Mpumelelo Malumo | We Edit Podcasts A Podcast Production Agency Sat, 26 Aug 2023 19:29:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mpumelelo Malumo | We Edit Podcasts 32 32 All You Need to Know to Land Your First Podcast Guest Slot in 4 Simple Steps Thu, 26 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Ah! The magical world of podcasting. It is a place of information, entertainment, and opportunity. Podcasting gives you the chance to have your voice heard by millions across the world. And one way of achieving this, without starting your own podcast, is by becoming a podcast guest.  As a podcast guest, you have the opportunity […]

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Ah! The magical world of podcasting. It is a place of information, entertainment, and opportunity. Podcasting gives you the chance to have your voice heard by millions across the world. And one way of achieving this, without starting your own podcast, is by becoming a podcast guest. 

As a podcast guest, you have the opportunity to grow your brand; reach more people within your niche and grow your audience; generate free publicity; and interact with fellow industry professionals. 

Whatever your motive, being a podcast guest is filled with the potential of achieving your goals. But first, you need to know exactly how to go about it. 

Well, everything you need to know for becoming a podcast guest can be found right here! So get ready for that big interview as we lay down the 5 essentials for landing yourself a spot as a podcast guest. 

Related read: 10 Tips for Landing Guest Spots on Popular Podcasts.

Step 1. Make a List

podcast guest

The first thing you’ll need to do in your efforts to land your first podcast guest spot is to find the podcasts you would like to feature on. Make sure that your initial list is as big as possible as it’s easier to narrow down a big list than having to add to a smaller one. 

The important thing to remember here is to search for podcasts that speak to your target audience and are aligned with your niche. Firstly, you will have more knowledge of the themes explored so you can be a guest that adds value to the podcast you are on. Secondly, it will allow you to speak to others who are already interested in your field, maximizing the chances of growing your audience. 

Podcast Directories

So, now that you know the type of podcasts you are looking for, the next step is to actually find them. The best way to do this is by searching through podcast directories. They have made finding the right podcast easy as you can search according to the genre or topic that you are interested in. 

Once you find the podcasts that speak to you, and, most importantly, would speak to your audience, you can add them to your list and move on to the next directory, repeating the same process. 

Ask Google

You can also ask Google for podcast suggestions. Do this by typing in “Top podcasts for [your industry/genre/target audience]” or “[Your industry/genre/target audience] podcasts”. You may have to sieve through blog posts and other articles, but eventually you’ll find the podcast’s page that you are looking for.

People Also Listened to This

A great way to find podcasts is by using the “people also listened to this” feature, typically found on Apple Podcasts. 

You will be able to explore podcasts within your topics of interest (as you’ve provided to the platform) that other users have listened to. This is a very useful way of finding podcasts within your niche. And, if people are already listening to them, then they already have the ‘cred’ you are looking for. 

Spotify’s version of this is “fans also like”. But just be aware that some of the results you get may be music and not podcasts.  

Try Podcast Guest Booking Service

Before we get into the pitch, there is another great way of getting booked as a guest on a podcast. This is through a podcast guest booking service. 

A podcast guest booking service is a platform that connects podcast hosts with willing guests. You can sign up to be a guest and podcasts looking for guests can easily find you. 

You will either have to pay a premium to be on the service or the platform will ask for a fee once a connection has been made. 

Here’s a list of some top podcast guest booking services:

  2. PodMatch
  3. Perfect Podcast Guest
  5. PodcastGuestingPro

Step 2. Narrow Down Your List 

It’s great! You now have a huge list of potential podcasts on which you would like to feature. But not all of them will be best suited for you and your brand. You’ll need to narrow down your list to find the top podcast contenders that will help you to achieve your goals. 

The best way to go about filtering your list is by coming up with another list of requirements. This will be everything that the intended podcast will need to have/achieve in order for your appearance to be valuable to you.

It’s all well and good to find podcasts that you personally love or hosts you admire, but would a guest appearance on their show actually benefit you? That question can be answered by having a simple checklist and ascertaining if the intended podcast lives up to that list. 

Qualifying Criteria

Here are some potential questions to ask yourself when finding a podcast that can help you achieve the goals of your first guest appearance:

  • Does this podcast have good reviews? Knowing how the general public perceives a podcast will give you an indication of whether your guest appearance will be helpful or damaging to your image and reputation. 
  • How many episodes does this podcast have? It may actually be more beneficial to you to be a guest on a small or new podcast. But first, you’ll need to know how long they’ve been in the game. 
  • How often do they publish their episodes? You may want to sync your guest appearance with the topics explored on your own podcast (if you have one). Or maybe you’d want your marketing campaign to align with when you are a guest on a podcast. Knowing how often they publish their episode will help you make the right choice for you. 
  • How influential is this podcast in the industry? The more influential that podcast is in the industry, the higher the chances of your guest appearance being coveted by their followers.
  • What is the caliber of previous guests? This will help you find out if you match up or if you’d rather not be associated with other guests that have been on the show. 
  • Is the podcast professional and high in quality? You want to work with quality podcasts that hold themselves up to a professional standard. Remember, you want to be associated with the podcasts that complement your brand image, not tarnish it. 
  • Do they have a large social media following? Are their audience members active and engaged on social media?
  • How long are the episodes? If your target audience has a specific preference for a podcast’s run-time, then knowing how long each episode is will be crucial when making your final decision. 
  • What does your audience think? Whichever field/industry you are in, your audience can help you in deciding on which podcast to feature. After all, you are doing it for them, so let them have a say and guide you to a decision. 
  • Who is their audience? We touched on the importance of this earlier. But to reiterate, a successful podcast guest appearance should be one that also serves to grow your audience!

Checklist, Checked

Once you have the answers to these questions, you’ll be able to create a shortlist of all the podcasts that meet your criteria. After this, the focus shifts and you’ll now have to turn yourself into a worthy podcast guest. 

Step 3. Do the Research

By now you should have your final list of potential podcasts and the time for approaching them is getting closer. But before you can make your pitch (we’ll get to that later), you’ll first need to set yourself up as a worthy guest. And to make the right pitch, you first need to know who you are pitching to. 

Do extensive research on the podcasts that you would like to be a guest on. Listen to as many episodes of that podcast as you can. Read through their show notes and blog posts (if they have a blog). Gather information on previous guests that they had on their show. Scour their social media pages and get a feel for their content and audience. 

If you have a good knowledge of the show you want to be a guest on, then you’ll be able to show your worth in a way that they understand and can relate to. They’ll see your understanding of their podcast and its themes as valuable to their own undertakings. This should set you one step closer to being invited onto their show as a guest. 

Step 4. The Pitch

Okay! Here it is! The final step…the pitch! This is where you plan out everything you need to say when approaching potential podcasts to be a guest. 

Firstly, you must have something to say. There is no point in wanting to be a guest on a show without knowing what you want to say. Have a clear vision of the topics you would like to discuss and your reasons behind it, then make some suggestions.

The second point follows closely from the first and that is to show the value you will be adding to the intended podcast. How extensive is your knowledge on the topic? Do you have professional credentials to back you up? Have you won any awards for the proposed topic? All this will help to prove your caliber as a worthy guest. 

Help Me, Help You

The next thing to mention in your pitch is how you can help the podcast you are pitching to. Do you have a large social media following and active participants? Is your email list extensive? How will you help promote the intended podcast through your own channels? Is there a potential for hosts to be guests on your podcast (if you have one)? How will your guest appearance be valuable to their audience? Give the podcasts you’re pitching to the answers to these questions and you’ll have one foot in the door. 

After you have shown why you’d be a great guest and what you can do to grow the intended podcast, ask about the next steps.  You do not want to come across as desperate or arrogant. Rather be confident in a tone that says: “I’m ready when you are.” 


Lastly, make sure that you give a little thanks. Even if you do not get asked to be on their show, at least they read your pitch, and that effort alone warrants some gratitude.

Being polite throughout your entire pitch will also count in your favor. My grandmother always tells me: “There is more respect in a teaspoon of honey than there is in a barrel of vinegar.” 

One thing to remember is to keep your pitch short and to the point. Even the most avid of readers prefer reading something that is straightforward, clear, and to the point.   

In any event, make sure that your method of approach is accepted by that particular podcast. Every podcast is different in the way that they get guests on their show. You could reach out directly on their website, maybe they’d prefer an email, or maybe they work exclusively through a podcast guest booking agency. Whatever the case, just make sure that you’re not stepping on any toes.

A Guest to Remember

And that’s it! You now have all you need to get your first booking as a guest on a podcast. 

Once you have been booked on a podcast, you’d do well to prepare as best you can. To do this, have a listen to this episode of our Ask We Edit Show “How Can I be a Good Podcast Guest?” It will give you all you need to know in no more than 2 minutes!

And there you have it! A step-by-step guide for landing your first podcast guest spot! So give yourself the chance to grow your own brand and audience or take a shot at the ultimate fan goal by becoming a guest on a winning podcast.

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9 Simple Ways to Generate New Ideas When Creatively Stuck Tue, 24 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000 As a creative, there comes a time when I ask myself: “What am I going to do next?” I hit a creative wall and I struggle to generate new ideas for whatever I may be working on.  These moments can be extremely frustrating for me. As a fellow creative, you may feel similarly exasperated. So […]

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As a creative, there comes a time when I ask myself: “What am I going to do next?” I hit a creative wall and I struggle to generate new ideas for whatever I may be working on. 

These moments can be extremely frustrating for me. As a fellow creative, you may feel similarly exasperated. So today I’m sharing the 9 techniques I use to break down that wall and release the river of creativity that is buried within.

Related read: 12 Quick Ways to Generate Ideas for Your Podcast

1. Write it Down

The first way to generate new ideas is arguably the most important. Write down all your ideas in one journal/notepad that is dedicated to keeping all your inspired thoughts. 

Isn’t it frustrating when you get a brilliant idea but one hour later and you’ve completely forgotten what it was? It drives me up the wall! I now keep a journal on me so that I never forget a single thing. The moment an idea strikes, I write it down and can always come back to it at a later stage. 

The beauty about having a notepad just for my ideas is that when I come back to it I can build on previous ideas. So, when a new thought strikes, I quickly flip through my journal to see if it follows the pattern of an earlier idea. I can keep developing a single topic even when moments of inspiration for it are far apart.

A brilliant idea is never far away when you have your own, self-made, journal of inspiration to rely on. 

2. Read, Listen, Observe

Reading is a great way to unlock ideas that are hidden in your subconscious. By exploring another feat of creativity, you will no doubt find pieces of text that inspire you to explore your creative potential. The same is true for listening to your favorite podcast or a favorite song and watching a great movie or TV show.  

I absolutely love reading a good book. It relaxes me and allows my mind to drift between different worlds. As I travel through different literary dimensions, I’m always struck with profound ideas and thoughts. Sometimes they aren’t even connected to what I am reading. But they still hold a great purpose for my next podcast episode idea or blog idea. 

My best ideas come to me when I have my earphones on and the perfect song is drowning out all other sounds. Music has a way of saying exactly how I feel. Sometimes, that confirmation of my emotional state is all I need to kick back into a creative mindset.  


As a writer, my job is to transform the text into a visual image in your mind. You must be able to envision whatever I am writing about as if it is a movie—written by me, directed by you. TV has never failed to inspire me because, after watching something riveting, I always sit back and think to myself: “Okay, how could I put that stunning image into words?” That leads to a process of trying different ways to recreate that visual image in text. And before I know it I have 10 new ideas that I wasn’t even looking for. 

Books, podcasts (and other audio mediums), and the things we watch on a screen have been created to educate, inspire, and entertain. When we are struggling to generate new ideas, it would be remiss of us not to look for inspiration in the art forms that speak directly to what we are trying to achieve.   

3. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to stay present in any given moment without any concern for your surroundings, what happened in your past, or what may come in your future¹. It’s being fully focused on your current state of being, in an effort to clear your mind from any distractions whilst paying specific attention to relaxing your body. 

Whilst mindfulness is a great way to hit life’s “refresh” button, it is also a wonderful technique to employ when looking for ways to generate new ideas. In a mindful state, your focus is on your body as you attempt to empty your mind of each and every thought that does not relate to you being mindful. 

As you relax and your tension slips away, you start becoming aware of things in your body that you may not have paid attention to before: A tight shoulder here, an ankle niggle there. You begin to work through your bodily afflictions and, in turn, give your mind a much-needed vacation from obsessing over the perils of life. 

For me, five minutes in a mindful state is enough to rejuvenate me and recharge my mental state. After a short meditation, I have to make sure that my notepad is close by because wonderful ideas start flooding my head. 

Being mindful is all about relaxing your body and clearing your mind. This process is like wiping the whiteboard clean, creating space for new, inspired thoughts to find their roots in your psyche. 

4. 5 W’s, 1 H

Next on my list is an idea generation tool that has lasted through the ages. Finding the answers to who, what, where, when, why, and how will ultimately leave you with a brand new concept to explore. 

Each question aims to solve one part of a problem. If you can answer all the questions then chances are that you can solve the problem entirely. 

Here’s how I look at the “5 w’s and 1 H” when it comes to generating new ideas: 

  • Who – Who is this idea I’m trying to generate for? Who stands to benefit from my new idea? Who’s story am I trying to tell?
  • What – What theme’s do I want to explore? What do I want my audience to take away from this idea? What ideas/content is my audience interested in?
  • Where – Where does my idea/story take place? Where is my audience (physical location, and/or mental state)? Where can I look for inspiration? 
  • When – When is my deadline? (This can be an incredible motivator if your deadline is around the corner!) When does my story take place? 
  • Why – Why am I doing this? (What are the reasons for me to be creative and generate new ideas?) Why do I need to tell this particular story? Why is my audience interested in this idea?
  • How – How will my idea/story be consumed by my audience? How does this idea benefit my audience? How can I tell this story differently?

The above scenarios are just a starting point. You can frame the “5 W’s and 1 H” in a way that answers questions specific to your needs. Once you find the right questions, you’ll be able to discover the correct answers, and the wall that is blocking your creativity will dissipate. 

5. Brainstorming and Mind-mapping

Part five and we continue with the theme of “tried and tested” techniques. This time, the amazing methods of brainstorming and mind-mapping. 

Both brainstorming and mind-mapping aim to generate new ideas by exploring various avenues around one central theme. 

With brainstorming, you make a suggestion (which can literally be anything) and begin thinking of anything that you can associate with that thing. So, if I wanted to brainstorm “fish”, I would then go on to mention everything that I associate with it: Water, the sea, a river, food for bears, Baby Shark, etc. From there, every item I mentioned under “fish” becomes a new topic on its own for an entirely new brainstorming session. 

Before you know it, you’ll have a mass of content to sieve through and find connections in. You’ll then narrow down what you really want to say and find your focus. And, you know what? After finding your focus, you can use it as a new topic and start brainstorming all over again! The potential for generating new ideas is almost endless. 


Mind-mapping works in a very similar way to brainstorming. You would write down your core idea in the middle of the page and then make lines that branch off from the central idea. Under each line you would write down a new idea that corresponds to the central theme, once again building associations and creating new avenues to explore. 

Brainstorming and mind-mapping are absolute juggernauts in helping you to generate a copious amount of ideas. For these two techniques, too much is never enough. And when you’re struggling to come up with new ideas, having too much content to work through is an absolute blessing. 

6.  A Walk in Nature

The next few sections on my list are all about trying different things that give you a new perspective. We often get stuck in finding new ideas because we are so focused on one particular thing. Looking at something from another angle will give you a variety of options on how to convey that very same thing. 

First up, try taking a walk and exploring nature. The natural world has an uncanny ability to be able to transport you back to a child-like state of wonder and intrigue. As you get lost in the synchronous beauty of nature, you will start to dream and imagine as you did when you were younger. 

Remember how easy it was to think of games to play when you were a kid? A stroll through nature will bring you right back to a state of effortless idea creation. 

7. Socialize

A new perspective can also be garnered through socializing with other people. Conversations with friends and family or compatriots in your industry could leave you with a plethora of questions and, in turn, new ideas.

Conversations are amazing because they do not have any real structure, They start and end where they may without any objective constraints. As conversations weave in and out, you are bound to stumble upon trains of thought that lead you to brilliant ideas.

My only suggestion is that when you go out to socialize, take your idea journal with you.

8. Have Fun

One more piece of advice for gaining a new perspective is to go out there and do something fun! You may think that this is counter-intuitive in your efforts to be productive but doing something that you enjoy will almost always lead to bursts of inspiration. 

The point of doing something fun is to relax your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. I always come up with incredible ideas when I am happy or even just at peace. Optimism is an important part of idea generation because if you believe that you can come up with a good idea, then you will!  

9. Know Yourself

new ideas

My final way of generating incredible ideas may seem a bit left of field. But bare with me, there’s much value to be found in knowing yourself. 

Understanding who you are is often underrated. But when you truly know yourself, you’ll know exactly what you like and dislike. You’ll know when you are feeling happy or sad and, more importantly, you’ll know why. 

So, if you know yourself well, when you are caught in a rut trying to generate new ideas you’ll understand exactly why and what you need to do to pull yourself up out of that hole. You may need a break and walk in nature or you’ll ascertain that doing a mindmap is how you can solve your problem.

In any event, knowing yourself will help you to find the right solution for yourself in the shortest possible time. Hello self-knowledge, goodbye creative block! 

Related read: The Nine Enneagram Type Descriptions. 

Light Bulb Moment

Being stuck in an idea rut can be one of the most frustrating experiences for a creative. You hit your head and berate yourself for not being able to come up with one single idea. 

When these moments strike, take a step back and remember all that you’ve read here. Try to center yourself and clear your mind of worrying thoughts. Embrace nature and be social and do all the things that bring you joy. Ask yourself the “5 W’s and 1 H” and brainstorm the answers. Make sure that you truly know yourself so that you can take yourself out of the creative block as swiftly as it arrived. 

And always (and I mean always!) keep your notepad at hand. That perfect idea is only a short moment of inspiration away.    

Related read: 7 Common Challenges Podcasters Face and How to Overcome Them.

SourcesMindful: Getting Started With Mindfulness:

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17 Easy Ways To Monetize Your Podcast Through Premium Content Thu, 12 May 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Looking to monetize your podcast through premium content? This post is for you! Offering paying participants access to your podcast’s premium content is an incredibly smart monetization technique. It allows you to share extra material relating to your podcast with your die-hard fans, for a fee. Platforms like Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee and Ko-fi […]

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Looking to monetize your podcast through premium content? This post is for you!

Offering paying participants access to your podcast’s premium content is an incredibly smart monetization technique. It allows you to share extra material relating to your podcast with your die-hard fans, for a fee. Platforms like Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee and Ko-fi have made it easy for all types of creators to monetize their talents through support from their loyal fans. 

There’s only one problem: You have no idea what you could offer your listeners as premium content!

And how do you keep producing valuable, bonus content for your paying followers? What else can you try to ensure that those spending money on your premium content are getting even more than what they paid for?

If you find yourself in this predicament, there is no need to panic. We have all the answers you need right here. 

Let’s take a closer look at 17 superb content ideas for your premium subscribers. 

Related read: It’s Here! 13 Proven Strategies for Monetizing Your Podcast.

1. Early Access

First on our list is the early bird catching the worm. Fans of your show will be counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds until the release of your next episode. So, reward your paying listeners with early access to the latest episode of your podcast.

The frequency of your podcast’s publishing schedule will determine how far in advance you offer early access. You could share your podcast with your premium subscribers an hour, one day, or even one week before it is available to everyone else. Paying fans will be grateful for the shorter wait time. Other listeners will be enticed into subscribing in order to be part of the early-bird club. 

2. Extended Episodes

Sometimes, you may have so much to say on a particular topic but, diving truly deep into it goes beyond your usual episode running time. You may have to leave out some valuable information in the final edit because of time. 

A great premium content offering would be to make the extended version of that episode available to your supporters. This works incredibly well with interviews that take longer than expected because of new, interesting information that is raised during the conversation. 

Alternatively, you could cut your normal episode to include the time that is only available to paying listeners. So, if your episodes are 45 minutes long, make 30 minutes available to everyone and the remaining 15 minutes only for your subscribers. You could also go the other way and add 15 minutes to your premium episodes, giving your premium subscribers a full hour of amazing content. 

3. Unfiltered Episodes

It takes 3 to tango, and our number 3 gives your paying listeners the chance to hear all the heavy breathing and loud footsteps. Offer your premium subscribers the chance to listen to your entire podcast—unedited! 

It may be a scary prospect, going against all you know as a podcast creator aiming to deliver quality, polished content. But fans of your show will appreciate the feeling of being part of your inner circle. 

Unfiltered content may include some controversial issues or may even be explicit in some ways. Make sure that your unfiltered podcast is still beneficial for your audience and get the permission of all stakeholders involved (co-hosts, guests, etc.) to use content that may be more private.  

4. Bloopers

Similar to your unfiltered content, bloopers offer you a way to monetize your podcast whilst breaking the fourth wall: Connecting with your audience on a more personal level. It gives your listeners a deeper understanding of the personalities behind your podcast.

Bloopers, out-takes, and “off the mic” chatter can be fun and entertaining and they add a human element to your podcast. Fans will feel like they are active observers—like flies on the wall of your podcast’s studio. They will be grateful for the inclusion and happy to pay the required fee. 

5. Forgotten Episodes

Our fifth point urges you to remember all that has come before it. During your podcasting journey, there are undoubtedly episodes or large portions of episodes that didn’t make it onto your channel. 

Unreleased episodes could be from your early days when you were experimenting. However cringe-worthy you may deem it to be, true fans of your show would love to get a better feel of those early days. And you can still edit these forgotten episodes to get them to a quality standard that you’re happy with. The main point here is to give your premium subscribers something that they cannot find anywhere else. 

6. Back Catalog

Now you may have episodes that you didn’t release entirely but there is another podcast monetization method that draws from your podcast’s past. A back catalog is earlier episodes of your podcast that have already been released.

Die-hard fans may want to relive the moments that made them fall in love with your podcast. Newer audience members may want to take a closer look at your podcast in its earlier days. Making your back catalog available to paying subscribers will give everyone involved a nostalgic trip down memory lane.   

7. Live Stream

Moving on swiftly, like a salmon swimming upstream, we bring you number 7, the wonderful live stream.  

Live streaming the recording of your podcast will allow listeners to connect with you in real-time. You will no doubt be energized by the live interaction and your listeners will feel ecstatic to be part of your “live studio audience”! 

Access to the live stream of my favorite podcast is content that I look forward to and always a premium bonus that I am more than willing to pay for. 

Related read: How to Host a Successful Virtual Podcast Event.

8. Videos

If this post was a spider then this would be the last leg. Luckily for you, we’re more like a caterpillar. And number eight is merely the halfway point of finding ways for you to create premium content for your subscribers.  

Podcasting has managed to thrive in a visual-based society. However, video still remains a much sought-after means of consuming content. In 2021, the average American would watch 100 minutes of online video a day ¹. 

With that in mind, give the people what they want and offer video content relating to your podcast. You could record your entire podcast; record snippets of your show; take them on a virtual tour of your podcast’s studios; share thoughts and tips on related topics; or literally anything else that you can imagine. 

Videos are just another way to be intimate with your audience and give them something of your podcast that can’t be found anywhere else. 

9.  Merchandizing

The second half of our list kicks off with you providing something tangible for your listeners to take home. Creating merchandise for your podcast is a marquee strategy for podcast monetization and also a brilliant way to provide premium content for your subscribers. 

Your podcast is already amazing in its audio format, but there’s nothing that fans can physically hold and say: “This is my favorite podcast!” Creating merchandise will bridge that gap and allow your fans to flaunt your show in their physical environment. 

You can create absolutely anything you want as a form of merchandise. Just make sure that it is something your audience can relate to and don’t forget to brand it for that extra special touch. 

10. Private Community Access

Create a private community for your listeners that only those who are paying can access. This could be something simple like a private group on Facebook that will only send and accept invites from paying subscribers. 

This could be a channel for discussions relating to your podcast or even a place where you share fan content and give insider information. This will help extend the experience of your podcast for those dedicated fans.

11. Cast Access

This number 11 is for the fans! Similar to creating a private online community for your premium subscribers, you could also give them the chance to engage with the creators of your podcast. 

They could speak to the writers, hosts, editing team, and even other guests if they are willing. This could be done via private emails or as a consulting session or even in an exclusive group webinar. I can’t think of a single fan who would turn down the opportunity of having one-on-one conversations with the creators of their favorite podcast. 

12. Subscribers Only 

One clever approach to providing premium content is by having certain episodes available only to your subscribers. 

You could experience a great response to this podcast monetization strategy by simply wielding the power of FOMO! This strategy works particularly well when you are planning a big episode with special guests or exclusive content. Your paying listeners will relish having private access whilst other audience members will be clamoring to be a part of your VIP list. 

13. Ad Free

Having ads on your show is an excellent podcast monetization method. However, making an ad-free version of your podcast may be extremely beneficial to your paying listeners. 

Just make sure that it is indeed what they want. Some fans may find value in your ads and look to your podcast for information on where to look and what to buy. 

So, if you do go the ad-free route, make sure that it is exactly what your listeners want. If having no ads is of interest to your audience, then they’ll be happy to pay the premium and grateful for the option. 

14. Downloadables

Another way of offering premium content is by having music, artwork, and other media or resources relating to your podcast available for download. 

This could be a great option for you as fans could either subscribe for unrestricted access or pay for an individual item. Find out which works best for your listeners and run with that. 

15. Readings of Extended Material

We’re in the home stretch of our list of premium content offerings and now we invite you to make use of what your fans have come to love: Your voice. 

You’ve already hooked the masses with your unique cadence so you might as well give the people more of what they want! 

Give your paying subscribers audio versions of your newsletters, blogs, and other written content. With them being audio lovers, they’ll jump at the opportunity of getting the chance to hear even more of your seductive voice. 

16. Resource Curation

A wonderful way to give back to those who are financially supporting you is by giving them information on something they find valuable, outside of your podcast. 

It does not have to be completely separate from your podcast. You can give advice on where to look for podcasting equipment or a list of authors who explore the topics of your latest episode. Just find something that your audience is interested in and make their lives easier by telling them where to get it or by showing them how to do it. 

17. Spinoff Podcast

premium content

Finally, we bring you a juggernaut in the world of premium content for your subscribers: Having a spinoff podcast. 

Now, having a spinoff definitely requires more time, effort, and even money on your part. But it is extremely valuable to your listeners and can be more financially rewarding for you. 

The best way to go about it is by gathering clips from unaired versions of your show and releasing them as the spinoff. It could be extended interviews or topics that just didn’t gel well enough with your podcast’s themes. In any event, editing previous content will save you time and money whilst bringing incredible value to your loyal listeners. 

Premium Content

Offering premium content is a brilliant strategy for podcast monetization. It is all about giving your audience something of extra value whilst making a little extra money. Just remember: The value for your subscribers is what comes first. Charging your listeners for something they are not interested in may be more harmful than beneficial for your podcast. 

Do extensive research on what your audience is looking for, then comb through our list to see what premium content you can provide to meet their needs. 

Now that you are no longer worried about what content to produce for your premium subscribers, it’s time to go out there and let your creative juices flow!


  1. Zenith The ROI Agency: Online Vidoe Viewing to reach 100 Minutes a Day in 2021: https://www.zenit
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It’s Here! 13 Proven Strategies for Monetizing Your Podcast Tue, 10 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Ah! Monetizing your podcast. It’s one of the biggest dilemmas new podcasters face as they ask themselves the question: “Can I make money off my podcast?” Well, it gives me great pleasure to tell you: Yes! You can! The next question is: How? How do you turn your piece of audio brilliance from an enjoyable […]

The post It’s Here! 13 Proven Strategies for Monetizing Your Podcast first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
Ah! Monetizing your podcast. It’s one of the biggest dilemmas new podcasters face as they ask themselves the question: “Can I make money off my podcast?” Well, it gives me great pleasure to tell you: Yes! You can!

The next question is: How? How do you turn your piece of audio brilliance from an enjoyable hobby into a source of income? 

Fortunately for all of us in the podcasting community, there are many ways of monetizing a podcast. I hope you have your pen and notepad ready because coming right at you are 13 proven monetization techniques that will help make your podcast a money-making machine.

Related Read: 15 Effective Ways to Make Money From Your Podcast.

1. Premium Content

Let’s immediately dive in with our first podcast monetization technique: Selling your premium content. 

Premium content is podcast content that you sell through a recurring subscription (usually monthly). It is not available on your normal podcast feed. Your listeners will subscribe to your premium service and receive exclusive content that is only available to paying customers. 

Your premium content could be granting access to a second special episode that you publish only for paying customers. Almost like a ‘part two’ of the first episode that is available for free. 

Other premium content options include: Having special training videos; giving an in-depth analysis of each episode; offering access to unique merchandise; showing your audience what it’s like behind the scenes; and even having video versions of your podcast available for your premium subscribers. 

Just make sure that your premium content is valuable to your paying customers. As such, being paid through selling your premium content works best for podcasts with a high audience engagement. 

So if your listeners are active in the way they follow your podcast, get them to subscribe and invite them to explore more of your intriguing world. 

2. Sponsorship

monetizing your podcast

Much like professional athletes who make millions from endorsements, a good way of getting paid from your podcast is through sponsorship. (Although, I can’t guarantee that the margins will be the same as LeBron James or Serena Williams).

Sponsorship is a contractual agreement between you and another business/brand. You could work out a sponsorship deal where they pay you to market their products and services on your podcast.

Companies that are likely to offer you sponsorship will pay close attention to your listener numbers and audience engagement. So make sure that your content is amazing to reel in that following. And be very active on all your social media platforms to increase your audience engagement.

Getting a sponsor for your show is a great way to have guaranteed money that you can bank on. You will have to promote the brand/business a specified number of times per episode/season. In exchange, you get that good ol’ moola in your bank account.  

3. Ads

Similar to sponsorship, you can approach businesses and ask if you can promote them on your podcast by running their ads. The key difference is that these are usually once-off occurrences or campaigns for a limited time period. 

Running ads is great because you can capitalize on brands that are launching a new product or service. You can offer your podcast up as a vessel for their marketing campaign and pigtail off the hype they’ve already built up for themselves. 

If you manage to land a big name whom you promote on your podcast, try and turn that into a sponsorship deal. The longer the relationship between you and the businesses you advertise the better your chances are of generating a consistent income. 

4. Syndicate Your Podcast on Youtube

Moving onto number four and we’re here to give you more. To increase the chances of growing your audience and earning more money, make your podcast available on YouTube. 

Millions of people use YouTube on a daily basis and if your podcast show’s up in their search then you have a good chance of increasing your following. Once you have 1000 or more subscribers on your podcast’s YouTube channel and 4000 watch hours within the calendar year then you can make use of the YouTube Partner Program

Once you are part of the program, you can earn money through ads that are placed in your podcast and also by earning a small portion of the YouTube Premium subscribers’ fee. 

With millions of potential fans waiting to discover your podcast, what do you have to lose?

5. Donations

Mambo Number Five and we move on with a charity drive. You should always be open to receiving and accepting any donations made to your podcast. 

Donations are no-strings-attached payments made to your podcast. The usual motive is through appreciation of your podcast and in the interest of further developing your podcast. 

You may feel a bit weird to outright ask for donations on your podcast. There’s no need to feel uncomfortable about it, but I totally understand if you are. So if you are uncomfortable being direct about asking for donations, try out some less direct methods. 

Try posting occasional ‘call to donate’ posts on your social media pages. Make the links to your donations portal clearly visible and place them strategically on your website and social media pages. You can even add a donation option to your newsletter. Fans of your podcast will then be able to see how they can help you without them feeling pressured into it or you feeling like you’ve forced their hand.

Other indirect methods of asking for donations that are worth exploring are services like Buy Me a Coffee. They offer a platform for fans to donate to or purchase an artist’s work (buying them a cup of coffee), without either party having to subscribe. A subscription service is available as well if that’s what you’d prefer.  Their ‘Donations’ caption says it best: “Give your audience an easy way to say thanks.”

Making donations to your podcast should be as simple as possible. Sites like PayPal and Ko-fi make it easy for your fans to show you their love. 

Equally important to remember: Giving a shout-out on your podcast and thanking those that made donations will add a special touch that your generous fans will appreciate. 

6. Paid Live Podcast Events

“Six of the best” is usually something you want to avoid but our number six is a number to hold onto. Setting up a live stream of your podcast or hosting a live podcasting event can take a lot of time and demands intricate planning. But, when you get it right, it can be a big moneymaker for you and your podcast. 

Sell tickets to your live stream podcasting event and truly boost your earning potential. Just be careful to price your tickets correctly to avoid alienating any of your listeners. Choose the right options that work for your audience

Live streaming gives listeners the opportunity to engage with your podcast or event in real-time. So they can live chat with you on your social media pages or even call into your show. But the best part is having those who are at the event itself who can make spur-of-the-moment donations to your podcast.

Live events mean that your audience is ‘here and now”. Usually, your listener could be stuck in traffic while listening to your podcast, making a mental note to make a donation. By the time they arrive at the chaos in the office, however, donating to your podcast has moved very far down their list. But at Live events, your audience can donate right there and then the moment your brilliant live event inspires them to do so.

Related read: Top Tips for Successful Live Podcasting and Hosting a Live Podcast Event.  

7. Merchandising

As we move to number seven on our list, you’ll realize that you are indeed a merchant. By turning your podcast into a profitable business you have put on your brand new merchant’s hat. And what better way to give back to your audience than by offering them something tangible that they can take home! (For a fee, of course). 

Merchandising involves selling products directly to your audience. It could be branded goods with your podcast’s logo or words and sayings that carry the message of your podcast. Your merchandise could be almost anything: Mugs, hats, pens, coasters, t-shirts, the list goes on and on. The limitations to what you sell are only set by your imagination. 

That being said, make sure that your merchandise is aligned with your podcast’s overall image and target audience. 

Firstly, branded coasters may be great for homeowners or those that are in the service industry, but not so desirable to a younger population who only use their small apartments for sleep and storage. Do a little research on your target audience, then marry their expectations with your brand image. That’s a winning recipe for best-selling merchandise.  

Secondly, your chosen merchandise should also work as added marketing opportunities for your podcast. If your merchandise is aligned to your audience, they’ll want to show it off, and in the process, promote your show to new listeners

8. Affiliate Marketing

If you are not willing to create merchandise of your own but still think that this strategy could work for your podcast, then you could approach other businesses and offer to sell their products on your podcast for a commission fee. This would be an affiliate agreement. 

Affiliate marketing is huge in podcasting. Because of the rapid growth of podcasting as an industry, companies are racing to get involved and use podcasts as part of their marketing strategy. 

Brand/business will usually give you a special code that you will then share with your listeners. When your followers make a purchase using that code, brands will be able to trace it back to you and pay you your commission for that sale. 

For affiliate marketing, it’s best to seek businesses and brands that are aligned with your podcast’s image and are favored by your audience.

9. Back Catalog

Selling the back catalog of your podcast’s episodes may be a bit cheeky, but it is still a valid income generator for your podcast. 

Selling your back catalog entails making previous episodes of your podcast available to your audience, for a fee. You can set up a paywall on your podcast’s website that restricts access to your older content, making it only available to paying users. 

This strategy works because recent fans of your show may have missed your previous episodes and love your podcast so much that they want to listen to ALL of it. There’s also the chance that loyal followers may want to go back to their favorite episode of your podcast. There is no shame in asking them to pay a little extra in order for you to grant them that access. 

10. Promote Your Other Interests

Here’s a reason to do a ten-finger fist-pump: One amazing thing about having your own podcast is that YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PODCAST! This means that you can do and say anything you want on your podcast. (As long as it’s in line with the interests of your audience!). So, as the boss, take the opportunity to promote yourself and your other ventures. 

Try promoting and selling tickets and/or products for other activities of yours that fall outside of podcasting. You’re probably doing other things within your fields of interest so, it being your podcast, they’ll most likely align with your podcast in some way. 

Public speaking events are great for selling tickets and generating an income. You could hold workshops on the topics discussed in your podcast or give a talk on an issue that is close to you and your listener’s hearts. Advertise these events on your podcast and sell the tickets on your podcast’s website and social media pages. 

11. Coaching/Consultancy 

The 11 players of a football team need a coach, and so do many others in the corporate world who are unlearned in a particular niche. You should plug the gap and offer up your services as a coach or a consultant.

If there is a keen interest in your podcast’s themes and indeed a healthy following of your podcast then chances are that you’ve done the research to be knowledgeable in those fields.

Approach businesses and individuals to impart your knowledge to their staff and associates. You could host coaching sessions in which companies pay you a fee to educate their employees. 

12. Online Courses

A dozen doesn’t always have to be dirty. Our number twelve is short, sweet, and squeaky clean. Generate more income from your podcast by offering an online course and integrating it with your podcast’s online persona. 

This works best if your podcast offers educational value or if you are qualified to educate in a certain field. Your followers can then pay to have access to your online learning materials and you earn whilst helping others learn. 

13. Join a Podcasting Advertising Network

Our final little gem of advice to give for how you can monetize your podcast is by joining a podcasting network. 

A podcasting network is a space (usually online) that connects companies and brands looking to advertise their products and services with respective podcasts. So you can find advertisers for your podcast (and they can find you) all in one convenient place. 

Once the connection has been made, the podcasting advertising network takes a relatively small commission fee from the money paid to you by the advertiser. 

Podcasting networks also help advertise your podcast, making it possible for you to gain more followers and indeed increase your podcast’s revenue.

Here is Everything You Need to Know About Joining a Podcasting Network.

Things to Remember

As you’ve seen there are many ways for you to monetize your podcast. The most important thing to remember is to choose a strategy that works best for you, your podcast, and your audience. Not every method that we have mentioned will suit your specific podcast. Find out which ones work best for you and offer you maximum earning potential. 

Finally, you do not have to choose just one means of monetizing your podcast. In fact, it’s advisable to try more than one to better the chances of growing your podcast’s revenue. Again, just make sure that is all aligned with your podcast and your podcast’s stakeholders. 

So, what are you waiting for? You now know exactly how to monetize your podcast. Now go out there and make some bank! 

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Looking for Amazing Guests for Your Podcast? Here’s All You Need to Know Thu, 05 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Having a successful podcast is the result of careful planning and deliberate execution. But merely going through the motions is not good enough. Everything from your topic of conversation and interview questions, to sponsors and guests for your podcast, should all be chosen because of the value they add to your podcast.  When looking to […]

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Having a successful podcast is the result of careful planning and deliberate execution. But merely going through the motions is not good enough. Everything from your topic of conversation and interview questions, to sponsors and guests for your podcast, should all be chosen because of the value they add to your podcast. 

When looking to invite guests to your podcast, you need to ensure that they are the perfect fit for you and your brand. Not any guest will do. They need to bring along with them a way of making your podcast stand out from all the rest. So your guests should improve your podcast and be of value to your audience. 

So, how do you go about finding the right guest for your podcast?   

First, we’ll take a look at how you can attract the right guests to your podcast. After that, we will show you where you can find them. 

By the end of this article, you should know how to get the perfect guests on your podcast. Ones that entertain your audience and help your podcast’s overall growth. 

How to Attract the Right Guests to Your Podcast

Choosing the right guests for your podcast will gear your podcast up for success. But first, you need to know how to go about it. 

We have three things that you need to be on top of when laying the foundations for bringing guests to your show. 

1. Make an Incredible Show

The best way to have quality guests interested in your show is by being an amazing podcast. 

The quality of your content will inspire interest from eligible people and brands who are looking for guest opportunities. 

If your content is great then chances are that you’re building a good following for yourself. Potential guests will see your large audience as a chance for them to market themselves. This will further entice them to your podcast. 

If your podcast is amazing then future guests have no option but to take notice. And, who knows, your brilliant podcast may push them into making the first move. 

2. Build Relationships

Before you even invite your guests to your show, you must first build a relationship with them. People will seldom be a guest on a show they’ve never heard of or whose hosts and creators they do not know. However, once a relationship has been fostered, they are likely to accept your invite and be a great guest on your show

Connect with your potential guests on social media and engage with their content. Go to their website, read their blog, and leave a comment or two. 

Go to your own social media pages and share your future guest’s information and content with your followers. This will help build trust between you and the guests, and also give your followers a glimpse of who may feature in future episodes. 

If you take the effort to learn more about your potential guests and engage with them in a visible way, they will appreciate your endeavors and will repay the favor by accepting the invite to be on your amazing show.  

3. Send That Email

Lastly, when it comes to attracting the right people to your podcast, once you have identified your ideal guest, send that email! How you make that initial contact is crucial if you are to have great guests saying yes to your show. 

And it may not be an actual email, but make sure that you connect as soon as your mind is made up on which guest you’d like to invite. The sooner you are able to build that relationship, the better.  

There are other ways to connect, of course. You could reach out on various social media platforms or directly on your guest’s websites if they have that option available. Just do the research to ensure that your guest is comfortable being approached in that manner.

Everything You Need to Invite and Book Your Next Podcast Guest can be found right here. 

Where to Find the Perfect Guest for Your Podcast

Now that you know how to go about attracting the right guest to your podcast, let’s take a closer look at where you can find them.  

1. Low-Hanging Fruit

When looking for a guest that will bring value to your podcast, the best place to start is by using the information and resources that are already available to you. Low-hanging because they’re easy to grab.

You’ve taken the time to build connections in your podcast’s niche so use those relationships to your advantage. Approach other podcasters and brands that you’ve worked with and ask them to be guests on your show. 

Related read: How to Land a Guest Spot on a Top Podcast.

You can also ask the people and brands that you’ve met on your podcasting journey for guest recommendations. They’ll probably only suggest quality guests because of the trust that has been built between the two of you. 

Finding guests within your niche-aligned group of connections will ensure that they will be of value to your audience. They will already be from the field that your listeners take an interest in. 

2. Ask Your Audience

The second point on our list brings us to the people for whom your podcast was made: Your audience. What better way to ensure valuable content than by asking those who consume it?

Explore your contact, email, and subscriber lists and run a survey on the type of people they would like to hear from on your show. You can even approach your followers on social media and run polls for the same purpose. 

Reaching out to family and friends is also a good way to find quality guests. Chances are that those in your inner circle are both fans of your show and ultimately want what’s best for you. They are uniquely positioned in that they know what they would want to hear when listening to your podcast and they will do anything to make sure that you and your podcast succeed.  

3. Podcasting Events

guests for your podcast

A great place to find amazing guests for your show is at a podcasting event. Conferences, seminars, and awards ceremonies are teeming with quality guests who might be perfect for your show. 

These pod events are filled with industry professionals that have valuable knowledge and experience. At the very least, the guest you’ll find at a podcasting event is interested enough in the industry to immerse themselves in the social culture. 

All you need to do is find out who is in your niche or will compliment your podcast if they were put on as a guest. Then, approach them and build that connection.

Face-to-face interactions are the fastest way to build meaningful interactions. So if you meet a guest face-to-face at a podcasting event, the chances of them saying yes to your proposal improve exponentially. 

4. Recent Publications

Fourth on our list of where to find great guests for your podcast is to search for authors, musicians, and other artists who have recently released new material (or are about to).  

You can use the momentum built from their publicity campaigns to garner interest in your own podcast. Better yet, ask them to make your podcast part of their marketing campaign and situate your podcast as a piece of a greater movement.  

Approaching other experts and professionals in other mediums will also give you access to their list of followers. Just make sure that those you ask to be a guest on your show (and their content) align with your podcast’s brand. 

5. Guest Referrals

Guest referrals are brilliant! Previous guests of yours could show you the way to having other dynamic, meaningful conversations on your podcast.

You’ve already established that your guest compliments your niche and is a good fit for your podcast. With that in mind, there is a high chance that your guest knows others in their industry who could offer you the same value if you were to host them on your show. 

A guest that has already been on your show has built some sort of relationship with you; knows the quality of your podcast; understands what is required of guests on your show and; knows the type of guest that will add value to your podcast. They’ll be able to give you expert recommendations at the drop of a hat. 

6. Podcast Guest-Booking Services

Our final suggestion for you for where to look to find quality guests is through a podcast guest-booking service.  A podcast guest-booking service is an online directory that connects you with experts, authors, and other podcasters to be guests on your show (and you on theirs). 

These services are wonderful because the people you encounter are willing guest participants. Either they are looking for a guest to interview or they want to be guests themselves. In the former scenario, you could offer a quid-pro-quo agreement where you guest on their show in exchange for the chance for you to host them on yours. 

So there is no need to convince anyone to be a guest, all you have to do is show why your podcast is the best place for them to feature.  

There are a few options available, but some great options are on this list of 4 Websites for Finding Podcast Guests

The Perfect Guests for Your Podcast

There is no denying the incredible value that having the right guest can add to your podcast. If you’ve chosen correctly, your guest will be interesting to your audience, increase audience engagement, and also give you the opportunity to grow your podcast.

You can also grow within the podcasting community by regularly hosting guests that are podcasters themselves. You will be able to learn and grow from their experiences whilst marrying their followers with your own. 

Choose your guests wisely and give your podcast the chance to shine high and bright above all the rest.

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12 Simple Ways to Promote Your Podcast on Twitter Tue, 03 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000 One of the biggest stories of 2022 thus far is the agreement reached for the acquisition of social media juggernaut Twitter by eccentric billionaire Elon Musk. Musk has some ideas about how he would change Twitter but, until the deal is finalized, all remains the same.  Twitter, then, is still one of the world’s top […]

The post 12 Simple Ways to Promote Your Podcast on Twitter first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
One of the biggest stories of 2022 thus far is the agreement reached for the acquisition of social media juggernaut Twitter by eccentric billionaire Elon Musk. Musk has some ideas about how he would change Twitter but, until the deal is finalized, all remains the same. 

Twitter, then, is still one of the world’s top ten most visited websites¹. With millions of potential listeners, Twitter should be a key area of focus when it comes to you promoting your podcast. 

So, how should you go about marketing your podcast on Twitter? Is it the same plug-and-play solution that you use for advertising on other social media platforms?

The short answer is: No. Twitter has its own unique rules of engagement that make it stand alone from the likes of Instagram and Facebook. 

As such, we have come up with 12 strategies that will help you to promote your podcast on Twitter to gain more avid listeners and grow your podcast as a business. 

Related read: 8 Great Ways to Advertise Your Podcast in 2022

1. Know Your Identity

The first step to having a successful Twitter marketing strategy is knowing your identity. That means having a clear understanding of your brand image, knowing your podcast’s ultimate goals, and ascertaining your podcast’s voice. 

Twitter is host to many individuals and businesses, all trying to make their mark on the millions that use the platform. Subsequently, your podcast needs to stand apart from all the rest and have its own unique way of communicating with your intended audience. 

Your brand’s image will add personality to the way you market your podcast on Twitter, simultaneously attracting potential listeners to your personal style and your authentic perspective.  


Knowing your identity comes with having a clear vision of what you wish to achieve through your marketing campaign. Be it gaining more listeners or increasing your podcast’s revenue, you need to ascertain your goals and promote your podcast in a way that aims at achieving them.

The final piece to knowing your identity is finding your voice. This is the style and manner in which you communicate with your intended audience. Your content needs to be fresh and original whilst conveying your brand’s message. This will allow you to share your podcast’s core values and connect with your audience in a personal way. 

Related read: Want to Build a Strong Podcast Brand? Here Are 8 Key Strategies.

2. Setting Up Your Profile

An important part of a successful Twitter marketing campaign is setting up your profile correctly. The right profile will have an engaging bio, profile photo, and header image with a catchy, easy-to-remember handle. 

A Twitter bio is short and sweet. It is usually one or two punchy sentences that explain who you are and what your podcast is all about. If you need to say more, send the extra information out in your first tweet and pin that tweet to your profile. It will be the first thing users see as they visit your profile. 

Be sure to include links to your website and/or podcast in your pinned tweet. This will make it easier for people to go to your podcast without having to scroll through your entire history to find the right links. 

Next is your profile photo, which can be as simple as using your podcast’s logo. Let’s hope your logo is smart and intriguing and is easily imprinted on the memory of any viewer. 

Show Some Personality

Now, your header image is an opportunity for you to showcase a bit of your podcast’s personality. Keeping your header image light and fun is a good way to attract people to your profile. Another option would be to have something motivational as your header image. 

In any event, your header image needs to be of value to anyone who might see it whilst showing them exactly who you are as a brand. 

Finally, let’s take a look at your handle. Your handle is how Twitter users will recognize you and also how they will share your profile and content. It needs to be easy to remember and short enough for people to easily tag you. Character limitations on Twitter mean that users are less likely to tag you if your handle is too long.

Try and keep your handle as close to your podcast’s name as possible. It will also be beneficial to you if your handle is the same as or similar to your name on other social media platforms. This will make it easier for people to identify you and avoid any confusion. 

If you take the time to carefully construct your Twitter profile then you will add one more valuable link to your chain of Twitter marketing success. 

3. Create a Content Calendar

The third Twitter marketing tip that we have for you may take up a bit of your time upfront. But creating a content calendar for your podcast’s Twitter account will save you time in the long run and could be a key differentiator in your marketing campaign’s success. 

A comprehensive content calendar will keep you prepared for upcoming events whilst ensuring you always have content planned in advance. 

A content calendar will also help you to schedule posts for the right times, making use of Twitter’s optimal publishing times. You may not always be able to click ‘publish’ when the right time comes. A content calendar with scheduled posts will lift this burden of stress from your shoulders. 

Don’t Forget What’s Important

That being said, make sure that you follow up on your scheduled tweets. Don’t schedule a tweet and forget about it. Stay connected with your audience by interacting with those who engage with your tweets.  

Having a content calendar will also make it easier for you to be consistent across all social media platforms. You will be able to create one post that can be published across all mediums, tweaking it where necessary for optimal performance on each platform. 

4. Inspired Content

Whilst creating your content calendar, you need to make sure that it is filled with inspiring content. Twitter is different from other forms of social media so it is imperative that your content is suited for Twitter users. 

Related read: Content That Engages: How to Improve Your Content Creation Skills.

The first thing to remember is to use the right hashtags. You should only use hashtags that add context to your tweets, are aligned with your brand, and are popular among searchers. Use sites like Hashtagify to test out the strength of your hashtags before tweeting them out. And for Twitter: Two hashtags are enough. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that Twitter has one of the shortest character limitations (280) across the various social media platforms³. So choose your words carefully and make every letter count! 

The best way to round off your content and ensure maximum value added is to include a visual element in your posts.  With such a low character limit, an emoji, image or video will help you to say so much more with each post. Not to mention that images and videos offer you three and ten times more audience engagement respectively⁴. 

What Content to Share

Now that you know how to write your Twitter content, let’s take a look at what you should be sharing. Send out a tweet whenever you release a new episode with a link to your podcast. You can also share audiograms, previews, and sneak peeks of upcoming episodes. Promote upcoming guest interviews and encourage the guests to do the same on their Twitter accounts. 

Your content does not always have to be directly linked to your podcast. Retweet the things you like that echo the values of your podcast. Share information on other interesting podcasts or helpful tips for fellow podcasters. This will further cement your unique Twitter personality.  

5. Join Twitter’s Public Forums

Twitter Chats are scheduled, recurring, conversations surrounding a particular topic, and they are designated by their own unique hashtag. Subtopics are chosen on the day of the chat and chats could be from 30 minutes to 1 hour long. Think of it as a live event in a public group. 

Twitter Chats allow you to rally members around a shared interest and topic of conversation. So you will be able to engage with those that find value in the topic you present. And the fact that everyone has to use your chosen hashtag to participate, your name and indeed profile picture will show up in every related search. 

Similar to Twitter Chats but relatively new to the platform is Twitter Spaces. They operate much like Twitter Chats but are rooted in audio (like podcasting, yay!) rather than being text-based.  

Twitter Chats and Spaces have both evolved into places that foster long-lasting connections. So once a common interest has been identified, you are likely to have those same people sharing your content and coming back for more. 

Podcasting Benefits

As a podcaster, you can use the public forums to propose new topics. If you’re undecided on an idea, you can use Chats and Spaces to gauge public perception. You can also use them to promote new episodes. Add your guests to the Chat/Space and your followers could get a sneak peek of your new episode. 

You could also invite fellow podcasters and have critical debates on topical issues, deepening your knowledge of your compatriots in the industry and indeed finding inspiration for new episodes. You may even find future guests on these public forums and hedge their followers against your own. 

There is much for a podcaster to gain in Twitter’s public forums, so go and explore and find the spaces that help you grow.   

6. Use Advanced Search 

We’re at the midpoint of our list here’s a sneaky little Twitter offering that many forget to use. Advanced search gives you the opportunity to search for specific topics of conversation. Any tweets relating to those topics will appear in your search and you can see who is interested in the themes surrounding your podcast. 

Once you have found users interested in your podcast’s themes, you can engage with them by following them and inviting them to your Twitter Chats. You can see who they follow and get a better understanding of your target audience’s Twitter habits. That will allow you to further refine your content for their needs. 

7. Assess the Competition

There is no shame in learning from others who got it right. Find fellow podcasters on Twitter who are in a similar genre to yours and see what has worked for them. 

Firstly, you will be able to get a better understanding of what motivates your target audience. If your competitors have captured their attention then you will ascertain why and how. That will give you leverage to do something similar and grow your own following as a result.

The other advantage to researching your competitors is knowing what they have done so that you can do it differently. You will be able to gather information to position your podcast’s Twitter profile in a way that is unique to whatever your competitors may be offering. 

8. Run Twitter Polls

Creating a Twitter poll is a sure way of increasing activity on your Twitter page. It is a way to initiate engaging conversations with your followers. 

Twitter polls can also be used to gain valuable insights into your podcast’s audience, as a form of market research. You can ask questions to find out what your audience would like to hear more about or what they are not interested in. 

You can also get feedback on your podcast and its Twitter profile and find more ways to improve.  

9. Don’t Sell

We’ve almost reached the end of our list but there’s still some valuable information that we need to give. Picture me standing at the top of a mountain with a  megaphone in hand as I tell you: “DON’T USE TWITTER TO SELL!”

Twitter’s main purpose is to generate meaningful conversations around any given topic. The idea then is to engage and interact rather than to promote. Now, it’s okay for your intention to be to promote your podcast. But that should not be blatantly obvious in the content that you produce. 

Take the time to truly connect with your audience by staying true to your niche (remember the type of content you should be sharing that we mentioned earlier?). Your incredible content should be enough to garner interest. From there, the way you engage with your followers will determine the overall growth of your audience. 

10. Twitter Ads 

promote your podcast

As I put my megaphone down, it may sound like I’m about to contradict myself. Whilst Twitter is not a platform for sellers, it does offer advertising opportunities in the form of Twitter ads. 

However, the sentiment remains the same. Your ads on Twitter should not be to sell your podcast, but rather to increase your visibility and spark interest in your podcast. Twitter ads are great in providing extra reach and exposing your podcast to a much wider audience. 

The best way to advertise on Twitter is by promoting a tweet that gives more information on your podcast or that has links to your website or new episodes. Instead of creating a whole ad, promote a specific tweet to bolster engagement on that tweet.  This helps you avoid coming across as a ‘sales person’ whilst still boosting the engagement of your post when you need it most.

11. Connect With Your Followers

The penultimate piece of advice that we can offer you for promoting your podcast is to connect with your Twitter followers. At the end of the day, your podcast is made for your listeners, so take the time to engage with them and pay attention to everything they say. 

Reply to and retweet comments made on your tweets. Retweet your followers’ posts if they are interesting and align with your brand. Make sure that you tweet like a “real person”, using your Twitter voice to relay your podcast’s personality. 

It helps to put the needs of your audience first by keeping your content relevant and useful for them. Your followers are more likely to engage with and share your content if they can find some value in it. 

Lastly, tweet regularly and be active on Twitter, constantly engaging with your followers. This will give your followers something to look forward to as they open the app in anticipation of your most recent tweet.  

12. Experiment, Adapt, Change

All good things must come to an end, and so it is with our list of the best ways to market your podcast on Twitter. When it comes to promoting your podcast on Twitter you must be willing to experiment, adapt, and change. 

Experiment with the way you tweet and the type of content that you put out. Twitter is not a one-size-fits-all medium so you need to find what works best for you and your podcast. That means trying out new things to find what is most effective for you. 

Don’t shy away from change. Twitter is ever-changing. Elon Musk’s imminent acquisition of the platform is proof of exactly that. Stay active on Twitter and engage with your audience and make the changes necessary to ensure your podcast’s marketing success.  

Keep it Personal

Twitter is all about bringing your authentic self and finding those whom you relate with. Successful podcast promotion on Twitter requires that you know and celebrate your wonderfully unique identity and really connect with your audience in meaningful ways. 

By staying true to your brand and consistently engaging with your audience, your podcast has the potential to reach millions of people who have been waiting for what only you can offer. 

And, soon enough, you’ll be tweeting to a plethora of Twitter users who love your podcast for being exactly what it is. 


  1. Statista: Most Popular Websites Worldwide as of November 2021, by Total Visits(In Billions):   
  2. Buffer: 10 Surprising New Twitter Stats to Help You Reach More Followers: 
  3. Twitter: Developer Platform:,as%20more%20than%20one%20character.  
  4. AdExpresso: 23 Strategies to Increase Your Twitter Engagement:
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7 Common Challenges Podcasters Face and How to Overcome Them Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Despite some of the common challenges podcasters face it is still a wonderful medium of expression. It allows you the opportunity to build a personal connection with your audience. Podcasts can be educational, entertaining, and enlightening. They are convenient for the consumer as it allows them the chance to do other things whilst getting a […]

The post 7 Common Challenges Podcasters Face and How to Overcome Them first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
Despite some of the common challenges podcasters face it is still a wonderful medium of expression. It allows you the opportunity to build a personal connection with your audience. Podcasts can be educational, entertaining, and enlightening. They are convenient for the consumer as it allows them the chance to do other things whilst getting a dose of their favorite content. And for the podcast creator, it is a chance to grow your business and earn a living doing something that you love. 

It makes sense, then, that you have decided to create your own podcast. And I am so happy for you! But, as is with most things in life, podcasting comes with its own bag of challenges. From not knowing how to take that first step and get started, to learning the technical requirements of the industry like editing and producing great audio: Podcasting is not always as simple as one, two, three. 

But we do not want you to give up! There’s incredible value to be found in podcasting, if you are willing to persevere through the obstacles. And, luckily for you, there are solutions for overcoming many challenges you might face in your journey to becoming a podcaster. 

So, we’ve broken down seven common problems podcasters face, giving you ways to conquer them. We hope that having the answers to your podcasting dilemmas will enable you to fully embrace this amazing industry and give you the opportunity to unreservedly express yourself—without fear. 

1. Getting Started

One of the most difficult common challenges podcasters face is getting started. The distance between your initial inspired idea and recording your first episode seems too far and too long to travel. You may be overwhelmed by the many steps involved in making your podcast a success. 

The first thing to remember is that you’ve already made the decision to start a podcast. In my opinion, it’s an inspired choice, one worthy of a few taps on the back. The next step is to act on your decision.  

The important thing is to breathe, take a step back, break down your obstacles into individual steps, and systematically tackle each problem – one by one. 

Finding Time

A common concern when starting your podcast is where will you find the time for your podcast? The answer is simply a matter of time management. Make your podcast part of your daily schedule and you will find that you have more time than you had initially thought. 


The second way to conquer worries about time is to plan everything deliberately and with as much detail as possible. It is easier to forge the way ahead once you have a complete map of where you are going. 

On a daily planner, write down your duties and responsibilities relating to home/family life and any other work obligations you may have. Gaps will start to appear in your schedule and that is where you will slot in your podcast. 

Once you have time allocated to working on your podcast, plan exactly what you want to do, and when. So, write down when you will be doing research and brainstorming content. Set specific times for scriptwriting, recording your podcast, and editing. Efforts to market your podcast and gain new followers should also be assigned specific time slots. 

With a detailed plan in place, you will know what you need to do and when you will do it. And, soon enough, time will become a nonentity as you bulldoze your way to having a successful podcast. 

2. Self-Doubt

Another big challenge many podcasters face is the feeling that you do not have the knowledge or experience to be a successful podcaster or that you don’t belong in the industry at all. 

But the beauty of podcasting is that everything you fear about it can either be learned or doesn’t matter at all. The only person you need to convince to get started is yourself. 

For many podcasters, this self-doubt has three main causes:


Isn’t it irritating how some entry-level jobs require hundreds of years of experience?! Luckily, that is not an issue when it comes to podcasting. Anyone can start, and whenever. Your life experience is all the experience you need for your podcast to be interesting and unique. 

And the best news? There’s a really easy way to overcome these feelings of inexperience…practice! All good things take time and practice. The more you work on your podcast the better you will become in every aspect of it. So start early and give yourself the time required to be an industry expert. 


A big root of self-doubt is not being confident in yourself or your abilities. You may listen to your favorite podcast and marvel at how brilliant it is, thinking to yourself that you could not come up with something of the same quality. It’s also daunting to undertake a new challenge like podcasting, which requires time, planning, and learning new skills.

Firstly, do not compare yourself to any other podcast. Your podcast will be brilliant in its own way. Take comfort in the fact that only you can make your podcast as amazing as you want it to be. A seasoned podcaster may take your podcast idea and do terribly because it’s your idea and only you can do it justice. 

It’s worth remembering that as you practice and get better at podcasting, your confidence will inevitably grow as a result. You’ll start to feel better about your final product and that will boost your spirits. So take the time to fully immerse yourself in the experience and allow yourself and your podcast the space to grow organically.

Imposter Syndrome

Lastly, let’s take a look at imposter syndrome. It’s natural to feel like you don’t belong when entering the world of podcasting. Trying something new always is a bit disorienting at first. Just remember, everyone in podcasting is trying out something different that they think works for them—you should do the same. 

You as an individual—your life experience, outlook on the world, interests, and desires—is what will set your podcast apart from the rest. Every podcast is unique because each individual is different. Find joy in the fact that, just like you, everybody in podcasting is testing the waters to see how well they can swim. Podcasting is for everybody, so it belongs to you too. 

3. Equipment

The third challenge that many podcasters face has to do with the equipment. There is a fear that you need to be a billionaire and have an intricate technical setup like Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark. Fortunately, that is not the case. Getting your podcast started can be as simple as having a laptop, a good microphone, and an awesome pair of headphones. 

Seriously, that’s all you need! A quality microphone to transmit all that great content, a laptop to capture the recording and edit the final product, and a pair of headphones to keep an ear on the sound during the recording process!

And with so many options out there, you will definitely be able to find equipment that suits your needs and your budget.

For more info on your options and their prices, check out this post: How Much Does Podcasting Really Cost? (Breaking Down the Expenses)

There’s also a common misconception that for podcasting you need a  big studio to go about your business.  While a studio would be amazing, you really just need a quiet space, even your closet will do!

You see, there’s no need to let podcasting equipment trip you up!

4. Podcasting is Too Technical 

Common challenges podcasters

Yes, podcasting does require you to master some technical elements. It is a medium where different elements—script, audio, and editing—all come together to make one amazing product. 

The beautiful thing about this, though, is that podcasting is a skill. This means that it can be learned and perfected over time. You just need to allow yourself the time to build up the necessary skill for a flawless podcast. 


The biggest problem when it comes to the technical aspects of podcasting is the editing process.

Yes, editing does take time and it will be difficult the first few tries. But, once you get into the swing of things, editing your podcast will become a joy as you master the skill and hone your craft.   

Remember, “all good things come to those who wait” and “hard work pays off.” Clitche’d adages, I know, but they are so true when it comes to the technical aspects of podcasting. Don’t be afraid to put in the time and effort to hone your podcasting skill. Schedule time in your planner to take free podcast courses and master your editing software, and you’ll become a podcasting technical whizz. 

5. Monetization

Another major challenge podcasters face on their journey is the question of monetization. Specifically, “Will I be able to actually make money from my show?”

And the answer is a resounding “Yes!” There are many options available when it comes to monetizing your podcast. 

The most popular method? Ads! 28% of Americans (over 80 million) listen to podcasts on a weekly basis¹. Such high audience numbers have led to advertisers seeking out podcasting platforms to market their products. Advertisers have actually helped podcasting grow into the multibillion-dollar industry that it is today². 

Related read: 7 Simple Reasons Advertisers Should Be Interested in Podcasts.  

What does this mean for you as a podcaster? Well, for one: You can rent out ad space on your podcast. Advertisers will pay you to market their products on your show. You could get up to $15 for every 1000 people who listen to your show (depending on where in your podcast the ad is placed)³. 


Another successful monetization method is subscriptions. Listeners pay a certain price in order to access your content. So, as your audience numbers increase, so does the potential for you to earn some big bucks through ads and subscriptions. 

Related Read: 15 Effective Ways to Make Money From Your Podcast.

6. Creativity/Fresh Content

Now let’s turn our attention to the dilemma of creativity – or more specifically the fear that your creative juices will one day dry up!

You may have come up with an amazing concept for your podcast and have no doubts about the show’s initial success. But the problem is: Where do you go from there? Will you have enough in the creativity tank to keep producing amazing content for your audience?

You Got This

Well, there’s no reason for you not to continue generating fantastic ideas, but here’s a short list to help you keep those juices flowing: 

  • Listen to other podcasts. This will help you think of new ideas as well as keep you up to date with what is trending in podcasting. 
  • Ask your audience/community what they would like to hear. You have already identified your target market, so find out exactly what type of content they want. You can do this through surveys, questionnaires, or by scrolling through the different platforms that are dominated by your target market. 
  • Bring back half-baked ideas. Never throw any idea away. Instead, when you are creatively stuck, go back to them and see if any are worth fleshing out. Time adds perspective, and your new perspective may help you find value in your once-forgotten ideas. 
  • Enjoy other mediums. Just because you are a podcaster does that mean that’s the only way you should consume content. Read a book, watch a movie, listen to music. Your next epiphany of creativity could be just one memorable quote away. 
  • Subscribe to podcast newsletters and blogs. Again, staying abreast of what is happening may inspire you to be part of the movement. 
  • Always go back to the why. Your reasons for doing your podcast will be the best place for you to regain your mojo. It is easy to lose track of your ultimate goal once you’re in the cycle of producing content. Go back to why you started your podcast and you may find your creativity bursting from within all over again. 

7. Staying Motivated

The final item on our list of what may be difficult when podcasting is trying to stay motivated. You may get stuck in a rut, feeling uninspired. Your listener numbers may be decreasing, leaving you demotivated. How are you supposed to overcome this?

Well, one way of staying motivated is by making sure that your podcast is succeeding in every way. This means producing amazing content and sharing that content with as many people as possible. It is difficult to be demotivated when your numbers and revenue are steadily increasing. 

Related read: How to Grow a Podcast Audience: 5 Effective Strategies

Another great way of staying motivated is to engage with your audience. Get their thoughts and feelings relating to your podcast. This will help you gain perspective and may shine a light on things you can change or do in a better way. 

Do not procrastinate. Idle hands are dangerous business indeed. Try and stay busy and focused on accomplishing tasks with the deadlines you’ve set for yourself. 

On that note, if you are feeling tired or burnt out, take a break. Your mind and body also need a break and a chance to recharge. You’ll come back from your hiatus feeling energized and ready to tackle new challenges. 

For more helpful tips on motivation check out: How to Stay Motivated to Keep Podcasting.

Obliterating Obstacles

We’ve covered some of the main challenges facing podcasters, but not all. But I hope that you can see that for every problem there is a solution…if you know where to look. 

Scan blogs and newsletters and listen to other podcasts to find the answers. The people who are actively engaged in podcasting have been in your shoes before, and if they are still around that means they have overcome them. Seek them out to find out how. 

Podcasting is absolutely incredible and extremely fun! Don’t let the challenges you face get you down. Find the solutions and preserve, and enjoy podcasting for the blissful wonder that it is. 


  1. Edison Research: The Infinite Dial 2021: 
  2. Forbes: As Podcasts Continue to Grow in Popularity, Ad Dollars Follow: 
  3. Podchaser: How Much Do Podcast Ads Cost? – 2022 Podcast Advertising Rates:
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4 Reasons Text is Important to Your Podcast’s Success Tue, 26 Apr 2022 12:00:00 +0000 When we think about starting a podcast, the first thing that comes to mind is making sure that the sound is perfect. It’s the obvious point of departure when entering an audio medium like podcasting. But did you know that having forms of text is important to ensure a successful podcast? There are many instances […]

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When we think about starting a podcast, the first thing that comes to mind is making sure that the sound is perfect. It’s the obvious point of departure when entering an audio medium like podcasting. But did you know that having forms of text is important to ensure a successful podcast?

There are many instances where having something written down adds value to your podcast. From having a script and transcribing your podcast to your podcast’s show notes and written description. These text-based elements will help you develop and refine your podcast. It will lead to incredible content for your audience and make it easier for you to construct and market your podcast. 

We have a lot to get through in this article, so fasten your seatbelts and prepare for our crash course on why having text is important for a successful podcast. 

1. Scripting

Text is important

Our first lesson on the importance of having forms of text in your podcast is making sure that your podcast has a script. A good script is like a trampoline: It is grounded and has a solid structure but can change according to each bounce. In this case, the bounce refers to any changes that may happen during the recording of your podcast. 

In any event, a great script will be the tool that launches your podcast into the rich air of success. 

Related Read: Do You Need to Script Your Podcast?

Clear, Concise and Valuable Content 

Scripting your podcast is a wonderful way to make sure that you are saying exactly what you want to say. You will be able to capture your voice and tone and refine it to a point that aligns with your brand and the intended message for your audience. 

Having a script for your podcast will prevent any deviation from your initial intention. As you write your script, you will be able to ensure that your key message is carried throughout the entire script. You’ll then be able to record freely, without worrying about saying something outside of your podcast’s vision. 

During recording, keep checking on your script to make sure that you are still on track with your overall message. Sticking to your key message will help your listeners identify you as a brand. That will help towards building your brand image with each carefully cultivated podcast. 

A script also allows you to fully immerse in providing valuable content for your audience. You can edit your script over and over again until it is as perfect as you want it to be. Polished, written content will keep your audience engaged and hungry for more. 

Related Read: How To Improve Your Podcast Creative Writing Skills.


The second important aspect of scripting your podcast is that a script provides your show with a structure. This template for your show will make the recording itself flow better, whilst keeping your content captivating and easy to digest.

A script will make it easier to structure chats within your podcast so that no points of conversation drag on longer than they should. A conversation can sound natural even when it is scripted. A script just makes it cleaner (without any mistakes) and ensures that no important bits of information are lost. 

Having a structure to your podcast will make you more comfortable in front of the mic. You won’t be nervous about what you have to say. Instead, you will know exactly what needs to be mentioned, and when. Then you can focus on other aspects of the recording, like your delivery.


Time is a crucial element of podcasting. Within your chosen format, you will need to know exactly how long your podcast needs to be in order to appeal to your target audience. A script will allow you to structure your podcast within the correct time frame. 

You should add every little detail to the script. You can include sound bites, breaks for ad placements, and even note the pauses where you anticipate laughter or a prolonged reaction.

All this will help you to record your podcast within the given timeframe and will make the editing process so much easier for you. 

Writing a script for your podcast can be a daunting prospect. You’ll be thinking to yourself: “I thought I was just going to talk into a mic. Why do I have to become a writer?!” 

Don’t worry! You don’t have to take it all on yourself. You can employ a writer or use speech-to-text technology. The important thing is that you have a script that allows you to structure your show; prevent any mistakes or forgotten pieces of information; and makes it easier for you to record within a set time, which leads to a simpler editing process.

Scripting your podcast is the major text-based element that is bound to set your podcast up for success. Any great audio that you record will have its roots in a solid script. 

With practice, scripting your podcast gets much easier, and gives you the confidence to tackle the other important text-based aspects of podcasting. 

2. Transcript

The second module in our “importance of text” crash course is your podcast’s transcript. A transcript is every single word from your podcast written down, verbatim.

Transcripts can be overlooked as items of value for podcasts. But, when you take a closer look, their worth becomes undeniable. 

Related read: The Importance of Podcast Transcripts.

Some Prefer To Read

Whilst podcasts are intended for those who want to consume audio content, there are still many people who prefer to get their information through reading. Some aren’t yet used to the idea of listening to podcasts and are more comfortable scrolling through articles. 

Transcribe your podcast and publish it to your website so that you are still able to reach the members of your target market who prefer reading over listening. This will give you a higher chance of growing your audience and, who knows, maybe even entice a few to start listening to podcasts – beginning with yours, of course. 

Web Searches

It is difficult to search online for audio content as search engines rarely index the information on audio files. Unless it’s in the title or description, the content of your podcast will not appear in web searches if it is not written down. 

A transcript will improve the chances of your podcast showing up in web searches. Search engines are now able to index your episodes to make them available for an online search. Portions of your show’s dialogue will appear in searches as keywords and phrases and people will be more likely to stumble upon your podcast. 

Another advantage of having a transcript is that your podcast will be exposed to people who are searching directly for content such as yours. Some may even find your podcast by mistake due to a shared interest in your podcast’s themes. Either way, it leads to greater visibility for your podcast and therefore a better chance of growing your audience. 

And growing your audience is a sure way to ensure your podcast’s success. 

If you have a detailed (word for word) script for your podcast then your transcript is basically complete. If not, then it’s worth taking the time and effort to transcribe your show. 

The possibility of increasing your listeners is a great motivation for adding this text-based element to your podcast.

3. Show Notes   

The penultimate pitstop in our race for learning the importance of having text in podcasts is show notes. 

Show notes are a complete summary of any particular episode of your podcast. They highlight all the main talking points of that episode, as well as having information on guests, resources, sponsors, and even links to your social media pages or to other sites that have been discussed during the episode. 

Show notes are a great way for the audience to gauge whether or not they want to listen to that episode of your podcast. People will be able to get a good idea of what the episode is all about and will have extra information on your podcast for them to make a decision.

If you only publish your podcast with its title, then your audience may lose the ‘meat’ of what that episode is about and skip past it, missing out on something potentially valuable to them. Publish your show notes to ensure that your audience has everything they need to make an informed decision. 

Related read: Why Your Podcast Needs Show Notes.


Much like transcripts, show notes are another great way of improving your podcast’s SEO. Show notes are an excellent way to provide value-rich, keyword-based text associated with your podcast.

The rule of thumb here is that text-based content is the best way to be visible through web searches. The more written content available on your podcast, the higher the chances of increasing your podcast’s online presence – which could lead to an increase in listeners.  

4. Description

We end our four-part crash course with a relatively soft-landing: Your podcast’s description. 

A description is also a summary of your podcast. But instead of it being for each episode like your show notes, it is a one-paragraph summary of your podcast as a whole. You will only highlight the most important aspects of your show and give an idea of the genres and themes explored. 

Again, having a description allows the audience to suss out your podcast. It is great to use for quick shares on social media and on other websites. For listeners who are not fans of reading or are short on time but still looking for their next podcast, your description will be the bait that lures them in.

Much like transcriptions and show notes before it, descriptions add value to your podcast when it comes to searching for your show online. 

Another value-added win for the importance of text in your podcast. 

Written Content is the Vehicle for Growth

Having written content for your podcast is paramount for your podcast’s growth. With meaningful text, you are able to perfect your show’s content, making sure that what you put out is of the highest quality. 

Text will make it easy for you to structure and record your podcast, shortening the time required to edit it. 

Above all, having great written content will increase the chances of your show being visible to a wider audience. Text relating to your podcast will be seen in web searches, exposing more people to your incredible show. 

So, it’s time to bring out the notepad and pen and dust off the keyboard. Your podcast’s astronomical success is only a few paragraphs away.

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8 Great Ways to Advertise Your Podcast in 2022 Thu, 21 Apr 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Congratulations! You’ve turned your dream into reality and now you have your podcast. Your hard work has paid off and you have something that you are proud of. The next question is: How do you advertise your podcast? What can you do to get your podcast heard? How can you share your podcast across state and […]

The post 8 Great Ways to Advertise Your Podcast in 2022 first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
Congratulations! You’ve turned your dream into reality and now you have your podcast. Your hard work has paid off and you have something that you are proud of. The next question is: How do you advertise your podcast?

What can you do to get your podcast heard? How can you share your podcast across state and national borders and tap into the millions of podcast listeners worldwide? 

The straightforward answer is to advertise. But that is not as simple as it appears to be on the surface. Advertising or promoting your podcast is a layered process. There are many avenues to explore and techniques that can be implemented to make sure that your podcast has a reach that is far and wide. 

In this article, we will be detailing the tricks that you can use to make your podcast a commercial success. And, who knows, maybe having 1 million listeners is not as unattainable as you once thought. 

1. Have Great Content

The first tip that we have for you may seem obvious but it is extremely important. You must have great content in order for your podcast to be a success. 

You can be the greatest marketer the world has ever seen but if your content is poor it will be difficult to keep listeners coming back to your show. And that is what we want: For people to love your content so much that they subscribe to your podcast. 

You need to make sure that what you are creating is actually worth the time (and maybe money) spent on promoting it. 

Value Added

Your podcast needs to be of value to the listener. Always ask yourself this question: What will the listener gain from my podcast? 

Usually, your show has value if it does one or more of the following:

  • Gives new information.
  • Teaches a skill.
  • Entertains.
  • Satisfies audience curiosity. 

One and Only

Another way to make sure that your content is awesome is to bring your own amazing self to the party. By that, I mean that your podcast needs to be unique. The best way to make your podcast stand out is by embedding it with your distinctive style and voice. 

Working against the societal groove is definitely encouraged. Listeners will hear your individual voice and relate to your podcast in different ways compared to when they listen to other shows. It will help you stand out above the rest and will also aid in building your unique fanbase. 


The best content is that which truly captivates. Audiences are engaged and focussed throughout the entire podcast, riveted by what they hear.

Related read: New to Fiction Podcasts? 4 Techniques for Captivating Writing.

Make sure your podcast captures the attention of listeners and doesn’t release them until the show is over. Pay attention to your podcast format and structure and find what works best for you. When listeners are engaged and invested in your entire podcast they are more likely to keep coming back for more. 

Great content is the foundation upon which a successful marketing campaign is built. Make sure that you have a strong foundation so that you can build high, with zero limitations. 

2. Subscribe to Podcast Directories/Podcatchers

A podcatcher is an app that plays podcasts. The main one that most of us have come to know and love is Apple Podcasts. But there are plenty of others to choose from. 

Create accounts on as many podcatchers as possible so that your podcast will be available on multiple directories. This will give you access to a wider audience pool as everyone will have a chance to hear your podcast on their preferred platform. 

Check out our list of 21 Podcast Directories that you should subscribe to

There are many directories available! You do not necessarily have to subscribe to them all. What is more important is that you identify your main ones (that align with your target audience) and subscribe to them then you have a good chance of increasing your listener numbers. 

3. Social Media

In 2022, most of us cannot get by without integrating ourselves with social media. My daily routine begins with checking my social media pages and the podcasting newsletters that I’ve subscribed to. Increase the chances of your podcast being successful by having a strong online presence.  

Create profiles for your podcast across all social media platforms and add content to those profiles as often as possible. You can share teaser clips; create videos and images; share pertinent quotes from your show; and much more. 

You can also run giveaways and competitions from your social media pages. The chance of winning something is always likely to attract attention. 

Giveaways are also a chance to get reviews on your podcast so that you can stay ahead by constantly tweaking and improving your content. 

Just make sure that whatever you put out on social media is aligned with your brand and is tailored for your target audience. 

Related read: How to Build and Strengthen Your Podcast Brand.

Social Communities

Joining different social communities can also help you gain a following for your podcast. Facebook, Slack, Reddit, Discourse, and Clubhouse all have public groups that you can join. 

Public groups are great because they are either fan-based groups surrounding a particular topic or they are formed around geographical similarities. Find the groups that align with your podcast niche, and you’ll likely find a target audience ready and waiting to hear all about your podcast. 

Just be mindful that your promotion material adheres to each individual group’s rules and regulations. 

Through social media, you can access an almost infinite number of potential listeners. And for some, all they need is a little visual reminder that their next favorite podcast (yours!) is just a click away. 

4. Undercover Marketers

Social media is also great for having other people market your podcast for you. And for free! If you have an active social media page and post in the correct social media groups then anyone can share your content as a means of appreciation.  

If people are enjoying your content then they’ll most likely want to tell others about it. Make sure that when they share your content it is quick and easy, and not a chore. 

Your social media pages and handles should also be clearly visible on your website and easily accessible. Allow those who subscribe to your email list and social media pages to be your undercover marketers. 

Who else better to promote your show than those who are already invested in it. 

5. Email Lists

The next thing that really helps to boost your audience numbers is to have an email list that listeners can subscribe to. You will be able to send out an automated email each time a new episode is released, reminding your audience of the joy that awaits.

But in order to really use email lists to advertise your podcast, you need to first grow your mailing list. An easy way to do this is to have a “Subscribe to our mailing list” popup on your website (and yes, you need a website, but more on that later!) for when users access your site. 

They can simply add their email address, and they’ll be notified when your next episode hits the airwaves. And they’re sure to become part of your loyal fan base!” 

6. Podcast Community

A great way to tap into a large audience base is by integrating yourself into the podcasting community. You will be able to speak to other hosts and show producers, gaining valuable tips on what may or may not work for advertising your podcast. 

Some podcasters may have been around for a long time, so they’ll know the tricks of the trade. Pay attention to what the community is saying and hold onto the information that may be valuable to you in promoting your podcast.

Looking for some great podcast communities? Check out 14 of the Best Active Podcast Communities To Join Today!


Once you are plugged into the podcast community it will make it easier for you to have other hosts as guests on your show. This will attract their audience to your podcast and, with your incredible content, you may be able to lure them into subscribing to/following your show. 

Having other hosts on your show may lead to the opportunity of you being a guest on their podcasts as well. The idea is similar, in that you will be exposing yourself to their dedicated listeners and can promote your podcast on another channel. It’s all about exposure.

A wonderful thing about the podcast community is that nobody is truly threatened by another show. We all have different likes and tastes and are often interested in more than one thing. Subscribing to one podcast does not mean that we can’t listen to another one, or ten! Also, if your podcast is as unique as it should be, there is no danger of being the same as another show.

Use this “friendly community” to your advantage and maximize the number of people who get exposed to your podcast. Just remember to also help out other hosts when they come calling.  

7. Podcast SEO

Everything we have mentioned so far is under the assumption that your podcast has its own website. If you don’t have a website, create one ASAP!

After publishing each new episode, create a corresponding post on your website. This will help your podcast be visible on web searches. Your podcast will pop up when someone searches any related keywords. 

So, even if someone isn’t looking for a podcast at that time, if you appear in their search then you could possibly gain one more follower. 

3p Creative Group has a wonderful checklist for maximizing your SEO


To further boost your SEO, create a transcribed version of your show. This is a written version of your show as it happens, word for word. Add the transcript of your podcast to your website and any topics that you’ve discussed in the show will appear in web searches. 

The best podcast transcription services can be found right here at We Edit Podcasts! 

8. Paid Advertising

Advertise your podcast

Our final recommendation for promoting your podcast is through paid advertisements. 

Paid ads will help you to direct your advertising toward your target audience. You are much more likely to get positive audience engagement because you are reaching out to the specific groups for which your content is made. 

Most social media platforms allow you to buy ads. You can also take out ads on Google Ads and on many podcatchers. Find the platforms that mirror your brand image and consist of your desired target audience.

Placing ads on other podcasts is another possibility. This is great because you’re speaking directly to podcast enthusiasts. It has the same desired effect as being a guest on another show. 

Just Be You

Promoting your podcast in the right way can help you gain listeners from far and wide. If you can work cohesively with the podcasting community and utilize social media to its fullest, then you have a good chance of finding large audiences to whom you have never spoken before. 

Just remember that great advertising only comes from great content. Do everything you can to make sure that your content is exceptional. Your ads should be an appetizer to your podcast, not the main meal itself. 

And, above all else, just be you. Don’t change your brand or visual identity to align with your marketing campaign. Your ads should flow from who you are as a podcast, not the other way around. 

After all, people listen to your podcast because it is uniquely yours. Let the way you promote your podcast be just as special.

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It’s Here! 7 Terrific Tips For Working From Home Tue, 19 Apr 2022 12:00:00 +0000 2020 changed the world. The global pandemic forced many corporations to shut down their work operations. Whilst some companies closed offices altogether, others asked their employees to continue working from home. Remote work became the saving grace for many businesses. Companies that did not need open borders to supply their product or service were able […]

The post It’s Here! 7 Terrific Tips For Working From Home first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>
2020 changed the world. The global pandemic forced many corporations to shut down their work operations. Whilst some companies closed offices altogether, others asked their employees to continue working from home.

Remote work became the saving grace for many businesses. Companies that did not need open borders to supply their product or service were able to stay afloat—their employees grateful for the jobs that they retained. 

Roughly 6 in 10 Americans now work from home either most of the time or all the time¹. Globally, the trend is following a similar trajectory. With so many of us now working from home, we wanted to give you a guide on how to maximize your remote work experience. 

It doesn’t matter if you embrace working from home or if your employer has made you adopt this new style of work. With these 7 simple steps, you will be able to turn your home office into an efficient hub of productivity. 

Related Read: The Top 10 Work From Home Productivity Tips.

1. Find Your Own Workspace

Working from home

Our first tip when working from home is to identify a dedicated workspace. This will be the area that you will set aside as your home office. 

Allocating a particular space for work will help you to differentiate between ‘home-life’ and ‘work-life’. When you leave the house for work, you are able to break away from the mindset of being at home and, on the commute, mentally prepare for the work environment. With your arrival at the office, the mental transformation is complete and your work identity takes over from the person you are at home.   

When working remotely, this mental shift becomes more difficult. There is no physical space separating home from the office and your only commute is from the kitchen to your laptop/computer. At least the coffee is good. 

Something that works for me is actively reminding myself that I’m no longer relaxing at home and that I now need to be productive. Try it out, it could work for you. Having a dedicated workspace will make it easier for you to enter work mode and leave the convenience of procrastination behind. 

Working From Home Requires Minimal Distractions

The first prize for a dedicated workspace is converting an empty room into your home office. A sealed-off room will trick your mind into being at the office and, again, make it easier for you to make the mental adjustment. Every time you cross that room’s threshold your mind will make the switch between work and home. 

A separate room will also allow you to have some privacy and decrease the chance of distractions. If you’re anything like me, then they’ll always be at least one family member at your home at any given time. If you have kids then the chances of distraction rise exponentially. When you are in a separate room then everyone knows that you are in your workspace and if they are to disturb you then it must only be for urgent matters. 

If you cannot use an entire room then demarcate a certain space in your house. Try to have it in a room that is seldom used by others. This will help in preventing disruptions. 

But the best advice we can give is to avoid using your bedroom as your home office. The idea is to completely separate rest from work. If you are working in your bedroom then that dissociation becomes much more difficult. 

2. Have the Right Equipment

Working from home does not come with the guarantee of having the correct office equipment. The onus is on you to ensure that you have everything you need to be as productive as you would be in an office environment.  

Try using what you already have to create your home office. You want to spend as little money as possible as you transition to working remotely. 

The PC Mag has some incredible tips for simple, affordable home office setups. 

Firstly, have an office desk and a comfortable chair. They do not have to be state-of-the-art or cost a fortune.  A desk of a good height and a chair that is comfortable to sit on is all that we’re looking for. 

If you have office equipment available to you, then great! If not, a standard dining room table and chair should do the trick. 

Stay Connected

The next ‘must have’ when working from home is a good internet connection. This is non-negotiable. Make sure that your WiFi is set up and that you have a strong, reliable connection. 

It’s advisable to have an internet package that offers unlimited access, with no data restrictions. Another pro tip would be to have a WiFi stick available, as a backup in case anything happens to your main connection. 

Good Tech

If you do not have a laptop or desktop computer at home then you’ll need to go out and get one. For the most part, remote work is not possible with only a cellphone or a tablet. 

If you do have a laptop or desktop computer then you’re all set. Try not to be tempted into buying the latest PC for your home office. Most office work can be done on standard laptops and PC devices. If your work requires specialized equipment then the chances are that your company will provide you with the apparatus. 

Bits and Bobs for Working at Home

Make sure that your home office has all the essentials, including the little things. Stock up on pens; notepads; and anything else you’d usually keep on your office desk. Remember: You are now your own office administrator. 

3. Set Boundaries

Tip Number 3 can be a little tricky to implement, but it’s a vital element of working from home with success. We’re talking about setting boundaries.

Be sure to sit down with your living companions and set clear boundaries about your workday. Your roommates/spouse/children should all know when your workday starts and when it ends. 

Be open and honest about your limitations throughout the day. Your housemates should know when you can be disturbed and when they’ll have to figure it out for themselves. 

Of course, as is with office life, emergencies are different. Just try to define what an emergency is with the people that you live with. If I didn’t specifically speak against it then my daughter would think that a missing TV remote would count as an emergency. 

Work Boundaries

Boundaries should also be set with your employers and colleagues. Just because you are at home does not mean that you are always available. Office hours still apply when you are working from home. The people you work with should know this and interact with you accordingly. 

In a similar vein, if it was not your responsibility at work then it shouldn’t be your responsibility at home. Unless explicitly stated and communicated with you prior, your work obligations do not change when you move to your home office. 

Avoid having your employer and colleagues take advantage of you, sending you on errands because “you live closer”. Nobody can force you into doing anything that is outside of the scope of work outlined in your work contract. 

Setting boundaries can be difficult. We’re often hesitant to state our need for boundaries as we don’t want to ‘rock the boat’ or ‘upset the apple cart’. But, actually setting boundaries can help save work relationships, not to mention the easing of mental and emotional burdens!

4. Set a Working From Home Routine

Once your home office is set up and clear boundaries have been set with family and colleagues, develop a daily routine for yourself. Your routine will have to accommodate the intricacies of a home working environment. 

Related read: Sticking to Your New Routine: 7 Tips for Changes That Last.

The best way to start is by waking up at the same time every morning. You may allow yourself to sleep a bit longer as you no longer have to consider travel time. But don’t over-indulge in this respect. The closer you stick to your usual office routine the easier it will be to adjust to working from home. 

You should also make sure that when you log off, you switch off from work entirely. Do not allow the convenience of a home office to goad you into working extra hours. Your family deserves your time as well and, frankly, you need personal time too. 

Take Breaks

Office hours are usually set by your company. If not, set your own office hours and stick to them. Schedule breaks for yourself within those office hours. Being at home can make it easier for you to take breaks continuously. Try and stick to your break schedule, in the effort of simulating an office environment to avoid procrastination.  

Related read: How to Take a Break From Your Podcast: Best Practices. 

Routine is also important for your daily home responsibilities. If you have to cook or feed the dogs or pick the kids up from school, make sure that this is all written down in your routine. Having a plan and sticking to it will make working from home a less stressful experience. 

5. Over-Communicate

It may be our tip number five, but communication is the most important aspect of working remotely. 

Having an open channel of communication will lead to fewer misunderstandings and misgivings. If you are corresponding via email or text, make sure you explain your point thoroughly. You can even use different words to reiterate the same point, just to make sure that what you are saying is being understood by the receiving party. 

Video-based communications are incredible when working from home. You are able to speak to your colleagues in real-time and accurately express your intentions. It also helps with staying connected with your work family. If possible, I would suggest making video communication with your workmates your primary resource. 

6. Leave the House and Socialize

Taking a break from your place of work is extremely important to maintain good mental health. When working at an office, going home acts as that intended break. Because you are working from home and have eliminated the work commute, it is important to take time to leave the house. 

Include in one of your breaks a trip outside of the house. It could be a little walk around the block or a quick trip to the store. You want to avoid making your home feel like a prison. It’s easy to be affected by cabin fever when working from home so put plans in place to avoid this. 

Try scheduling social events with your colleagues. This will help to break the monotony of working from home and will also keep the work culture alive.

The same is true for socializing with friends and family. Because you spend most of your time at home, any event that occurs outside of your house should be welcomed and indeed sought after. 

7. Enjoy the Perks

Lastly, the best thing about working from home is: Working from home! You have already set boundaries for yourself, so allow yourself to take full advantage of being at home within those limitations. 

Wherever you can, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Have extra cushions on your office chair; make yourself a super smoothie; set your office up outdoors in good weather, if it is private enough and with adequate shading; use your breaks for hobbies like arts and crafts or baking; and, in your breaks, work on the home projects you just didn’t have the time for before.  

And, of course, wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Go barefoot if that’s what puts you most at ease. For me, when the kids are at school, you’re most likely to catch me in my underwear. Just remember to put the clothes back on when that Zoom meeting starts!

The New Normal

Whilst some companies are going back to office life as we knew it before the pandemic, others are choosing to leave their employees to work from home. Still, some others are offering a combination of both in what is now considered a hybrid work situation—some workdays at the office and some at home. 

Whichever group you fall into, if you find yourself working from home, make sure that you are set up to be as productive as possible. 

If you are organized in your home-office situation it will lead to positive results for your work output. And your family will also appreciate your structure. 


Pew Research Center: COVID-19 Pandemic Continues to Reshape Work in America:

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