The festive season is in full swing. And as we all know, it can be a crazy time. It’s full of fun, family, festivities, and yummy food. But it can also be a time of deadlines, pressure, stress, and anxiety. So, because of all of this, we’ve been focusing our attention on looking at all kinds of strategies for the festives season. And so for this edition of the Founder’s Corner, we’re looking at harnessing flexibility, what this means and how this is a much-needed strategy for this time of year.
But first…
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!
Now, let’s dive into today’s post!
Harnessing Flexibility in the Festive Season

Staying motivated and actually getting through your to-do list during the holiday season can be a daunting task.
When you’re stressed about travel plans, family gatherings, and your endless holiday shopping list, it’s often tricky to maintain focus and fight off the distractions.
But what if I told you the answer is simple? It’s time to harness flexibility!
Now, embracing flexibility is not an all-or-nothing approach. There are numerous ways to bring more flexibility and autonomy to your workflow when preparing for the holiday season.
So how can being agile help you get the most out of the holidays, both in work and in life?
Being flexible allows you to:
- Easily adapt to unexpected events without throwing you off course.
- Reduce the stress of meeting those high standards.
- Pivot, adapt your ideas, and direct your content.
Whether that is throwing in a few holiday episodes for your podcast, or inviting on special holiday guests, or simply finding ways to bring the holiday cheer into your show – that flexibility to be creative is key!
Okay, so not quite convinced that a flexible mindset will lead to succes?
Let’s dive into exactly why it’s important and how you can implement flexibility into the fabric of your day-to-day.
Why embrace flexibility?
- Improved work-life balance.
- Enhanced productivity.
- Freedom to improvise.
How to implement flexibility?
- Let go of perfectionism.
- Learn to adapt.
- Be creative!
So now that you know why it’s important and how you can implement flexibility, here are three mindsets to take with you in this holiday season.
Three Mindsets for Harnessing Flexibility in the Festive Season

ONE: Be selective, but nice
The holidays bring with them several additional to-do list items, so it is crucial to be picky with where you spend your time. Learning to say “no” and understanding when to delegate are some of the best tools in your holiday toolbox!
Stick to your plan, be selective with your time, and you will certainly avoid the unnecessary stress, leading to the inevitable fate of being the Grinch of the family!
TWO: Make your list, and check it twice ✔️
The best way to avoid the to-do list overwhelm is to divide your tasks into manageable chunks and then schedule them strategically into clearly defined steps.
Be thorough in your note-taking during the holiday season! New ideas for your podcast may come to you while you are hanging a string of lights – so don’t let those bright ideas slip away!
THREE: Wrap your workflow up as a gift to yourself
The most essential element that goes into managing your time wisely is creating a streamlined podcasting process. Holiday-proofing your workflow can be like giving yourself a big box with a bow on top, full of time for concentrating on what matters!
A Final Word on Flexibility
As the festivities kick off, now is as good a time as any to get a stronger handle on managing your podcast workflow. So let’s get it done!
BONUS: Five Step Holiday Podcasting Process
When setting out on this holiday season, implement these 5 steps to keep yourself on track with your podcast so you don’t miss a beat!
The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter.
Want this type of content while it’s still hot off the presses? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Podcast Playbook! By signing up, you’ll also get our 50 Genius Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Content PDF straight to your inbox!