Being a dad is a tall order. The job description of a father is vast and varied, from the responsibility of being the family’s protector and provider, the need to be strong yet sensitive, the pressure to succeed in their place of work as well as wanting to be at home for all the special family moments, not to mention the burden of having to be the inspiration for all those Dad jokes! Whether it’s the expectations placed on them by society or the high standards they want to see themselves live up to, being a dad in every sense of the word is no easy task. But as this Sunday, June 21st, 2020, is set aside as the day we celebrate the fathers and father figures in our lives, we thought it would only be fitting to put together a list of some of the top “dad” podcasts out there in honor of this special occasion. So whether you need some encouragement, some dad-to-dad inspiration, or you just want to rest easy in the fact that other dads feel the struggle too, this list features some truly amazing podcasts featuring some pretty incredible dads.
1. DADICATED.COM – Empowering Dads

DADICATED.COM is a pretty incredible podcast and host Philipp Hartmann has a pretty incredible story. Becoming a dad of five – to a set of twins and a set of triplets! – in 13 months was, understandably, quite an adventure, and during this journey, Philipp discovered that there just was not nearly enough inspirational content to help him navigate this new exciting and daunting chapter. He saw the need for men to be empowered and inspired to truly fulfill their vital role within their family and to positively impact their community. And that’s how this podcast came to be. Philipp sought out unique dads from all around the world and asked them to share their stories. The result is a truly inspirational show that serves to empower men in their role as Dad. In each episode, an extraordinary father shares their perspectives, wisdom, and stories with the world. It’s a raw, honest, and quite often, emotional experience. Philipp has created a really safe, open space for men to talk freely about all the many facets of being a parent, and all the many forms fatherhood can take. It’s a truly inspirational show, featuring amazing fathers from all walks. It will move you and inspire you in ways you never imagined or knew you needed!
2. Five Minute Fatherhood

If you’re looking for your dad-inspiration in bite-sized, easily digestible chunks, then Five Minute Fatherhood is the podcast for you! Every Monday to Friday, you’ll catch Jeff and Jeremy taking five minutes out of their day to chat about quick tips and uplifting encouragements that will equip you on your adventure of fatherhood! In these little sound bites, you’ll get some solid food for thought that you’ll chew on for the rest of the day. Jeff and Jeremy are both fathers at very different stages in the journey and so they are able to offer fresh perspectives on a whole host of parenting topics. Each episode offers little golden nuggets of wisdom and strikes a great balance between thought-provoking and concise. These episodes are perfect for listening on your commute or a quick pop to the shops but can even keep you company while the kids are napping or you’re brushing your teeth. Jeff and Jeremy offer profound wisdom for fathers, their hosting style is punchy and upbeat, but they are still able to get super deep in a short amount of time. It’s full of practical, applicable knowledge for fathers at any phase of life.
3. Dad So Hard

Dad So Hard comes from the premise that being a dad is completely different from being a mom, and sometimes people tend to forget that fact. In each episode, hosts Danny and Vinnie share parenting stories, divulge advice on how to juggle having a life of your own, while also giving your kids everything they might need. Whether you’re a brand new father or have been one for many years, you will feel included and will be able to relate to some, if not all, of the tales told on this show. From the brand-new dad to those who are a little more experienced, Danny and Vinnie will keep you in stitches while sharing their super helpful, super relatable stories. They are always about keeping it real, making this podcast a must-listen for every dad, but perhaps, particularly for those who find it difficult to always adult effectively as they make the transition into parenthood.
4. First Class Fatherhood

“We are not babysitters, we are fathers, and not just fathers, we are First Class Fathers!” That’s the by-line of the podcast First Class Fatherhood. With a vision to change the narrative of Fatherhood & Family Life, host Alec Lace has interviewed over 350 high profile Dads from every walk of life, from Navy SEALS to entrepreneurs, NFL Legends such as Tom Brady, Navy SEALs, actors and even skateboarding icon Tony Hawk, and so many more outstanding fathers. As a father of four, Alec has a fair bit of experience in the dad department and this podcast is full of actionable information, and some great wisdom and insight. There’s also a bounty of great story-telling and humor to boot! The information is always timely for what dads need to hear today, and the guests share with such sincerity and honesty that you’ll always be able to glean valuable tidbits to ponder upon. One of the stand-out merits of this podcast is that it openly addresses so many topics most dads think about, but don’t get the opportunity to ask out loud. Chock-full of only the best info for fathers, every day is Father’s Day on First Class Fatherhood!
5. From Lads to Dads

Ben and Matt are a couple of lads – and best mates – who became dads, and their podcast From Lads to Dads tells the story of how their lives changed after parenthood. It covers the hilarity that ensues as lads leave one type of fun behind and prepare for a whole lot of fun of a very different kind! In each episode, they share their experiences, reminisce with stories from their wilder days, and just give a funny, honest look at parenting from a dad’s point of view. The pair have a really great dynamic, making this podcast a really fun listen, and their aim is to use their platform to let other dads know they are not alone in the jungle that is parenthood! They never shy away from tackling the heavy subjects from mental health to the ins and outs of relationships, and they help to destigmatize and open up these topics so that dads can really feel like they are not alone. These lads have certainly become stand-out dads and they’re inviting more dads to join them on the incredible, yet some-what hair-raising journey of fatherhood.
6. The Dad Edge Podcast

The Dad Edge Podcast represents a strong community of Fathers who all share a set of family values. Host and founder, Larry Hagner, understands that the world of fatherhood can be a daunting task when you try to do it alone, and so through The Dad Edge Podcast (formerly The Good Dad Project), he breaks down all the challenges you might face during fatherhood, while also making it easier for you to understand and overcome the hurdles you may encounter. The mission is to help you become the best version of yourself you can be and in turn guide your kids to become the best they can be. Every episode is full of practical information that you can easily implement into your everyday life and there will always be able to find at least one thing you could take away to improve yourself or your family life overall. From your relationships with your kids and significant others to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and even to your finances, this podcast is determined to help fathers succeed and conquer in every area of their lives.
7. The Life of Dad Show

The Life of Dad Show is another excellent podcast specifically for dads. This podcast is not only just about parenting. It’s a show for dads to talk about all the things that make up the life of a dad. The Life of Dad Show is the multimedia flagship property of the world’s largest network for fathers, and with 600,000 downloads, you know that this podcast has tapped into something great. It’s funny and engaging and is simply a stellar mix of fun and sound fatherly insight. The episodes feature some of the world’s biggest names, from basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal to Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamil, proving that The Life of Dad Show has really garnered a fantastic community of Dads who want to share their experiences, learn from each other, and just have a great time goofing off! The advice, stories, and strategies shared by each guest offer amazing insight into their personal life as a dad, making for an entertaining, inspiring listen each and every time, while helping to normalize the experiences of fatherhood, and letting all the dads out there know they are not alone in this incredible, but sometimes terrifying journey.
8. The Front Row Dad Podcast

How can dad balance work and family life? How to raise resilient kids? How to be a good dad? How can I get kids to listen? These are just some of the many questions fathers wrestle with, and The Front Row Dads Podcast seeks to help dads find the answers. This dad podcast is more than just a show, it represents a brotherhood that is connected and determined to be great dads, the best partners they can be, and discover how to add value to the community around them. Each episode uncovers true stories and finds practical strategies to help you win as a dad, and you’ll always come away with actionable strategies and practical guidelines to help change bad habits and negative mindsets and flip them to the positive. The Front Row Dads podcast wants to help men balance family and work-life by breaking the pattern of giving their careers the best of them while their family gets the rest of them. Host Jon Vroman is engaging, humble, and has created the platform for his audience to turn into a growth-centered community of entrepreneurial men building together as fathers & husbands. He goes deep and gets real with his guests and together, they share valuable insight into just how men can master all facets of their lives, from their marriage to their health, balancing work and home life, and of course, navigating the task of parenting. It’s a show featuring real men being raw and transparent, and it makes for one inspirational listening experience.
Closing Thoughts
And there you have it, our top podcasts for all the top dads out there! No matter what phase of fatherhood you’re in, there is something for every type of dad on this list. Whether you’re a biological, step, or adopted dad, these shows will encourage, inspire, and often, just make you laugh out loud, as you navigate the wild ride of being a dad. And whether it’s allowing us to stand taller by standing on your shoulders, doing all you can to ensure we have all that we need, or making us roll our eyes with jokes so bad they’re actually good, to all the fathers out there, we salute you and wish you a very Happy Father’s Day!
Nice Podcast. keep sharing.