This is the tenth edition of The Founder’s Corner! Today, I want to share about the power of making a mindset shift, and then leveraging that shift for success. It’s all about thinking differently and learning how to use that skill to yield successful long-term outcomes. Does that resonate with you? Keep reading!
But first…
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!
Now, let’s dive into today’s post!
Thinking Differently and The Power of Making a Mindset Shift
Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? It’s time to take advantage of the power that lies in thinking differently.
When you’re thinking about making a change or looking for a “reset”, there’s nothing quite as impactful as making a mindset shift. The way we think not only determines what we do, but it can actually hinder us from making progress.

A little background:
The “Einstellung Effect” is described as a mentally undesirable situation in which your familiar thoughts block or inhibit your ability to generate novel solutions and ideas.
So what does this tell you?
When you are set in your thinking it can prevent you from creating new things, solving problems in new ways, or making those necessary changes to break through the stagnation and achieve new levels of success.
Before we dive into how to start thinking differently, let’s take a look at understanding our mindset.
Our mindset refers to the beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions we hold about ourselves and the world around us. It shapes our thoughts, actions, and ultimately, our outcomes.
Quick facts:
There are two popular mindsets we can look at — fixed vs growth mindset.
A fixed mindset is something that is set. This can refer to the way you learn or the belief that your abilities or circumstances are already set in stone.
In contrast, a growth mindset, when properly cultivated, can help you navigate new changes in your environment and allow you to adjust, adapt, and find new paths to reaching your goals.
So which do you want to have? 99% of us will say, “Of course, the growth mindset”. But if it’s as easy as choosing to have a growth mindset, why aren’t more people succeeding at it?
The keyword is: cultivate!
“Nothing can stop the person with the right mental attitude from achieving his goals. Nothing on earth can help the person with the wrong mental attitude.”
Thomas Jefferson
Once you decide that in order to see results on the outside you have to make the change on the inside, then you can begin your mindset shift journey.
First, you have to start by recognizing your limiting beliefs. Where have you created walls or barriers that prevent you from getting to that next step?
Next, embrace failures so you can allow room for change. When things simply aren’t working or giving you the results you desire, accept those defeats and invite change.
Finally, lead with purpose! Once you know that your path is changing, be sure that you are going in a specific direction, and with purpose. Re-align with what that purpose is so that you have a clear path forward, and when new challenges or obstacles come up, your blueprint is there to guide you.
Related read: If you want to dive deeper into the topic of aligning with your purpose, read more here.
Now, let’s look at three actionable steps to help you harness the power of making a mindset shift:
1. Avoid the Distraction Trap
Whenever I think of a distraction, the dog from the movie UP! always pops into my mind. There are so many things that come up in our daily lives that are truly just distractions.
Distractions keep us busy, so we don’t notice what’s really going on or what is actually important. They act as yet another barrier, preventing you from thinking outside the box and making the mindset shift we need to reshape our path to success.
2. Get Back to Basics
In order to step into change, you first need to know where you are coming from. So it’s time to solidify your foundations. Begin by asking yourself questions like, “What problems are you trying to solve?” and “What is the result you want to see?”.
Next, start questioning the assumptions you already have. There is no way to make a mindset shift if your underlying assumptions remain the same. These are essentially biases that shape and alter your view of the world around you.
The key is to expose these flawed assumptions and root yourself in the right ones. When you get back to the basics you can reframe the way you approach new challenges and you will ultimately start seeing different results.
3. Find Your Superpower
Now that you’ve broken down barriers and laid down your foundation, it’s time to find leverage – your superpower! What type of mindset shift or strategy can you implement that’ll give you the highest probability of success?
Ready to Make That Mindset Shift?
Ultimately this is the classic “work smarter, not harder” part of the process. Slow down and find exactly where you have the greatest level of impact and double down on just that. Use it to your advantage because that is your unique value point and what will set you apart as you journey into this new season of change and reset.
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter.
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