the topic or genre. This is because successful marketers understand the power of podcast advertising. Case in point: podcast advertising spending in the United States in 2020 has hit a massive 534 million dollars! And to sway the odds even more in your favor, in 2019, 54% of podcast listeners stated that they are likely to consider the brands they hear advertised on podcasts. If you can promote your show as a viable option for marketers, you could make a pretty penny by selling ad space on your podcast episodes.

Related read: Host-Read Ads And Affiliate Marketing: Strategies To Monetize Your Podcast

2. Look for Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

Affiliate marketing occurs when you as the podcast host promote a product or service on your show and receive a commission for every purchase based on your recommendation. You are given a specific code or another form of identification to share with your listeners, who then use it when making their purchase, linking the sale to you. Remember the above statistic? With that in mind, if you’ve built up a large, supportive audience, affiliate marketing could be the way to go for you and your show. If you do some market research, and find products that your listeners will love, affiliate marketing could be a really steady way to monetize your podcast. In particular, if you love the product, and your listeners have come to trust your input, you could find great success with affiliate marketing. 

3. Land Sponsorship Deals

As your podcast garners more and more followers and reaches new heights of success, you could open up the opportunity to land sponsorship deals. Sponsorship differs slightly from paid ad space in that your sponsor covers the cost of producing one or an agreed upon number of episodes in exchange for you promoting their brand or products in the episodes. By the brand covering your episode costs, you’re able to inject that back into your show and so support all that you want to achieve with your podcast. If you’re able to seek out sponsors whose brands line up with your audience demographic, then you’ll be able to successfully pitch your show as a great investment for their sponsorship. 

4. Start a Patreon Platform

Patreon, PayPal, or other such platforms are another effective way to monetize your podcast. Asking for donations from your loyal fans has the major benefit of enabling you to earn money for your efforts whilst avoiding having to give a portion of your podcast to advertisers. Patreon is a crowdfunding type platform, which is easy to use, especially if your audience, or patrons, like making recurring donations. But Patreon is unique in that it allows you as the creator to provide your audience with exclusive content as incentives, based on the amount donated. Levels or tiers based on monetary value are created, and certain rewards or incentives are linked to each level. (We will share more on using premium packages as a way to monetize your podcast at method Number 6 of this post.)If you’ve put in the time and effort to cultivate your relationships with your listeners, most will be all too willing to donate to your show and support a podcast host they love and admire.  

Related read: 3 Easy Steps To Accepting Donations For Your Podcast

5. Sell Your Own Products

Another totally viable way to make money from your podcast is to create and sell your own products. There are a whole host of possibilities when it comes to making use of this method! You could create a whole range of niche-related printables that your listeners can purchase and print, or you could even turn your content into an audiobook. You could also consider selling podcast-related merch as a way to make money from your podcast. Things like cpas, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, and hoodies are firm favorites when it comes to podcasting merch. If you get your creative juices flowing, and source a good supplier and a reliable printer, you could create some really fun merchandise your listeners will love!

Related read: How To Monetize Your Podcast by Selling Your Own Products

 6. Create Premium Packages

As you build up the podcast community around your show, and as the demand for your content grows, you could consider creating premium packages. This could be anything from additional episodes, behind-the-scenes or bonus content, worksheets or other types of documents, that your listeners can get access to if they become premium members. If you’ve built up a strong support around your show and you consistently give your listeners the high-quality content they’re looking for, they will be excited to get their hands (and their ears!) on more of your content, and they will be willing to pay to become premium members of your community. 

7. Host a Live Podcast Event

A live podcasting event can also be a great way to monetize your podcast. Whether it’s a live recording of your show (when protocols allow for this, of course) a panel Q&A event, or even a simple Meet And Greet, selling tickets to an exciting live event can be a great way to earn money from your show. You’ll need to be sure that the funds you receive help cover the costs involved in your set-up, the renting of any equipment, as well as any costs involved in renting out the venue. But if you advertise well and sell out the event, you should be able to turn a fairly decent profit. This can then be injected back into your podcast to help it reach new heights…or it could be saved for a rainy day…

Related read: Top Tips For Successful Live Podcasting And Hosting A Live Podcast Event

8. Be a Guest Speaker

As I’m sure you are aware, one of the keys to achieving success with your podcast is to work to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. This means that you become a trusted source of information on your subject and others start thinking of you as an expert. Not only is this necessary for your podcast to enjoy continued success, but it can also open up another monetization opportunity – invitations to be the guest speaker at events. When the world starts to sit up and take notice of your amazing content and your unique voice, guest speaking opportunities at conferences, business lunches, or other types of events become a viable option. You may need to pitch yourself in order to book your first few slots, but after knocking those out of the park, other invitations could come flooding into your inbox. 

Pro Tip: When looking for events to pitch your expertise to, look for businesses or events that are aligned with your niche. This will make it much easier to pitch yourself as a viable option for the guest speaker. 

 Related read: 8 Strategies to Build Authority in Your Podcast Niche

 9. Create Courses

Your status as “Niche Expert” means that your valuable content will be highly sought after. You can then convert this demand into another monetization option by using your content to create courses. This will take quite a bit of work from you initially to create the courses, whether text or video based, set-up your platform, and advertise your courses, but after the initial input is done, this can be a very successful way to monetize your podcast as the work just has to be done once. People can then purchase your courses and they can become a steady stream of passive income to help support your podcast.  

10. Offer Coaching Sessions

Offering coaching sessions is becoming more and more popular in all sorts of fields, as well as in the podcasting sphere. This method is similar to creating your online courses in that you offer educational material, but instead of this being via a text or even a video-based format that users can access at any time, coaching session usually involves your listeners signing up and paying for a live session with you, either one-on-one or with a small number of other users. If you’ve done the groundwork of establishing yourself as an authority within your niche, then you should find that there will be great excitement around the possibility of having a coaching session with you.

Closing Thoughts

So while I believe your passion for your topic or niche should be what inspires you to podcast, it certainly does not mean that you can’t or won’t make money from podcasting. Any and all of the above methods are totally viable options for any podcaster to monetize their show. However, for any monetization method to really work, you have to do the work. You need to grow your audience and build your community by consistently engaging with your listeners and keeping them coming back for more. You need to make sure that you do everything in your power to create stand-out, high-quality episodes time and time again. And lastly, you need to keep sharing all that valuable content so that you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Do all of this, and monetizing your podcast using one or more of the above methods will be met with great success. 

Don’t go just yet…

What monetization methods have you tried or are looking to try for your podcast? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Share them with me in the comments section below.

If you want to go a little deeper on the topic, check out this Buzzsprout post. It does a great job of breaking down the facts and figures of the money podcasters could potentially make from their podcast. 

*The viewpoints and opinions shared in this article are my own and are not necessarily or entirely that of We Edit Podcasts. 

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How to Monetize Your Podcast by Selling Your Own Products Tue, 05 Nov 2019 14:00:56 +0000 For many podcasters out there, podcasting is an activity that is done on the side and not an income-providing endeavor. Very few people are paid to podcast. However, there are also many ways you can earn an income from your podcast. From asking your listeners for donations to getting sponsors or utilizing affiliate marketing, there […]

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For many podcasters out there, podcasting is an activity that is done on the side and not an income-providing endeavor. Very few people are paid to podcast. However, there are also many ways you can earn an income from your podcast. From asking your listeners for donations to getting sponsors or utilizing affiliate marketing, there are many viable options when it comes to podcast monetization.

Related read: 3 Easy Steps To Accepting Donations For Your Podcast

In this post, we’re going to look at another equally viable option of monetizing your podcast – selling your own products. Now, you may be thinking, “Hold the phone, I don’t have any products to sell!” But I’m here to inform you that indeed you do! And we’re not talking about merch (although that could be something to consider down the line!). For the purpose of this post, we’re paying particular attention to products that require minimal or one-time input and effort on your part with regards to time and money, but which can generate and yield continual income, essentially giving you more bucks for your bang. 

And while I’m not quite certain the above (newly invented) idiom works as well as its more famous counterpart, I do know that the following suggestions can definitely work as ways to monetize your podcast. Let’s dive right into our three main categories of the ways you can create income from your podcast by creating and selling your products.

Related read: Host-Read Ads and Affiliate Marketing: Strategies to Monetize Your Podcast

1. Repurposed Content 

The first category of products you have to sell comes from repurposing your content, which is often one of the most efficient ways of monetizing your podcast. So let’s look at some of the products you can create by repurposing your valuable content. 


Your loyal listeners already find your content valuable, as it keeps them coming back for each episode. Why not turn your worth-while content into an eBook and give your listeners even more value? If you transcribe your podcasts, you’ve already laid much of the foundation for writing an eBook. With some rearranging, a little editing, and a few new additions or research, you’ll soon have a brand new product that you can then sell via your website, on Amazon, or on any other such platforms. If you also keep a blog for your podcast, then you’ve got even more content to draw from! Ebooks can prove to be a very profitable product. There’s little to no physical cost involved, besides your time, and it is an attractive prospect for your listeners as they can get easy access to your content and can receive even more benefit from your knowledge and insight. 

Related read: The Top 5 Benefits of Transcribing Your Podcast


Another way to repurpose your content is by turning it into journals. A journal is characterized by its focus on a very specific topic, and by being shorter than a book. Journals are most commonly used in the academic arena and so this option would largely depend on the type of content you are creating. If your subject matter is more academic in nature, it will lend itself more readily to the journal format. In terms of effort, you would have already done the majority of the research when compiling your podcast episodes, so what would now be required is compiling it correctly.

Journals are immensely popular and highly valuable resource material in the academic community, particularly for the vast amount of engagement they cultivate between users. They are also a compact way for readers to gain more knowledge on a specific subject. In terms of monetization, once compiled, your journal could be uploaded to your website where your readers can purchase access to the content. A common practice is to provide a small portion of the journal for free, and require a purchasing fee for the rest of the material. 

Online Courses

Online courses are another great product you can create as a way to monetize your podcast. It’s also versatile as it does not need to relate solely to your podcast content. Of course, you could create a course based directly on your content, but you could also create a course based on something else entirely but still within your niche. You even have the option to create an online course based on something you’ve had to learn whilst on your podcasting journey! If you’ve established a loyal audience, chances are they will be willing to pay for access to even more of your valuable content and to be able to continue learning from you. However, it is your responsibility to create something worth their additional support! Once you’ve created your course, use your website or platforms such as Udemy or Skillshare to make your content available to your listeners.

Related read: 7 Benefits of Turning Your Audiobook into a Podcast 

2. Printables

Another clever way to monetize a podcast is to create and sell downloadable or printable resources. This category of products is information-focused rather than being repurposed content, but they should supplement or enhance the information given in your podcast, or help the listener in some way in relation to the content of your podcast.

The printables you create can directly or indirectly align with your podcast. For example, you may have an educational-focused podcast as you are a teacher. As a teacher, you will most certainly be designing worksheets, homework sheets, lesson plans or other templates for your own classroom. Why not make these available to your listeners as a download for a small fee? Your loyal listeners would have already established trust in you, and so would also trust what you use in your own classroom, making it highly beneficial for them to purchase your content.

On the other hand, your printables may be indirectly aligned to your podcast. You may be a part-time entrepreneurial podcaster, but also a full-time mom. Anything you’ve created to make your own job easier – fun cleaning schedules, fool-proof recipes or chore rosters – could easily be turned into templates and made available for purchase online. Remember, people will readily purchase something that solves a problem they are having or makes their life easier in some way. They will purchase even more readily from someone they trust. If you say something works for you, they will believe that it will work for them too.

Again, your podcast may be more academic in nature, so why not create content cheat sheets or helpful content-related charts for your listener to purchase. Your audience will not mind paying for these additions as long as you’re providing valuable content! 

Related read: How to Improve the Discoverability of Your Podcast

3. Yourself

I bet you didn’t think of yourself as a saleable commodity! More specifically, your expertise, knowledge, and skills are commodities that you can sell as a product to monetize your podcast. There are numerous ways this can be done, but we will look at three in particular. 

Live Events

If you’ve created a loyal audience, you can monetize your podcast by selling your time. One way to do this is by hosting and selling tickets to a live event. This could be anything from a live podcast recording to group discussions, depending on your topic, content, as well as your audience. Hosts of great podcasts become role models or idols in their field, and most listeners would jump at the chance to meet their favorite host in person. The key to maximizing the monetization of these events is keeping the structure simple and the content and opportunities valuable.    

Related read: How to Promote Your Podcast if Marketing is Not Your Strength

Public Speaking Events

Once you’ve established yourself as an authority within your podcast niche, and have grown your number of loyal listeners, you could also offer your time for public speaking engagements in exchange for a fee. Conferences, universities, or retreats are just a few events often looking for public speakers. As a podcaster, you offer an added bonus of an already-established audience. Organizers of these events would highly value the extra ticket sales your endorsement of the event would provide! You could even host and sell tickets for your own public speaking events, particularly if your niche lends itself to a lecture format.

Workshops or Webinars

Lastly, you could also monetize your podcast by selling a limited amount of spaces to attend a workshop or webinar. Your workshops could be used to teach your skill to some of your listeners or help the attendees hone their own craft while giving them the opportunity to meet you and learn from you. Your webinars could be used to explore your content more thoroughly and to allow for in-depth Q&A discussions. However, it is important to remember that in order for workshops or webinars to be successful, you must include a great deal of additional valuable content and without merely regurgitating your podcast episodes. Essentially, you must make sure that the value you provide matches the price tag. A lack of new, valuable content would make the purchase of a ticket to your next workshop or webinar highly unlikely!

Final Thoughts

These are just some of the ways you can create and sell products to help monetize your podcast. Look at your podcast with the above information in mind to see which product(s) align best with your show and the ones you could create with relative ease in order to maximize your return. Remember, the beauty of most of the suggestions given in this post is that they will require a one-time effort, and through the marvel of automation and modern technology, can provide you with ongoing sale opportunities to monetize your podcast. 

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