As creators, we’re often our harshest critics. We’re very quick to point out how and where we failed or slipped up. But we’re far less speedy to celebrate our wins, or even just pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. I want to change all that! Today on the Founder’s Corner, I want to share the framework I’m using to give myself recognition as a creator, so that you can use it, too, in this journey of being a content creator.
But first…
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!
Now, let’s dive into today’s post!
What Does it Mean to Give Yourself Recognition as a Creator?
The Month of Love had us thinking about love in all it’s forms. From self-love to being kind to yourself, to simply learning how to appreciate yourself more, we’ve been diving into it all. Especially from the angle of podcaster and content creator. So, based on all these discussions, I wanted to dive into a topic that caught my attention recently…giving yourself recognition as a creator.
Now…what does that mean?

To me it means that you should be proud of yourself as a podcaster.
Be proud that you dared to create.
Be proud of your perseverance. Especially in today’s culture where the critic often gets more clout and recognition than the creator.
No matter what you do, there will always be haters and critics who judge you for it.
Whether your content doesn’t get enough views or goes viral, the criticism lies in wait. And of course, as your content reaches more people, it reaches more critics.
One way or another, they will always find a way to project their own insecurities and shortfalls onto you.
But today, I’m here to tell you to be proud of your craft. Be proud of the audience you serve. And give yourself kudos for the journey that you are on.
The Creator Conundrum
The things that people say can sometimes slow us down. But somewhere you have to just make the mental shift to side with yourself and other creators.
As podcasters, we have chosen to be creators and that deserves acknowledgement in and of itself! Simply daring to create and being a part of building the future is a noble achievement.
Of course, there is always room for growth. So be open to constructive criticism, but don’t let every critic with an opinion sway you on your podcasting journey.
Instead, the key lies in knowing when to tune in, and when to tune out. So pay attention to who’s talking before getting stuck on what was said.
Rather than freezing and letting the critics win, let’s take a look at my 3 Step Framework for rising above the inevitable and unnecessary critics.
How To Give Yourself Recognition as a Creator
1. Side with the creator
The first step is to look outside of yourself.
When you walk in the shoes of another creator, so to speak, you will have the right inner voice guiding you on your podcasting journey.
In the same way that you cheer on other creators, choose to have them in your corner as well:
“The more people you inspire, the more people will inspire you.”
Simon Sinek
When you are inspired by other creators and you know they are rooting for you, the voices of the critics seem to drown out quickly!
2: Find value in your “why”
On Business Beyond the Mic, we talk a lot about the importance of podcasting from your “why”. When you have a clear reason and inner motivation, it makes it a lot easier to persevere.
Keep in mind, oftentimes your biggest critic is YOU!
However, if you are operating from your why, then the criticism falls away. Don’t let your own fears get in the way, and let your audience be your compass!
Turn inward for validation, not outward. Believe in yourself and be proud that you are willing to contribute something to the world.
Because remember, it is more important to contribute to the world than to protect yourself from criticism!
“Our passion lies deep in who we are, not what we do.”
Simon Sinek
3: Have an open mind for growth
Of course, being open to constructive criticism is the key to growth, both personally and professionally. By focusing on how you can continuously improve your skills helps you to seamlessly rise above the critics.
So make sure that you have the right priorities, that you understand the landscape, and that you don’t get “stuck” in your ways!
“Don’t show up to prove. Show up to improve.”
Simon Sinek
Once the negative criticism fades away, it opens you up to potentially being even more creative and allows you to embrace growth in every aspect of your podcasting journey.
High-Five to YOU, Creator!
Let 2024 be the year you recognize and celebrate YOU as a creator! Use this framework to give yourself recognition as a creator.
Don’t align with the critics. Stick to the podcasters, and make choices that are right for YOU!
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter.
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