Starting a podcast has so many moving parts, that by the time you realize that you’ve survived all the struggles of finding the correct equipment, scheduling guests, recording, and you even the editing process, you’re suddenly hit with the question of, “So, where do I list my podcast?”
Luckily this part is actually quite easy since you will have many options to choose from! To make it even easier, we’ve put together a list of the best podcast directories for you to choose from. Listing your podcast in the right place is the simplest way to help you reach more listeners and gain more subscribers for your show.
Since podcast discoverability is still one of the biggest challenges that podcasters face, listing your podcast on as many directories as possible will only have a positive impact. It will make it easier for listeners to find you on the platforms they are more comfortable using, and give them the opportunity to subscribe to your journey.
So without further ado, let’s dive in to this list!

Stitcher is one of the most popular podcast directories and podcast listening apps currently available. The app works on iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, and Smart speakers. Stitcher is still a rapidly growing platform with more than 8 million registered users already.
Joining Stitcher will give you access to millions of listeners and a chance to download your statistics (such as listens, listening time, and monthly active users). Stitcher is integrated into over 50 car models and also supports any vehicle with Apple’s CarPlay or Google’s Android Auto so you can control Stitcher right from the dash of your car – perfect for reaching more of those listeners out there!
List here: Stitcher
Apple Podcasts

Listing your podcast on Apple Podcasts is definitely one of the first things that you should do when launching your show. Keep in mind, the approval process can take a bit longer with Apple Podcasts, so prepare ahead and make sure that your podcast meets all of the submission requirements. Once your show is listed, listeners can access it on the Apple Podcasts directory.
Apple Podcasts has the largest market for streaming in the US with more than 30 million paying subscribers. In March of 2018, Apple Podcasts hit 50 billion all-time episode downloads and streams, which is an incredible increase from the 13.7 billion episode downloads and streams in 2017.
List here: Apple Podcasts

By now, most of you should have used Spotify or at least heard about the platform. Spotify offers listeners an easy way to stream music and podcasts for free. This is one of the best options for Android users who can’t access Apple Podcasts.
Spotify had more than 80 million paying listeners in 2018 and this will only increase during 2019. There are millions of tracks on Spotify. So whether you are targeting listeners who want to get started with working out, or learn to relax, they can find you on Spotify. Potential listeners can also browse through the podcast collections of friends, and easily share them through the platform.
List here: Spotify
Google Podcasts App

The Google Podcasts app was recently released to make it easier for listeners to find their favorite podcasts and tune in anywhere, anytime. Listing your podcast on Google Podcasts will be perfect for beginners since you’ll receive statistics and subscriber data from day one. It is an easily accessible app where listeners can subscribe and download the episodes to listen offline.
List here: Google Podcasts App

TuneIn has become very popular due to it being available on most platforms and devices. It is a very simple and easy way to listen to your podcasts without all of the extra, unnecessary features. It is perfect for listeners on the move, who like to take their favorite podcasts with them.
TuneIn empowers people to hear exactly what they love the moment they want it, and discover a universe of audio, all in one place. They combine the power of audio, design, and technology to bring together live sports, up-to-the-minute news, curated music, millions of podcasts, and over 120,000 streaming radio stations. Listing your podcast on TuneIn is great if you’re just starting out or have been podcasting for a while.
List here: TuneIn

Blubrry is a podcasting community and directory that gives creators the power to make money, get detailed audience measurements, and host their audio and video. Whether you are a media creator, advertiser or media consumer, Blubrry is your digital media interface
Blubrry is the perfect site to find, subscribe to and share your favorite podcasts. Listing your podcast on their directory would certainly be beneficial and even if you decide not to then at least make use of their free consultation.
List here: Blubrry
PodBean Podcast App

With the Podbean Podcast App, listeners can easily find your podcast. The app makes it easy to stream podcasts or download episodes anywhere, anytime. It also
As one of the top podcast apps on both the Apple Store and Google Play Store, the Podbean app can also help you grow your podcast audience by reaching passionate podcast listeners right in their podcast app. Using their advertising feature, your podcast ads will appear on the Podbean app’s homepage as banner ads to enable to you to reach an even greater audience.
List here: Podbean

A great podcast directory that has become one of the top platforms to list your podcast is
The app also has the ability to stream podcast episodes without waiting for a
List here: RadioPublic

What sets
List here: Castbox

iPodder is a decentralized directory of Podcast feeds, organized in the same categories suggested by each author. This is a more elite podcast directory as they hand-pick the podcasts that will be listed on their website. Not all podcasts will be featured, but this ensures that listeners will know that your podcast is of high-quality.
Despite it being so exclusive, the process to apply for iPodder is actually quite simple. Just go to their website, then click on submit podcast and follow the easy steps. Again, keep in mind that the podcast submission process may take up to 48 hours. Their website also includes a few tutorials and how-to articles to help you along the way.
List here: iPodder

This is the one stop shop for podcasters!
Listeners can download the apps on their iPad, iPhone, Android tablet or smartphone. The app also enables them to download episodes to listen offline, and much more.
List here: Spreaker

Audioboom is a great place for podcasters to check in. Not only do they host your podcast, but they also connect you with advertisers and help you to distribute your podcast. Audioboom allows your audience to listen on the platform that’s best for them. They’ve partnered with leading distribution services like Apple Podcasts, BookMyShow, Deezer, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Saavn, Spotify and Stitcher.
So it’s a great platform to have it all in one place. Plus, their sleek embeddable player allows you, as the podcaster, share your content on your own website and via social media channels.
List here: Audioboom
Player FM

Player FM is a multi-platform podcast app that helps listeners find their favorite shows and enjoy it when they want, even offline. With one account, listeners can listen to your podcast on many difference interfaces; on web and phone, on their TV with Chromecast, enjoying their car ride with Android AutoPlayer, or even launching shows from their wrist with Android Wear.
FM’s nerve center is based in the cloud, which ensures that episodes get updated faster. It’s so easy to sign up and list your podcast on Player FM that there’s no reason not to!
List here: Player FM

If your podcast is still a little bit unknown then this is a great app to use as a directory. Listeners will receive suggestions of possible podcasts that they might like according to their previous interests. This is definitely a benefit to help get the word out about your podcast.
They believe that your podcast should be everywhere. So they make it easy to get your show wherever your audience is – publish to leading podcatchers like Apple, Google, Spotify, and everywhere you want to be at the click of a button. Their world-class insights make it easy for you to understand your audience. You can see where your fans live, what platforms they use, how long they listen and how they interact with your podcast.
List here: Acast
Pocket Casts

Podcast directories are struggling to make themselves unique, but Pocket Casts has succeeded in this. Pocket Casts has more than 300 000 shows for listeners to choose from and with easy search options by title or author, it’s no surprise listeners love them. With so many new podcasts launching daily, Pocket Casts has invested heavily in curation to make discovery easy.
So as a Podcaster it would only make sense that you’d list your podcast here to become a part of their fresh options that gets sent to listeners.
List here: Pocket Casts

Overcast is a powerful yet simple audio podcast player, with features such as Smart Speed, Voice Boost, and Smarter Playlists. These unique features help your audience to listen to more podcasts in more places, try new shows, and completely control their listening experience.
The Smarter Playlists allows listeners to organize their podcasts to their taste, and the app allows them to find new shows from their Twitter friends and spread the word about great shows by recommending the best episodes. A great way to spread the news about good shows!
List here: Overcast

This is not a conventional podcast directory. Unlike the other platforms in this list,
List here: Podchaser

BeyondPod allows listeners to search for podcasts or import them from popular sites like Feedly. With over 2.5 million downloads, BeyondPod’s new streamlined interface and powerful controls give you unparalleled access to millions of audio and video podcasts.
With BeyondPod, listeners decide which podcasts to download, when and over which connection, as well as how long to keep old versions, giving them ultimate control of their playlists. Listeners can save episodes to have them available anytime and anywhere — even when they’re offline.
List here: BeyondPod
iHeart Radio

iHeartRadio is a free audio streaming service with over 200 channels of music and gives listeners the ability to stream the best podcasts from their favorite stations. Listeners can customize their listening experience by choosing their favorite categories and setting up their listener profile.
Their app is available in the Apple Store for
List here: Listen Notes
The Podcast Source by Libsyn

With every Libsyn plan, as the
A listing in The Podcast Source app is a great way to get your content some extra distribution and downloads! Who doesn’t like more downloads? Once listed your show becomes available across four different app marketplaces and to hundreds of potential new fans.
List here: Podcast Source
Another place to find podcasts if you are looking for contact details is PodcastDb.