Carli van Heerden | We Edit Podcasts A Podcast Production Agency Mon, 03 Jun 2024 19:55:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Carli van Heerden | We Edit Podcasts 32 32 037: How to Separate Your Podcast Goals from the Actionable Steps with Carli van Heerden Mon, 03 Jun 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Welcome to this fourth edition of The Founder’s Corner miniseries, as Carli van Heerden shares some important advice for founders and business leaders in podcasting. Today is all about separating the goal from the action or activity that is required to achieve that goal. We discuss the importance of not waiting or hesitating to take […]

The post 037: How to Separate Your Podcast Goals from the Actionable Steps with Carli van Heerden first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>

Welcome to this fourth edition of The Founder’s Corner miniseries, as Carli van Heerden shares some important advice for founders and business leaders in podcasting. Today is all about separating the goal from the action or activity that is required to achieve that goal.

We discuss the importance of not waiting or hesitating to take action, the undeniable value of consistency, why you always need to be planning for the future, and the two main strategies that, when implemented, will help you on your way to achieving your goals. 

For more key takeaways from this episode, be sure to check out Business Beyond The Mic Show Notes.

Takeaways From This Episode: 

It’s important to separate the goal from the activity that it takes to achieve the goal. This helps you to shift your focus to where it’s needed most – the activity; the action. 

Many podcasts don’t make it past the first three episodes. So, for you to be a successful podcaster, you need to be thinking about the future and have a long-term action plan in place. But it all starts with the first step, so be brave and take the leap!

We need to understand what it takes to reach our long-term goals. The best way to start is by focusing on the action rather than the goal. So, let’s take a look at what this look like for your podcast.

Consistency is a term that gets thrown around a lot but with good reason. Without consistency, you’ll always fall short of achieving what you set out to do. James Clear put it best when he said, “Success is the product of daily habits, not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”

Here’s a reminder of the two simple strategies that will help to ensure that the goals you set are met. The first is planning for the long term, knowing that being consistent in the steps you take today will pay off in the long run. The second is committing to the activity and focusing on the action that is required for your progress.


“Consistency is key, so you have to get started to build that.” —  @carlivanheerden [0:02:59]

“Most people who reach their goals have one thing in common; they focus on the activity that gets them to their goal instead of the goal [itself].” —  @carlivanheerden [0:03:38]

“As James Clear says, ‘Success is the product of daily habits, not once-in-a-lifetime transformations’.” —  @carlivanheerden [0:05:40]

“Most of the time, the reason that you’re not where you want to be is because you’re not consistently doing the things you need to do to get there.” —  @carlivanheerden [0:05:51]

Resources from Today’s Episode:

James Clear

Connect with Carli:

Business Beyond The Mic on Spotify 

Business Beyond The Mic on Apple Podcasts

Business Beyond The Mic on Instagram

Business Beyond The Mic on YouTube

Carli van Heerden

Carli on Instagram 

Carli on X

We Edit Podcasts

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5 Simple Strategies for Success Mon, 03 Jun 2024 12:30:00 +0000 Today, I want to dive into the broad topic of success. Now, I know “success” means something different to everyone. But I want to share 5 simple strategies for success that anyone can use. And it boils down to a simple phrase, “Success leaves clues…” But first… The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous […]

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Today, I want to dive into the broad topic of success. Now, I know “success” means something different to everyone. But I want to share 5 simple strategies for success that anyone can use. And it boils down to a simple phrase, “Success leaves clues…”

But first…

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!

Now, let’s dive into today’s post!

Looking for Simple Strategies for Success?

We often find wisdom in unexpected places. 

5 Simple Strategies for Success

Recently I stumbled upon the notion that “success leaves clues”. 

When you look at the landscape of accomplished podcasters, those clues are strewn about like treasures waiting to be discovered!

And this is true for other areas of our lives as well.

But this concept extends far beyond the realm of podcasting — it’s a universal truth. 

Success leaves its mark, regardless of the arena.

There is something so powerful about looking to those who are successful in other “spheres” of life and picking up on their clues to success. 

It’s in deciphering these clues that we unlock the secrets to our own triumphs!

So how can you apply these common clues to the success of your podcast? 

Let’s look at 5 guiding principles to lead you to success. 

5 Simple Strategies for Success

1. Checklist 

Make a list and see what applies to your podcast. 

For example: when you’ve just read an incredible book, write down what the author did or spoke about to make the book so successful. Was it their method of storytelling, or their level of research, or perhaps their character-building? What stood out?

Next, take that checklist of things and apply it to your goals.

Define what success looks like for your podcast. Whether it’s reaching a certain number of listeners, monetization, or establishing thought leadership in your niche — establish your picture of success.

This checklist of transferable habits for success can be applied to your podcast and will ultimately take it to the next level.

2. Consistency 

In all things — publishing schedule, audio quality, and value of content — consistency is key!

As with fitness or personal development, consistency is the driver behind long-term success. 

Podcasting may have its ups and downs, but staying resilient during times of low listenership or creative blocks is essential. Keep pushing forward and learning from setbacks!

Use the consistent habits for success seen in athletes, entrepreneurs, etc. and apply it to yourself as a podcaster.

3. Authenticity 

In personal relationships or branding, authenticity is highly valued. 

Set out on a journey to be genuine in your podcasting efforts. Share your unique perspective, be transparent with your audience, and don’t try to mimic other podcasts or personas.

After all, it takes a lot more effort to “pretend” to be someone you are not than simply being yourself!

Share content that you’re genuinely passionate about, and let your enthusiasm resonate with your audience.

4. Engagement 

Take a cue from entertainment or marketing industries and focus on engaging your audience. Encourage listener participation through Q&A segments, polls, or by featuring listener stories or feedback.

But ultimately, engagement goes even beyond that! 

Think about your top tennis players… if they didn’t have true fans invested in their matches, there would be no impact beyond the court. 

Without your audience, your podcast wouldn’t “exist” in the same way that it does when listeners are engaged.

5. Networking 

One thing to take from all spheres of life is the value of networking. Now I just want to clarify that by “networking” I mean building a strong network! Because the harsh truth is, networking is dead…

…at least in the conventional sense of the idea.

You simply won’t move the needle by accumulating thousands of “transactional” connections.

You get somewhere by forging genuine relationships.

Follow the Clues, Find Success

All this to say, looking into other spheres of life on your path to success can open up opportunities you never may have thought of. And these simple strategies for success can help you do just that!

So get your observation glasses on, and make sure you don’t miss those clues to success!

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter. 

Want this type of content while it’s still hot off the presses? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Podcast Playbook! By signing up, you’ll also get our 50 Genius Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Content PDF straight to your inbox!

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036: How to Take Your Podcast to the Next Level Using Video with Carli & Jennay Mon, 27 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 With more than 2 billion active users, YouTube offers a tremendous opportunity to grow your audience. With this in mind, we welcome back our resident guest and Head of Content at We Edit Podcasts, Jennay Horn, to discuss the hot topic of video podcasts. When is the right time to do a video podcast? What is the […]

The post 036: How to Take Your Podcast to the Next Level Using Video with Carli & Jennay first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>

With more than 2 billion active users, YouTube offers a tremendous opportunity to grow your audience. With this in mind, we welcome back our resident guest and Head of Content at We Edit Podcasts, Jennay Horn, to discuss the hot topic of video podcasts. When is the right time to do a video podcast? What is the best way to incorporate it into your podcasting routine? How can you benefit from adding video? We answer all these questions and more!

Tuning in, you’ll learn our top tips for adding video to your daily podcasting habits, including simple techniques to ensure you capture the right moments, drive engagement with your audience, and let them in on your process. You’ll even discover some creative ways to monetize your podcast with bonus content. So, if you’re looking to take your podcast to the next level using video, this is the episode for you!

Takeaways From This Episode:

To video or not to video? While you can certainly learn everything you need to learn, there is quite a steep learning curve when it comes to creating a full-blown video podcast. You need extra time, equipment, and a certain set of skills to make a successful video podcast. We suggest getting started by adding video to your daily podcast routine using our simple tips!

If you need a little bit of extra motivation for adding video to your podcasting process, look no further! Not only can video help you reach a wider audience, but it can also help you drive higher engagement by providing richer content for your listeners.

Not sure where to start? Audiograms and videograms are a great way to ease yourself into using video components for your podcast and entice listeners to tune in. They’re also great for cross-promotion with your guests, as they are highly shareable. Behind-the-scenes content and Q&As with your guests are the perfect next steps for adding video to your podcasting process, creating good video habits, and even monetizing your podcast with fun exclusive content.

Speaking of fun content, another way to add video to your podcasting routine is to have your guests film introductions for you. From building rapport to creating hype for your podcast, these guest intros are the perfect teasers! You can also record quick-and-easy teasers yourself by dropping some hints about upcoming guests and episode content. All you need is your phone!

Want to augment your audio with some visual aids? Try creating supplementary videos that go hand-in-hand with your podcast to help your audience gain a deeper understanding of your content. These supplementary videos can also be used to create online courses to monetize the work you’re already doing for your podcast, so they’re not only versatile but highly valuable too!

Live podcasts are another great way to incorporate video, and they’re accessible to anyone with just a little bit of tech-savvy! All you need is a platform like Zoom or even live broadcasts on Instagram. Do a live recording of your podcast, host a Q&A session with your listeners; whatever you choose, be candid and make it fun. Letting your listeners in on your process is a fantastic way to just strengthen your community.


“Video is such an important part of growing your podcast. It’s a great way to diversify your content, grow your audience, and also just give so much more value to your community.” — Jennay Horn [0:02:51]

“The reason you’re incorporating video is to draw your audience in [and] create a deeper, more connected relationship – Behind-the-scenes, Q&A, getting to know you better, getting to know your guest better is a fantastic way to strengthen the bond between you and your listeners.” — Jennay Horn [0:08:53]

“It can be super easy to hop on a trend and use that as a marketing [tactic] because you’re going to get the traction with the algorithm and it’s going to be promoting your show.” — @carlivanheerden [0:12:16]

“Technology has made this super easy for us. Do a live recording of your podcast. Host a Q&A session with your listeners. Let them send in questions that you can answer live. Use Instagram, Zoom, whatever platform you want to use. Live events are a great way to add video.” — Jennay Horn [0:14:05]

Resources from Today’s Episode:

Jennay Horn on LinkedIn

We Edit Podcasts Video Production Services

Business Beyond The Mic: Launch Episode


The Diary of a CEO Podcast with Steven Bartlett

Connect with Carli:

Business Beyond The Mic on Spotify 

Business Beyond The Mic on Apple Podcasts

Business Beyond The Mic on Instagram

Business Beyond The Mic on YouTube

Carli van Heerden

Carli on Instagram 

Carli on X

We Edit Podcasts

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How To Find the Balance In Your Schedule Mon, 27 May 2024 12:30:00 +0000 We hear it all the time, “You have to find the balance!” But, let’s be honest, that’s way easier said than done, right? Perhaps you’re even thinking that it can’t be done! Don’t worry, I’ve had those same thoughts! But, I was determined to prove it could be! So today, I want to share with […]

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We hear it all the time, “You have to find the balance!” But, let’s be honest, that’s way easier said than done, right? Perhaps you’re even thinking that it can’t be done! Don’t worry, I’ve had those same thoughts! But, I was determined to prove it could be! So today, I want to share with you what I’ve discovered on my hunt to find the balance in your schedule.

But first…

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!

Now, let’s dive into today’s post!

Balance in Your Schedule? Does This Even Exist?

I saw this phrase the other day…

“If the thing the person wants me to do was happening tomorrow, would I want to do it?”

Turns out, I read it like this…

“If the thing the person wants me to do was happening tomorrow,  how would I get it done?”

But either way you spin it…those two questions are powerful! WOULD you want to do it, and, if so, HOW would you get it done?

Here on the Founder’s Corner, I talk a lot about using your time wisely. As a CEO and busy mom of 2, time is ever so precious!

And if I’m not in control of my own calendar, someone else definitely will be.

How to find the balance in your schedule

For me, to keep things organized, there are only two categories of to-do’s that I allow into my work schedule.

  1. Urgent + Important 
  2. Non-urgent + Important 

If it’s urgent it means there is a deadline. It is also important because it will drive my business or podcast (or goals) forward!

However, there is also the second category of non-urgent, yet still important. In fact, some non-urgent to-do’s might be the most impactful for your podcast in the long run!

Now, if you only have 24 hours, how do you do it all?

The key is to save time in some areas so that you can spend more in areas that matter most!

This applies to so many areas of your life.

I mean, how often have you heard a great idea or new suggestion and thought, “Oh, I simply don’t have time for that.”

Like when someone suggests you launch more frequent episodes, or add video to your podcast, or create engaging social clips, or even spend more time on better podcast promotion…the list goes on!

All these extras take time…HOWEVER, they can have an immense impact! 

Conclusion? You need to find the time! 

So, the next time you hear yourself say, “Oh I don’t have time for that”, do you know what that’s code for?

I need to do a TIME AUDIT!

By doing a quick audit of what you spend your time on, you can easily identify tasks that can either be outsourced or simply eliminated altogether, so that you have the time for what is going to make the biggest impact.

A Time Audit to Find Balance In Your Schedule

So here’s how I do a simple time audit in 3 steps.

1. Document 

First up, you need a timing system. Whether it’s good ol’ pen and paper or a fancy time-tracking app, find what works for you.

Then, diligently log your activities throughout the day. Don’t worry, we won’t judge if you spend a bit too long scrolling through cat videos.

2. Categorize 

Next, organize those activities into categories.

Work-related stuff goes in one pile, leisure activities in another, family time in another, and so on.

It’s like Marie Kondo-ing your time – if it doesn’t spark joy (or productivity), it might need to go.

3. Analyze 

Time to crunch some numbers!

Add up the hours spent in each category and then ask yourself:

  • “Are these in alignment with the goals I have for my business/podcast/life?”
  • “Am I allowing enough time for the most urgent and impactful things?”

Next, take a long, hard look at your data. Notice any trends?

Are you spending way too much time on tasks that could easily be delegated? Are you flip-flopping between tasks too often without actually completing any? Or maybe you’re indulging in too many binge marathons of your favorite comfort show when you could be recording an extra episode.

The Balance In Your Schedule is There to Be Found!

Whatever it is, identify the time-sucks and brainstorm ways to reclaim those minutes (or hours)!

So there you have it – a simple yet powerful way to take control of your time. You see, it is possible to find the balance in your schedule.

And with this easy time audit, you will be able to find the balance in your schedule, too. And I’ve made it easy so that you can easily remember and apply it to your own busy schedules. But if you remember nothing else from this post, remember this…Control your own time, or someone else will dictate it for you!

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter. 

Want this type of content while it’s still hot off the presses? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Podcast Playbook! By signing up, you’ll also get our 50 Genius Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Content PDF straight to your inbox!

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How To Create “No Fluff” Content Mon, 20 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Let’s dive straight into it, because today, I want to talk about how we can create “no fluff” content. We’re very “anti-fluff” here at We Edit Podcasts. We’re all about value. It’s one of our core values! (Pun intended!) So, if you’re looking for ways to continuously share value, whether that’s through your podcast or […]

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Let’s dive straight into it, because today, I want to talk about how we can create “no fluff” content. We’re very “anti-fluff” here at We Edit Podcasts. We’re all about value. It’s one of our core values! (Pun intended!) So, if you’re looking for ways to continuously share value, whether that’s through your podcast or any other type of content you might create, I want to share my 5 keys for creating “no fluff” content.

But first…

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!

Now, let’s dive into today’s post!

Let’s Talk “No Fluff” Content…

Do you ever get sucked in to a piece of content, genuinely interested in learning the “answer” only to be told, “Sign up to find out”?

Man, does that get under my skin!

Instead of feeling inspired by something new that I’ve learned, it leaves me feeling like I’ve just wasted my time and learned nothing in the process. It’s basically like a content “fluff sandwich” that is completely unsatisfying.

So, what’s the deal with all the “fluff” lately? And how can we as podcasters and content creators stay on the path of providing real value?

In a world flooded with information, getting your point across succinctly is more valuable now than ever before. Content saturation is a real challenge, and cutting the “fluff” can actually help your message stand out.

So, here’s my HOT TAKE

Focus on “no-fluff” content!

What does “no-fluff” content mean?

How to create "no fluff" content; content creation

Simply put, “no fluff” content is content that is: 

  • To the point
  • Clear
  • And devoid of any unnecessary statements that don’t serve a purpose.

Doesn’t that sound like the type of content we’re all after?

So, now for the BIG QUESTION…

How do we stop serving fluff sandwiches and instead serve that delicious, value-dense content our audience is hungry for?

Whenever I’m creating content, be it for my podcast, or any of the other platforms I’m showing up on, I have five key principles that guide my creation process. 

And all you have to do to get them is sign…JUST KIDDING! 

ALL you have to do is keep reading, it’s ALL here…

The Five Keys to Create “No-Fluff” Content

1. No Strings Attached 

The first key is delivering actionable value upfront, no strings attached! The most valuable content is just that: valuable. No fluff, no upsells!

Remember, authenticity is key. By presenting truth and honesty to your audience, you build trust and credibility. And guess what? Your audience can smell legitimacy from a mile away. They appreciate it more than anything else.

So forget about the fancy funnels and upsells. Focus on delivering value. The ROI? It’ll come naturally when you prioritize genuine connection and meaningful content.

2. Highlight the Facts 

Listener-generated data isn’t just numbers on a spreadsheet; it’s the heartbeat of your audience’s preferences, desires, and behaviors!

Ultimately, you can use data-driven storytelling to create real, meaningful connections!

Whether you use existing data or send out surveys for fresh insights, you can use the data to create stories that resonate on a human level.

And these aren’t just filled with marketing fluff; they’re authentic narratives that capture the essence of your audience’s experiences!

3. Give, Give, Give 

Content is a gift to be shared generously! The key is providing value without holding back. That means giving away templates, checklists, and extra narratives without hesitation.

Think of it this way: sharing a recipe doesn’t turn everyone into a master chef. Even with all the instructions laid out, there’s still a need for expertise and guidance. That’s where you come in!

The more we provide, the more valuable it becomes.

By freely offering tools and resources, you empower your audience to take action and succeed!

4. Tell the Full Story 

The fourth key is to tell the full story. Don’t only share the wins and the successes.

Craft a strong narrative by sharing the background, the approach you took, where you succeeded, as well as the failures you experienced along the way.

In the end, it’s all about connecting on a human level and demonstrating your relevance and expertise in a way that resonates with your audience.

5. Encourage Action 

The final spotlight falls on a crucial litmus test for your content: actionability. It’s not just about what you say; it’s about what your audience can do with that information.

Are you sparking change, igniting new behaviors, or shifting mindsets?

In a world brimming with information overload, simplicity is your ally. Think of your content as a roadmap, guiding your audience toward tangible steps they can take.

Encourage your listeners to take that leap from passive consumption to active engagement. 

Whether it’s trying out a new technique, adopting a fresh perspective, or implementing a small change in their daily routine, inspire them to take action!

Join the “No Fluff” Content Revolution!

So, let’s cut the fluff! And focus on consistently serving up value. Not only will your audience keep coming back for more, but you’ll build a legacy that’s built to last!

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter. 

Want this type of content while it’s still hot off the presses? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Podcast Playbook! By signing up, you’ll also get our 50 Genius Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Content PDF straight to your inbox!

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035: The Podcast Growth Strategy Every Podcaster Needs with Carli van Heerden Mon, 20 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Welcome back to Business Beyond the Mic as once again, we join Carli in the Founders Corner. Taken from our weekly newsletter at We Edit Podcasts, this edition of the Founders Corner explores the podcast growth strategy that every podcaster needs. Starting a podcast is easy, but growing a podcast is where the real work […]

The post 035: The Podcast Growth Strategy Every Podcaster Needs with Carli van Heerden first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>

Welcome back to Business Beyond the Mic as once again, we join Carli in the Founders Corner. Taken from our weekly newsletter at We Edit Podcasts, this edition of the Founders Corner explores the podcast growth strategy that every podcaster needs. Starting a podcast is easy, but growing a podcast is where the real work begins. 

Carli begins by explaining what a podcast growth strategy is, why every podcaster needs one, and the four pillars that define a quick-reference content flywheel. Then, we discover just how powerful an effective flywheel is, the three flywheel components that ensure success and the rewards of hard work. Lastly, we get into the importance of putting your plan into action as soon as its been formed.

Takeaways From This Episode: 

Every podcaster needs a growth strategy. Carli recommends creating a content flywheel to combat the inevitable lack of inspiration that happens from time to time. This is a surefire way to make sure you are consistently creating quality content for your audience. 

It all comes down to consistency. The more high-quality content you commit to putting out, the more momentum you will find. Focus on creating shareable content that you can break down and repurpose on social media. The result? New listeners to inspire new content.

To understand what to build into your content flywheel, you first have to understand what it is that you want to achieve from it. More downloads, a bigger audience, or greater reach are just some of the goals you might have.

Consistency is key, and it absolutely works. The three components of an effective flywheel start with consistency and include taking feedback onboard and pivoting accordingly, and capitalizing on the momentum you have already built.

Your podcast consumers can become your podcast promoters. If they like what they’re listening to, they are likely to share this out, and that’s exactly where you want to be. If you are creating content that answers their questions or solves their problems, this is likely to happen for you!


“Whether you are a creator like a podcaster, blogger, writer, course builder, brand builder, you name it; everything relies on you being able to consistently put out a high value of content for your audience.” — @carlivanheerden [0:02:07]

“To understand what you have to build into your content flywheel, you first have to understand what it is that you want to achieve from it.” — @carlivanheerden [0:05:54]

“The very first thing is to build in consistency and encourage it. Now I know, consistency gets absolutely beat over the head, but you know what? It’s because it works. You won’t be able to make any impact with your podcast if you aren’t consistently publishing week in, week out for many, many months or years to come.” — @carlivanheerden [0:06:22]

“If you aren’t doing what you can to promote your podcast in different groups, to your listeners, to your family, to your friends, encouraging reviews, everything that you can do to help it grow consistently, then, of course, you aren’t going to make any impact.” — @carlivanheerden [0:06:58]

“Every piece of content that you design and create should be to solve a problem that your listeners are looking to answer, or answering the questions that are on their hearts, or finding ways to just align and resonate with what they are looking for when it comes to your specific podcast.” — @carlivanheerden [0:07:55]

Resources from Today’s Episode: 

James Watt 

Connect with Carli:

Business Beyond The Mic on Spotify 

Business Beyond The Mic on Apple Podcasts

Business Beyond The Mic on Instagram

Business Beyond The Mic on YouTube

Carli van Heerden

Carli on Instagram 

Carli on XWe Edit Podcasts

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034: How to Successfully Relaunch Your Podcast After a Tricky Co-Host Split Amber Romaniuk Mon, 13 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Navigating a podcast relaunch after co-hosts have split can feel impossible, but today, we are joined by Amber Romaniuk to share her expertise on the topic and show us that it is, in fact, possible to make your podcast a success again by showing up authentically! Amber is an emotional eating, digestive, and hormone expert […]

The post 034: How to Successfully Relaunch Your Podcast After a Tricky Co-Host Split Amber Romaniuk first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>

Navigating a podcast relaunch after co-hosts have split can feel impossible, but today, we are joined by Amber Romaniuk to share her expertise on the topic and show us that it is, in fact, possible to make your podcast a success again by showing up authentically! Amber is an emotional eating, digestive, and hormone expert and after years of binge eating and massive weight fluctuation, Amber decided to turn her life and relationship with food around, and now, she is helping others do the same through her work and incredible podcast, The No Sugarcoating Podcast

In this conversation, you’ll hear all about what inspired Amber to start her podcast and how a co-host split gone sour forced her into starting over and eventually led to more success than she could’ve imagined! We discuss how Amber handled the relaunch of the podcast through her authenticity and ardent desire to help the world heal before she shares all of the unexpected benefits she’s seen after going solo. She even shares advice for anyone going into a podcasting partnership as well as what she has learned from her own. This episode is filled with pearls of wisdom and inspiration to show up as yourself in the world so be sure to tune in now!

Takeaways From This Episode: 

Amber tells us about her background, how the media perpetuated her poor relationship with food, and her personal healing journey. When Amber realized how much happier she was once she freed herself from her food addiction, she was inspired to start her business to help other people achieve the same freedom. She tells us what inspired her to launch her podcast and how it’s adapted over the years. 

Amber originally started her podcast with a co-host and today, she tells us about their split, why it happened, and how she pivoted. Unfortunately, Amber’s co-host did not stick to their agreement following their split, changed all their passwords, and shut her out of their accounts. Amber had to start over completely and shares the lessons she learnt from this experience. 

The No Sugarcoating Podcast grew astronomically once Amber had overcome that hurdle due to her incredible authenticity and rapport with her listeners. Her desire to help the planet heal made it easy for her to pivot and in this episode, she tells us how she started again, why she prefers to do solo episodes more often than having guests on the show, and why you should never hold back from presenting yourself authentically. 

Amber shares all of the surprising benefits of going solo with us today and since splitting from her co-host, The No Sugarcoating Podcast has reached more people and has grown exponentially monetarily. Amber has also had more opportunities to meet like-minded entrepreneurs and business owners through her podcast. Amber even tells us about how she has gotten sponsors and brand partnerships. 

It can be quite difficult to stay consistent and continue to create content in your podcasting when you have recorded hundreds of episodes and Amber tells us that the key to never running out of ideas is to do what you love! Amber discusses why reproducing content and retelling your story is important before explaining how she remains consistent, how long her episodes are, and how beneficial delegation is. 

Amber goes on to share how she promotes her podcast and continues to build her community. She has adopted an attitude of gratitude and makes the effort to grab every opportunity that comes her way. Lastly, Amber answers our quick-fire questions and tells us what podcasting has taught her as a business owner, her non-negotiables in podcasting, the biggest lesson she learned, and more! 


“If you have a podcast partner and you’re working together, I don’t care how much you like each other, and how good of friends you think you are or brother, sister, whatever, like you need a contract.” — Amber Romaniuk [0:11:42]

“I’m actually so glad that I went solo because the podcast grew significantly once I started sharing my authentic journey, my stories, my vulnerability, what I had been through. I started attracting a lot more what I call my soulmate clients.” — Amber Romaniuk [0:14:12]

“Holding back served me no purpose or anyone else that was listening.” — Amber Romaniuk [0:18:39]

“The more vulnerable and authentic I am, the more well-received I am.” — Amber Romaniuk [0:35:54]

Resources from Today’s Episode: 

Amber Romaniuk

Amber Romaniuk on YouTube
Amber Romaniuk on Facebook

Amber Romaniuk on Instagram

Emotional Eating Quiz

Schedule a Complimentary Body Freedom Session

The No Sugarcoating Podcast
The No Sugarcoating Podcast on Apple Podcasts  

Episode 9: Leveraging Your Podcast to Open Doors to New Business Opportunities with Heather Pearce Campbell

Connect with Carli:

Business Beyond The Mic on Spotify 

Business Beyond The Mic on Apple Podcasts

Business Beyond The Mic on Instagram

Business Beyond The Mic on YouTube

Carli van Heerden

Carli on Instagram 

Carli on X

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Founder’s Corner #35 How To Build Confidence: Dissecting and Implementing the Confidence Loop Mon, 13 May 2024 12:30:00 +0000 Today I want to talk about that strange, sometime elusive thing called “confidence”. How do we get confidence? Where does it confidence come from? And, what if, all we think we know about confidence…is wrong! But don’t panic! I’m going to share something that has really helped me gain confidence is my own life. And […]

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Today I want to talk about that strange, sometime elusive thing called “confidence”. How do we get confidence? Where does it confidence come from? And, what if, all we think we know about confidence…is wrong! But don’t panic! I’m going to share something that has really helped me gain confidence is my own life. And it’s all comes down to knowing how to build confidence. And for that, we’re going to learning all about dissecting and implementing the confidence loop!

But first…

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!

Now, let’s dive into today’s post!

Dissecting and Implementing the Confidence Loop

In the spirit of confidence, I wanted to shake things up and introduce a new mindset…
But first, let’s start at the beginning.

Is Confidence the Starting Point?

Dissecting and Implementing the Confidence Loop

When confidence is your starting point, it can often be the limiting factor, especially when there is a lack of confidence.

This can hold you back from all the things you want to achieve; like launching your podcast, landing your dream guest, or even securing a sponsorship deal.

Now, instead of thinking of confidence as the starting point, let’s see what happens when we view it as something that comes “full circle”.

Picture it not as a linear path but as a circle, where confidence fuels your actions, and those actions, in turn, bolster your confidence.

Sure, there has to be some starting point somewhere…but hear me out.

  • Your confidence is connected to who you are.
  • Who you are feeds directly into what you do.
  • And what you do is, essentially, your why!

Now, imagine when who you are aligns seamlessly with your why. It creates a synergy that propels you forward, infusing your journey with purpose, fulfillment, and, crucially, confidence. 

This alignment forms the essence of what I like to call your personal confidence loop! 

So, how can you integrate this concept into your podcasting journey? You embrace the confidence loop! Take a look:

The Confidence Loop!

1. Authenticity Amplification 

By recognizing the interplay between who you are and why you podcast, you unlock the power of authenticity. 

When you operate within the confidence loop, authenticity becomes not just another buzzword but a guiding principle, enhancing the impact of your podcast.

2. Resilience Reinforcement 

The confidence loop acts as a shield against setbacks and challenges. 

When your actions are aligned with your purpose, setbacks become stepping stones rather than roadblocks. 

Each obstacle becomes an opportunity for growth, reinforcing your resilience and fortifying your confidence in your ability to navigate the podcasting landscape.

3. Momentum Maintenance 

In the dynamic world of podcasting, momentum is everything! The confidence loop sustains momentum by fuelling your passion and drive. 

When you operate from a place of alignment and purpose, each success fuels the next, creating a positive feedback loop of achievement and confidence. 

This momentum propels you forward, carrying your podcast to new heights!

The Confidence Loop Comes Full Circle

By embracing the confidence loop you infuse your podcasting journey with purpose, authenticity, resilience, and momentum. And, of course, with confidence. But, as we’ve know discovered, it’s not just about starting with confidence; it’s about nurturing and sustaining it throughout your life. 

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter. 

Want this type of content while it’s still hot off the presses? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Podcast Playbook! By signing up, you’ll also get our 50 Genius Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Content PDF straight to your inbox!

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033: How to Get Your Podcast Back on Track Mon, 06 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Today, we are back with another edition of The Founder’s Corner, based on previous versions of our weekly newsletter at We Edit Podcasts. This time, your host, Carli Van Heerden, dives into how to get your podcast back on track. Whether you’ve veered off course slightly, taken a much-needed break, or simply lost that momentum, […]

The post 033: How to Get Your Podcast Back on Track first appeared on We Edit Podcasts.]]>

Today, we are back with another edition of The Founder’s Corner, based on previous versions of our weekly newsletter at We Edit Podcasts. This time, your host, Carli Van Heerden, dives into how to get your podcast back on track. Whether you’ve veered off course slightly, taken a much-needed break, or simply lost that momentum, this episode is for you.

With every new season come new opportunities. But instead of just hopping on the next habit-hacking trend, what if you built a solid foundation and strategy? Tune in to hear three solid strategies to help you establish the foundation you need to get your podcast back on track no matter how many times you derail. Let’s get into it! 

Takeaways From This Episode:

We all have times when we lose our groove, lose our momentum, or simply just get distracted and veer off track. You are not a failure! Even the most successful people slip up from time to time. But what separates them from others, is their ability to get back on track.

Most successful people start in exactly the same place that you did. What did they do to get there? The first step to success is progress. And any progress, no matter how small, is progress, so do what you can to propel yourself into success!

What if you gave yourself permission to make mistakes? Self-compassion helps you to bounce back because it increases your resilience. When you approach things with a caring mindset, the next time you fall off track, there will be no harsh judgment. Just a strategy on what to do next!

Incremental change is a surefire way to create change. Success takes time. While small changes might not translate into results right away, I’m here to remind you to trust the process! Add your habits to your calendar, and practice them in your routine.

Does your space make you happy? Find ways to design your environment in a way that supports you when creating these successful habits.

Strive for progress! Rather than trying to be 100% all of the time at any goal that you set, start by improving one step at a time. The key is to be consistent, not perfect. Something else that really helps is to integrate an element of accountability. However, that might look for you.


“Habit formation depends entirely on your ability to bounce back from whatever has thrown you off track.” — @carlivanheerden [0:03:30]

“The first step to success is progress. Any progress, no matter how small, is progress, so do what you can to propel yourself into that success.” — @carlivanheerden [0:03:47]

“Give yourself permission to make mistakes.” — @carlivanheerden [0:04:31]

Connect with Carli:

Business Beyond The Mic on Spotify 

Business Beyond The Mic on Apple Podcasts

Business Beyond The Mic on Instagram

Business Beyond The Mic on YouTube

Carli van Heerden

Carli on Instagram 

Carli on X

We Edit Podcasts

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Founder’s Corner #34 The Quality Over Quantity Mindset Shift Mon, 06 May 2024 12:30:00 +0000 Today, I want to tackle something I’m constantly coming back to and thinking about in my own journey as an entrepreneur, founder, and podcaster. And that’s the quality over quantity debate. And what I’ve come to realize is that there is no foolproof answer. But, I’ve also discovered that striking the right balance involves a […]

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Today, I want to tackle something I’m constantly coming back to and thinking about in my own journey as an entrepreneur, founder, and podcaster. And that’s the quality over quantity debate. And what I’ve come to realize is that there is no foolproof answer. But, I’ve also discovered that striking the right balance involves a mindset shift. And that’s what I want to unpack today.

But first…

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on previous segments from our weekly newsletter. So if you want this type of content first, check out the link at the end of this post!

Now, let’s dive into today’s post!

The Quality Over Quantity Debate

As a mom, founder, and podcaster, I’m constantly having to schedule and juggle my time (my oh so precious time) in a day.

Between all the things that require my time and attention, sometimes I feel like my days are chopped up into tiny little slivers. And this got me thinking…

Are those slivers of time even meaningful when they are so “chopped up”?

We get so used to simply being “busy” in a day that we don’t often take the time to analyze what we are busy with or if it is actually quality-focused.

Now, this is not to say that being successful does not require hard work. Because, of course it does! Sometimes, the season that you are in requires a lot of hours, non-stop hustle, and doing more than the average person would. 

For example, when you are deep in the trenches of launching a podcast or a new course or simply starting anything new, then it’s definitely about the quantity

But once you’ve put in that initial time investment, then it’s time to put the systems into place to help you make a mindset shift! 

The  Quality Over Quantity Mindset Shift

Quality over quantity mindset shift

So what does this look like?

The interesting thing about this mindset shift or “debate” is that it touches on all areas of what you do.

Let’s take your podcast, for example.

1. Guest interviews

Should you focus on interviewing as many people as possible, or only focus on interviewing the best-suited guests that provide the most value for your show?

2. Marketing your podcast

Should you blast as many social posts across all platforms as you can, or focus on making fewer, high-quality posts, and directly sharing your episodes within specific groups or forums?

​3. Monetizing your show

Should you send as many cold emails to potential sponsors as you can, or focus on a few valuable partnerships that align with your podcast?

Seeing the trend?

Knowing how busy life can get and how precious time really is, personally I think there’s something to be said for focusing on quality time blocks rather than “busyness”. 

“It’s not about how long you work; it’s about how well you work.”

So, what are some things that shift when you focus on quality?

  • Enhanced Productivity 

When we prioritize quality, we focus on what truly matters. This leads to more efficient use of time and ultimately, better outcomes.

  • Increased Creativity 

A quality-over-quantity approach gives you the mental space to think creatively and to innovate. This can lead to better problem-solving and again, more focused results!

  • Improved Well-being

When you focus on quality in your work, this mindset carries through into your personal life as well, reducing stress and burnout, and promoting overall well-being. 

  • A More Engaged Mindset

When you see the value that the quality-over-quantity approach brings, in turn you become more committed to what you do. Which helps promote consistency and follow-through in the long run.

Is It Time for a Mindset Shift? Where Are You on Your Journey?

So, what stage of your podcast are you in? The quantity hustle or the quality marathon? 

Perhaps neither? 

Or perhaps you simply need to find a good middle ground. Whatever season you are in, just try to find a way to make the time you put in matter!

The Founder’s Corner posts are based on a segment of our weekly newsletter. 

Want this type of content while it’s still hot off the presses? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Podcast Playbook! By signing up, you’ll also get our 50 Genius Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Content PDF straight to your inbox!

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