Are you thinking about starting a podcast in 2023? Well, hold onto your headphones, my friends, because I’ve got some news for you. Podcasting ain’t easy! Sure, it sounds like fun to start a podcast. And podcasts can be a successful and profitable endeavor — but only if done right. You have to plan content, learn audio editing software, effectively master and use the equipment needed for quality sound recording. You need to promote your show, and engage with your audience…the list goes on!
And sure, it might seem like everyone and their grandmother has a podcast these days. But we’ll say it again, podcasting is not easy! Podcasting isn’t all super cool mics and awesome merch. (Yes, there is some pretty cool podcast merch! But that’s beside the point.) We definitely don’t mean to rain on your podcast parade, but before you jump into starting your own podcast, here are some reasons why you should think twice about launching a podcast this year.
*Note: While this is intended to be a fun, tongue-in-cheek post, there are definitely some nuggets of truth underpinning all the jest.
Top Reasons to NOT Start a Podcast

1. You’re lazy – a successful podcast requires a lot of consistent effort
First up, don’t start a podcast if you’re lazy! Podcasting is becoming increasingly popular and more accessible to the average person. However, launching a successful podcast requires much more than picking a topic, purchasing some recording equipment, and hitting record. Starting a podcast in 2023 will require consistent effort and dedication if you want to reach any level of success.
So if you’re looking for a quick and easy path to success, podcasting isn’t it! A successful podcast requires hard work, dedication, and consistency. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort necessary to create quality episodes on a regular basis. This includes having good content ideas, staying up-to-date with your niche topic, and preparing your episodes. It also means taking the time to record great audio, editing that audio, publishing and promoting your episodes, as well as being committed to growing your podcast community.
We told you, creating and maintaining a successful podcast is not easy. So if you’re lazy, we’d suggest picking another venture that requires, well, less.
If you are someone who identifies as ‘lazy’ but you still want to start a podcast, then let We Edit Podcasts pick up the slack! We can handle all of your podcast production needs! All you have to do is record that stellar content. And we can do the rest! Check out all our podcast production services here.
Now moving on to the next reason NOT to start a podcast…
2. You think you’ll get rich quick
News flash! Podcasting isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. So if this is the sole reason you’re looking to start a podcast in 2023, think again! Sure, podcasts can eventually become profitable — but it generally takes time, dedication, and perseverance for that to happen.
And yes, there are many ways you can monetize your podcast. You can monetize a podcast through affiliate links, sponsorships, live events, crowdfunding campaigns and donations, and merchandising (we’ll say it again, there is some super cool podcast merch out there!) — but nothing will happen overnight. So if you’re looking for an easy way to add to your bottom line, starting a podcast is not it!
Our affiliate partner program might just fit that bill…
Related read: How Do Podcasts Generate Money?
3. You don’t have the time
What should be abundantly clear by now is that starting a podcast requires consistent hard work. And hard work requires time. It takes a lot of time to create high-quality podcast episodes. So if you don’t have that kind of time, it follows that you probably shouldn’t start a podcast right now!
But again, if you don’t have the time and still want to start a podcast, there are options. You can consider outsourcing audio editing or even the entire episode production tasks so that you can fit a podcast into your busy schedule. Again, check out all the services we offer! We’d love to partner with you to help your podcasting dreams become a reality. After all, the whole vision behind We Edit Podcasts was to give podcasters their time back. We can do that for you, too!

4. You don’t have a topic
On to the next reason not to start a podcast…you don’t have a clear topic. Another news flash! You can’t just talk about anything on your podcast, you have to have a focus. You need a topic that you are passionate about, knowledgeable on, and can talk about for days. But more than that, you have to have a specific angle on that topic. Something the podcasting space refers to as your niche.
Your niche is how you will stand out from all the other podcasts in your space. It’s what will draw listeners to your podcast and keep them coming back for more. If you don’t have a niche or know what topic you want to talk about on your podcast, it’s probably not time yet to start one. You need something unique and compelling that will grab people’s attention and help you stand out from the crowd. If you don’t have this, then our advice is simple (and perhaps a little harsh?), don’t start a podcast! (Yet!)
5. You think podcasting is easy
Next, don’t start a podcast if you think podcasting is easy! You know the answer by now. It’s not! You may have thought this was going to be a quick and easy process, but, oh no, my friend! It takes time and effort to be a podcast host!
Yes, anyone can record audio and upload that to the internet – but it takes more than that to be successful in the podcasting space. You have to invest time into researching topics, creating engaging content, recording audio, editing the audio files, promoting episodes across social media platforms, and engaging with your audience. Even learning how to use podcast equipment or editing software effectively is not easy. Sure, there are plenty of tutorials available. But you still need to put the effort into learning these new skills!
Then there’s the actual recording. If being behind a mic is not your natural habitat, just getting comfortable talking into your shiny new mic is a learning curve! Then there’s the editing, the show notes, and the publishing. And we haven’t even covered developing your podcast marketing and social media strategy yet!
And again, if these are not things you have knowledge about, there’s a lot to learn!
But that’s not all…
There are also other factors that make us say that successful podcasting is by no means easy. Most people are starting their podcasts as a hobby or side hustle. And this means juggling your new show with all your other responsibilities that come with all the roles you’re already playing.
Bottom line? Podcasting is not easy. It’s as simple as that.
Related read: How To Create a High-Productivity Schedule
6. You’re not committed to quality
Another key reason for not starting a podcast? You’re not committed to quality. Quality is key in podcasting. Honestly, quality is the key to success in literally anything. But especially in podcasting! Being just “okay” in this space is just not going to cut it. Your podcast would be competing with literally thousands of other shows falling under your chosen category (just one more reason why a well-defined niche is important!) and quality is one of the key ways to ensure your podcast stands out.
A successful podcast requires the podcast host to be committed to quality in every area of their show. Especially if you’re looking to (eventually) successfully monetize your show. Everything from your audio to your social media presence needs to be high-quality.
So if you’re not committed to creating high-quality content, then you probably shouldn’t start a podcast (at least right now). Quality is non-negotiable.

7. You’re not committed to consistency
Next, don’t start a podcast if you’re not committed to consistency! If you truly want to make it in podcasting, you have to keep showing up. You have to be consistent. Consistency is another key in podcasting. It’s what’s going to help you build a strong listener base and ultimately grow your podcast. And this consistency covers every area of your podcasting process! From consistently crafting high-quality content for every episode, to being committed to capturing the best raw audio every time you record. This need for consistency extends to your publishing schedule as well as your episode promotion and interacting with your listeners. As we said, you need consistency in every area if you want a successful podcast.
Sure, you can post an episode when and if you feel like it. No one is going to stop you from doing that. We’re not the podcast police. But we can give you a near 100% guarantee that that approach will not yield a successful podcast. No matter the metrics of measuring that success.
(Unless the metric you’re using is “occasionally posts a kinda okay episode”. Then yes, I suppose by that standard, a podcast “could” be considered “successful”.)
But back to being “somewhat serious”…
If you know that you won’t be able to commit the necessary time, energy, and resources to consistently producing high-quality content on a regular basis, then now might not be the right time for you to launch a show into the podcasting universe!
8. You want your podcast to be an overnight success
And finally, our last reason for NOT starting a podcast. Don’t start a podcast if you’re expecting your podcast to be an overnight success and have you rubbing virtual shoulders with the podcasting greats from the day you launch your show. You guessed it! That ain’t gonna happen! (Is it weird that every time I write that, I picture a 90’s style live audience shouting in unison, “That ain’t gonna happen!”?) (You probably won’t be able to unhear that.) (Sorry.)
But podcasting is a slow, steady, and (you guessed it) consistent game. You have to (consistently) put in the work and be patient. You have to try things, look at your metrics, and PIVOT! if they’re not working. Then you have to do that again, and possibly, again. But if you do that, you will eventually see podcasting success.
So don’t start a podcast if you expect overnight fame and glory. It won’t happen. But if you’re willing to commit to creating high-quality content on a consistent basis, then there’s no reason why your podcast won’t be set on the trajectory heading toward podcasting success!

In Conclusion
While we do believe anyone can start a podcast, we also know that podcasting is not for everyone. And the above are the most common reasons we have for someone not to start a podcast. In 2023, or any year, for that matter!
We’ll say it one more time…starting and maintaining a successful podcast is no easy task. It’s just not. Yes, we’d also say that the pros far outweigh the cons – of course, we are biased, but that goes without saying! – and there are certainly ways around any and all of the reasons on this list.
But if you checked “Yes” to any of our reasons for not starting a podcast, maybe starting a podcast just ain’t for you…
We Edit Podcasts has helped many podcasters set their shows on the trajectory for success. We can do the same for you, too! Check out our (newly redesigned!) website, and schedule a call with one of our team members today. And let’s do some podcasting magic together!