It’s time for another In the Spotlight interview! This time around, I had the incredible opportunity to chat to Gareth Davies. Gareth is a professional media composer. He has written music for both commissioned TV shows and multiple production music libraries. Gareth’s journey in audio has also led him to the podcasting space. He is the host of two podcasts, Podcasting People and The Music Room.

Podcasting People is a bite-sized podcast featuring tips from all kinds people working in the podcast industry. And through the platform of the show, Gareth has actually built an incredible community of podcasting people.
Also, FUN FACT! Gareth Davies gave me my first “podcast guest” spot opportunity on an episode of Podcasting People. (I give a quick tip of content editing! You can listen to that here.)
So I have first hand experience of the incredible space Gareth is creating for podcasting people to share their knowledge and experience, and just learn and grow together!
Gareth also creates and produces The Music Room. This podcast explores personal stories of inspiration from music industry professionals. On these episodes, guests are invited to leave an item and a piece of advice for others to find.
So with all this experience in both the audio and podcasting worlds, I knew Gareth would have tons of incredible value to share.
(I was right, btw.)
During the interview, Gareth shares his experiences in these two worlds, the things he’s found surprising on his podcasting journey, and some of his biggest lessons.
And of course, some top podcast recommendations!
So, let’s dive right in and step In The Spotlight with Gareth Davies.
In the Spotlight: An Interview with Gareth Davies
Jennay: Gareth! So great to chat to you again. Thank you so much for stepping In The Spotlight! I’m really excited for all you have to share with us today.
But first. We love an origin story here at The Podcast Digest, can you tell us a little about your journey in audio and how you have now come to the podcasting space?
Gareth: I’ve always been deeply involved with music, and became a professional media composer in 2011. I’ve been fortunate enough to write music for both commissioned TV shows and multiple production music libraries, so by now my music has been featured in loads of broadcast programming around the world.
I see my journey into podcast production as a natural progression from music, there are a lot of skills that would feature in the centre of that Venn diagram. My friends and I were making up radio shows for fun way back in 2002…I think the first shows we did were edited on minidisc(!) So when I was drawn to podcasting as a medium I immediately felt comfortable. My first podcast was made with a fellow composer, and we had no idea how much work would be involved. I was already obsessed though, and I’ve been producing and hosting podcasts ever since.
Jennay: That’s such a cool journey into podcasting! I know the latest TV series you worked on was Toad & Friends. I can’t wait to introduce my niece and nephews to this! They’re going to love it!
And now one of my favorite questions…What are your top three podcast recommendations?

Gareth: I have so many favorite podcasts; similar to music, there’s a podcast for every mood. Ask me again next week and it might be different, but this week I’m playing:
The Rest Is Entertainment: as well as the content being relevant to my work, Marina & Richard hit the balance between entertaining and informative perfectly. The pacing is spot on.
I Never Thought It Would Happen: Chris Difford (of the band Squeeze) hosts this brilliant interview show in collaboration with the charity Help Musicians.
In & Around Podcasting: I have to give a shout out to Danny & Mark at the hosting platform Captivate, who have gone the extra mile with this industry show. I like it because it doesn’t just cater to industry professionals, but to indie podcasters too. That’s basically my mission for Podcasting People.
Jennay: These are great picks! I’ve now added The Rest is Entertainment and I Never Thought It Would Happen to my list! And In & Around Podcasting has such a great theme song! (Besides being an all-round stand-out show!)
Now, let’s get into your podcasts. What initially sparked the idea for Podcasting People?
Gareth: I was becoming increasingly bored of podcasting podcasts from people who have made a business out of telling people how to podcast. Podcasting is a fast-evolving medium, so to hear from people who actually work in the industry and experience those nuanced changes in the landscape is way more beneficial in my view.
On top of this, I started taking on podcast clients last year but realized I didn’t really know anyone in the podcast industry. What better way to get to know people than by starting a podcast?
Jennay: Now that we know what sparked the initial idea for Podcast People, can you share a little about the mission and vision behind the show?
Gareth: I touched on it before…promises of fame and fortune if you buy someone’s course seem ridiculous. I want the indie community to get to know awesome industry people like I have. The mission is to bridge that gap through the power of podcasting. In addition, I’d love to see an Apple-style ‘genius’ bar at podcast events where indie podcasters can go and talk to industry professionals. If anyone wants to pay me to set that up I’m all ears!
Jennay: Someone PLEASE pay Gareth to set that up! That would be amazing!
Now, from an audio perspective, you’re in this really interesting position where you’ve been in both the music production world and the podcasting space. Are there similarities or crossovers? Or how do they differ?
Gareth: As a freelance composer there are lots of parallels with indie podcasting. You have to wear all the hats and wear them well. You have to consider your environment and audio equipment when recording, mic technique…there’s a lot of crossover. I bet if indie podcasters were to have a go at producing music they might surprise themselves.
Also – in my experience – composers and podcasters aren’t that different as people. We’re all trying to tell a story through sound. Most of us are trying to cut through the noise, and are wearing multiple hats as I mentioned earlier. Most of us appreciate a sense of community to keep us going, which is why I started communities for both my Music Room and Podcasting People podcasts.
Jennay: I know I’ve told you this before (and I’ve said it above, too) but I think you’ve done something really special with the community you’ve created around Podcasting People. And I’m sure with The Music Room as well. What might have started off as a way for you to meet podcasting people has morphed into a way for podcasting people to meet podcasting people. And that is pretty cool in my book!
Now, who are some people you admire from a professional standpoint?
Gareth: I have so much admiration for all of the guests on Podcasting People. If I had to pick people out it’s because I’ve seen close up the work they’ve been doing.
James Cridland, for instance, really needs a day off. I appreciate all the work he does to deliver industry news consistently, and he remains really approachable.
Danny Brown at Captivate has given me lots of time recently; we’ve featured on each other’s shows, and Danny seems to teach me something new about podcasting every time he opens his mouth.
I also have to mention the mighty Arielle Nissenblatt for immediately saying ‘YES’ to being my first guest on Podcasting People. It gave me the confidence to make the show in the first place.
Finally, Jennay Horn is a wonderfully positive presence on social media, which is always so welcome. Have you heard of her?
Jennay: [Insert blush face…and a tear!] Thank you, Gareth. I am incredibly humbled by the mention. And completely agree with you on all the above. James, Danny, and Arielle are truly some legendary Podcasting People!
Changing pace a bit, what has been the most surprising thing you’ve experienced in the podcasting space?
Gareth: I guess the ratio of how difficult it is to stand out to how nice people are. You’d think everyone would be more guarded and in it for themselves, but honestly I’ve not experienced any of that. It feels like we’re all in it together, and everyone I’ve met in the industry has been welcoming and supportive.
Jennay: That really has been my experience in the space, too. And what would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned on your podcasting journey?
Gareth: Don’t take on more than you can handle. My answer to most questions is ‘that would make a great podcast’, so I have to really consider how to designate my time. Our most valuable commodity is time, so I say do less better.
Jennay: That’s a great saying! Have you considered podcast merch! I would DEFINITELY buy a t-shirt with “Do Less Better” sprawled across it! It’s a great motto!
What are your goals for the next couple of months with regards to your podcast/other projects?
Gareth: The response to Podcasting People has been lovely, and potential guests keep saying yes to my invites, so I’m considering doubling the output and going weekly.
In other news, I’ve just rewritten the music to the Music Room podcast, so that’ll go live with the next episode. Talking of the Music Room, I have a special episode in May that’s all about managing mental health in the music industry. It feels like the most important episode I’ve produced to date so I’m looking forward to seeing what the reaction will be.
I’ve also just launched some services via The Sound Boutique, so if anyone needs anything – from music/sound design through to editing services or even full production – come and say hello.
Jennay: I’m really looking forward to listening to that episode! (And your new music!)
I’m also incredibly excited to see your next steps on Podcasting People and all the cool projects you’ll take on via The Sound Boutique.
Thank you so much, Gareth, for joining us In The Spotlight today! Anything else you’d like to share? And how can readers connect with you?
Gareth: I really appreciate being asked to answer these questions. I enjoyed answering them!
And if you’re involved in podcasting at any level, come and join the community at
Who Will Be in the Spotlight Next?
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Who knows! You could be In The Spotlight next!
Want to check out some more In The Spotlight interviews? Here’s the interview with South African podcaster, Sean Loots: In the Spotlight: Interview with Podcast Creator Sean Loots.